SimpleSL is a scripting language i create in my free time.
Run script from a file:
cargo run examples/example1
Run repl:
cargo run
use simplesl::{Code, Interpreter};
fn main() {
let interpreter = Interpreter::with_stdlib();
let _ = Code::parse(&interpreter, "print(\"Hello world!\")")
print("Hello world")
Comment works like in C or Rust
// One line comment
Multiline comment
print("Hello world"/* Comment */)
x := true //bool
x := false //bool
x := 5 // int
y := 5.0 // float
text := "Hello\n world" // string
x := ["int", 7.0, 4] // array
x := [0; 5] // array containg five zeros
tuple := (5, 7.8, "value") // tuple
tuple := (4, "rgg", 56)
print(tuple) // prints (4, "rgg", 56)
print(tuple) //prints (5, 7.8, "value")
delta := (a: float, b: float, c: float) -> float {
return b**2.0+4.0*a*c
} // function taking free arguments of type float and returning value of type float
name := "Tom"
x := (){
print("Hello "+name);
x() // prints "Hello Tom"
name := "Jerry"
x() // still prints "Hello Tom"
print := (vars: any) {
} // function are availible after they are created and can be overwritten
x() // but this still works as before
y := (f: ()->()){
} // function y takes function as argument and exec it
()->(){print("Function")} // anonymous function
rec := (n: int){
if n>0 {
} //recursion
Function arguments are always executed left to right