Those are some of mine dot files and configuration steps.
- Copy all the files from ubuntu folder to your home
- sudo apt-get install ncurses-term (this will recognize de gnome-256color)
- Copy all the files from windows folder to your home
- install git
- install ruby (at windows use 1 click installer, at ubuntu use package manager)
- install rubygems (at ubuntu don't use package manager, get the source and install)
- install rails
- install other desired gems
Add other gem sources
gem source -a
use --no-ri --no-rdoc if you don't want to install the current gem DOCS.
- hirb
- rake
- rack
- sqlite3-ruby
- heroku
- jamis-fuzzy_file_finder
You may use different OS accounts, so each account have link to one GITHUB account
If you can't or don't want to use multiple OS accounts then you need to do this:
Add a config file into ~/.ssh folder
Add this to your config file:
# Default GitHub user (DefaulUser)
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# Other user (OtherUser)
Host github-other_user_name
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_other_user_name
Then add the 2nd key to your ssh keys by doing:
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_other_user_name
- Open a git bash
- exec ssh-agent bash
- then use the ssh-add command
- Verify if the dot files here are up to date. (probably some stuff should be updated)