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drop the broken GHC 8 support (#130)
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wavewave authored Dec 17, 2022
1 parent 1767e2b commit e467755
Showing 1 changed file with 10 additions and 199 deletions.
209 changes: 10 additions & 199 deletions src/Refact/Compat.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,11 +43,7 @@ module Refact.Compat (
StmtLR (..),

-- * HsSyn / GHC.Hs
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 810
module GHC.Hs,
module HsSyn,

-- * Name / OccName / GHC.Types.Name
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,163 +98,78 @@ module Refact.Compat (
) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 900
import GHC.Data.Bag (unitBag, bagToList )
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT)
import Data.Data (Data)
import qualified GHC
import GHC.Data.Bag (unitBag, bagToList)
import GHC.Data.FastString (FastString, mkFastString)
import qualified GHC.Data.Strict as Strict
import GHC.Data.StringBuffer (stringToStringBuffer)
import GHC.Driver.Errors.Types (ErrorMessages, ghcUnknownMessage)
import GHC.Driver.Session hiding (initDynFlags)
import GHC.Parser.Annotation
import GHC.Hs hiding (Pat, Stmt)
import GHC.Parser.Header (getOptions)
import GHC.Types.Error (getMessages)
import GHC.Types.Fixity ( Fixity(..) )
import GHC.Utils.Error
import GHC.Types.Name (nameOccName, occName, occNameString)
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader (RdrName (..), rdrNameOcc)
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc hiding (spans)
import GHC.Types.SourceText
import GHC.Utils.Panic (pprPanic)
import GHC.Utils.Error
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
( ppr,
import GHC.Utils.Panic (handleGhcException)
import ApiAnnotation
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ == 810
import Bag (unitBag)
import BasicTypes (Fixity (..), SourceText (..))
import ErrUtils
( ErrorMessages,
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ == 810
import DynFlags hiding (initDynFlags)
import FastString (FastString, mkFastString)
import GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type (Extension (..))
import HeaderInfo (getOptions)
import Name (nameOccName)
import OccName (occName, occNameString)
import Outputable
( ppr,
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ == 810
import Panic (handleGhcException)
import RdrName (RdrName (..), rdrNameOcc)
import SrcLoc hiding (spans)
import StringBuffer (stringToStringBuffer)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 810
import GHC.Hs hiding (Pat, Stmt)
#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 808
import HsSyn hiding (Pat, Stmt)

import GHC.Driver.Errors.Types (ErrorMessages, ghcUnknownMessage)
import GHC.Types.Error(getMessages)
import qualified GHC.Data.Strict as Strict
import GHC.Utils.Panic (handleGhcException, pprPanic)
import GHC.Driver.Config.Parser

import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT)
import Data.Data (Data)
import qualified GHC
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Parsers (Parser)
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Utils
import Refact.Types (Refactoring)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 806
type MonadFail' = Monad
type MonadFail' = MonadFail

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 900
type Module = Located HsModule
type Module = Located (HsModule GhcPs)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 810
type Errors = ErrorMessages
onError :: String -> Errors -> a
onError s = pprPanic s . vcat . ppp
ppp :: Errors -> [SDoc]
ppp pst = concatMap unDecorated $ fmap (diagnosticMessage . errMsgDiagnostic) $ bagToList $ getMessages pst
type Errors = (SrcSpan, String)
onError :: String -> Errors -> a
onError _ = error . show

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 900
type FunBind = HsMatchContext GhcPs
type FunBind = HsMatchContext RdrName

pattern RealSrcLoc' :: RealSrcLoc -> SrcLoc
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 900
pattern RealSrcLoc' r <- RealSrcLoc r _ where
RealSrcLoc' r = RealSrcLoc r Strict.Nothing
pattern RealSrcLoc' r <- RealSrcLoc r where
RealSrcLoc' r = RealSrcLoc r
{-# COMPLETE RealSrcLoc', UnhelpfulLoc #-}

pattern RealSrcSpan' :: RealSrcSpan -> SrcSpan
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 900
pattern RealSrcSpan' r <- RealSrcSpan r _ where
RealSrcSpan' r = RealSrcSpan r Strict.Nothing
pattern RealSrcSpan' r <- RealSrcSpan r where
RealSrcSpan' r = RealSrcSpan r
{-# COMPLETE RealSrcSpan', UnhelpfulSpan #-}

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 806 || __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 900
composeSrcSpan :: a -> a
composeSrcSpan = id

decomposeSrcSpan :: a -> a
decomposeSrcSpan = id

type SrcSpanLess a = a

type AnnSpan = RealSrcSpan
badAnnSpan :: AnnSpan
badAnnSpan =
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 900

srcSpanToAnnSpan :: SrcSpan -> AnnSpan
srcSpanToAnnSpan =
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 900
\case RealSrcSpan l _ -> l; _ -> badRealSrcSpan

annSpanToSrcSpan :: AnnSpan -> SrcSpan
annSpanToSrcSpan =
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 900
flip RealSrcSpan Strict.Nothing

setSrcSpanFile :: FastString -> SrcSpan -> SrcSpan
setSrcSpanFile file s
Expand All @@ -279,128 +190,28 @@ setRealSrcSpanFile file s = mkRealSrcSpan start' end'

setAnnSpanFile :: FastString -> AnnSpan -> AnnSpan
setAnnSpanFile =
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 900

mkErr :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> String -> Errors
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 810
mkErr _df l s = mkMessages $ unitBag (mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope l (ghcUnknownMessage $ mkDecoratedError [] [text s]))
mkErr = const (,)

parseModuleName :: SrcSpan -> Parser (LocatedA GHC.ModuleName)
parseModuleName ss _ _ s =
let newMN = GHC.L (GHC.noAnnSrcSpan ss) (GHC.mkModuleName s)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 900
newAnns = relativiseApiAnns newMN mempty
in pure newMN

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 806 || __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 900
type DoGenReplacement an ast a =
(Data ast, Data a) =>
a ->
(LocatedAn an ast -> Bool) ->
LocatedAn an ast ->
LocatedAn an ast ->
StateT Bool IO (LocatedAn an ast)
type DoGenReplacement ast a =
(Data (SrcSpanLess ast), HasSrcSpan ast, Data a) =>
a ->
(ast -> Bool) ->
ast ->
ast ->
StateT ((Anns, AnnKeyMap), Bool) IO ast

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 806 || __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 900
type ReplaceWorker a mod =
(Data a, Data mod) =>
mod ->
Parser (GHC.LocatedA a) ->
Int ->
Refactoring SrcSpan ->
IO mod
type ReplaceWorker a mod =
(Data a, HasSrcSpan a, Data mod, Data (SrcSpanLess a)) =>
Anns ->
mod ->
AnnKeyMap ->
Parser a ->
Int ->
Refactoring SrcSpan ->
IO (Anns, mod, AnnKeyMap)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 900
-- | Copied from "Language.Haskell.GhclibParserEx.GHC.Driver.Session", in order to
-- support GHC 8.6
impliedXFlags :: [(Extension, Bool, Extension)]
-- See Note [Updating flag description in the User's Guide]
= [ (RankNTypes, True, ExplicitForAll)
, (QuantifiedConstraints, True, ExplicitForAll)
, (ScopedTypeVariables, True, ExplicitForAll)
, (LiberalTypeSynonyms, True, ExplicitForAll)
, (ExistentialQuantification, True, ExplicitForAll)
, (FlexibleInstances, True, TypeSynonymInstances)
, (FunctionalDependencies, True, MultiParamTypeClasses)
, (MultiParamTypeClasses, True, ConstrainedClassMethods) -- c.f. #7854
, (TypeFamilyDependencies, True, TypeFamilies)

, (RebindableSyntax, False, ImplicitPrelude) -- NB: turn off!

, (DerivingVia, True, DerivingStrategies)

, (GADTs, True, GADTSyntax)
, (GADTs, True, MonoLocalBinds)
, (TypeFamilies, True, MonoLocalBinds)

, (TypeFamilies, True, KindSignatures) -- Type families use kind signatures
, (PolyKinds, True, KindSignatures) -- Ditto polymorphic kinds

-- TypeInType is now just a synonym for a couple of other extensions.
, (TypeInType, True, DataKinds)
, (TypeInType, True, PolyKinds)
, (TypeInType, True, KindSignatures)

-- AutoDeriveTypeable is not very useful without DeriveDataTypeable
, (AutoDeriveTypeable, True, DeriveDataTypeable)

-- We turn this on so that we can export associated type
-- type synonyms in subordinates (e.g. MyClass(type AssocType))
, (TypeFamilies, True, ExplicitNamespaces)
, (TypeOperators, True, ExplicitNamespaces)

, (ImpredicativeTypes, True, RankNTypes)

-- Record wild-cards implies field disambiguation
-- Otherwise if you write (C {..}) you may well get
-- stuff like " 'a' not in scope ", which is a bit silly
-- if the compiler has just filled in field 'a' of constructor 'C'
, (RecordWildCards, True, DisambiguateRecordFields)

, (ParallelArrays, True, ParallelListComp)

, (JavaScriptFFI, True, InterruptibleFFI)

, (DeriveTraversable, True, DeriveFunctor)
, (DeriveTraversable, True, DeriveFoldable)

-- Duplicate record fields require field disambiguation
, (DuplicateRecordFields, True, DisambiguateRecordFields)

, (TemplateHaskell, True, TemplateHaskellQuotes)
, (Strict, True, StrictData)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 810
, (StandaloneKindSignatures, False, CUSKs)

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