This module is a simple runtime for the Pulp architecture.
You need to first install the Linux dependencies (see below).
Choose the configuration for which you want to compile the runtime, for example:
$ source configs/
Then you can get one of the pulp example, compile and run it.
Here are the required system dependencies for building the runtime and its dependencies.
Starting from a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 distribution, here are the commands to be executed to get all required dependencies:
$ sudo apt install git python3-pip gawk texinfo libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev
$ sudo pip3 install pyelftools
Have a look at the dependencies documentation to see how to build them.
You can have a look here for the toolchain.
The toolchain must be built separately and the following environment variable should set:
$ export PATH=<path to the folder containing the bin folder of the toolchain>/bin:$PATH
RTL platforms should also be built separately (see the platform documentation for that) and the following environment variable must point to the folder where the platform was installed (this example is for pulpissimo):
$ export VSIM_PATH=<pulpissimo root folder>/sim
Some examples can be found here:
The vsim gui can be opened with this option:
$ make run gui=1
The uart can be selected for the printf with this option:
$ make all run io=uart
The baudrate can also be specified with:
$ make all run io=uart CONFIG_IO_UART_BAUDRATE=9600