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Extract text from sign board and tag as metadata


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Utilize Google Vision API to extract text from archaeological photos containing a sign board. Further, the extracted text can be added as searchable XMP metadata tags to photos.


You can install signboardr from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")


This package is a thin wrapper around the RoogleVision package getGoogleVisionResponse function with additional functions for plotting of extracted text and writing of extracted text as XMP metadata using the ExifTools tool.

Original Field Photo

Original image

Text Extraction Bounding Boxes on Original Photo

Highlighted image after analysis


The general workflow for this package is as follows:

  1. Authenticate Google Vision credentials (see authentication section)

  2. Execute extract_text() on a single image or loop over folder of images

  3. Optional: use plot_results() to plot the bounding boxes of extracted text

  4. Make the image tags with make_tags()

  5. Write the tags to the images using write_XMP()

1) Authentication

The use of the Google Vision API requires an account and billing information on the Google Cloud Platform. At the current time, signing up allows you a one year free trials and $300.00 in credits. There is plenty online about how to setup the API and get your keys, but it is pretty straightforward. Here is a starting point API Setup. Follow the prompts to get an OAuth client ID. Once you have your keys, there are a few lines of setup that need to be run to authenticate your R session so that the images can be analyzed. The code below shows the approach I have used. Note, you need to plug in your client ID and secret token in the first two lines. The easiest, but lease secure way is to hard code the keys into your script. Alternatively, you can put them into a file that is read into the script, or download the client_secret JSON file from the API dashboard and set is location with options("googleAuthR.client_secret" = "PATH TO JSON FILE")

### plugin your credentials
options("googleAuthR.client_id" = "YOUR CLIENT ID HERE")
options("googleAuthR.client_secret" = "YOUR SECRET KEY HERE")
### define scope
options("googleAuthR.scopes.selected" = c(""))

2) Execute extract_text()

The extract_text function is the heart of the package, but also the simplest function. It is mearly a thin wrapper to the RoogleVision::getGoogleVisionResponse() function with the specific parameter setting of feature = 'TEXT_DETECTION'. When passed the URL or path to an image (*.jpg, *.png, or *.tiff), this function calls RoogleVision::getGoogleVisionResponse(img-path, feature = 'TEXT_DETECTION') and returns a list three elements:

  • locale = a list of languages for returned text
  • description = all of the identified text. The first vector being a string of all the identified text seperated by the newline character.
  • boundingPoly = min and max values for the x and Y coordinates of the bounding box around each identified text element.

If all you want to do is identify text, this is about all you need. Given that the function is only one call and no parameters, it is easy to build into a for loop or vectorized function like purrr:::map().

3) Plot plot_results()

This is one of the additional functions beyond what is available in RoogleVision. This function uses ggplot2 to plot the original image along with the extracted text and areas where the text was extracted from defined by the boundingPoly. An example of an image returned from this function is at the near the top of this README. This function offers both a good way to proof the returned values from extract_text(), but also a visual means of storing the results of the process for archival purposes. This function takes two inputs, 1) the results from extract_text() and the path to the image, and outputs ggplot2 object for plotting or further manipulation.

4) Make Metadata tags with make_tags()

make_tags() takes the output from extract_text() and returns a string of all identified text with spaces sperating each element. This format once input into the XMP metadata slots is read as individual tags. From the output of make_tags() the user can add any additional information that they want inserted into the images metadata for searching, sorting, or organizing.

5) Write Metadata to Images write_XMP()

This function is a wrapper for the very powerful xifr::exifr() function that reads and writes all forms of metadata to any applicable file type. In this implimentation, the primary argument past to exif tools is setting the XMP:Subject metadata slot equal to the tags generated from make_tags(). The XMP:Subject metadata slot is one of many possible choices, but it is appropriate here because it is avaiable for image files and is searchable on both Windows and OSX (Apple) platforms. When executed, the existing contents of the XMP:Subject slot is overwritten with the information contained in a character string passed as img_tags.

Short example of workflow on a single image

get_key <- readLines("key.api")
### plugin your credentials
options("googleAuthR.client_id" = get_key[1])
options("googleAuthR.client_secret" = get_key[2])
### define scope!
options("googleAuthR.scopes.selected" = c(""))
img_path <- list.files("./vignettes/data/raw_data/example_images", full.names = TRUE)[1]
img_results <- extract_text(img_path)
p <- plot_results(img_path, img_results)
img_tags  <- make_tags(img_results)
write_XMP(img_path, img_tags)

Example of looping over a directory of files, writing results to CSV, and extracting tags from images

get_key <- readLines("key.api")
### plugin your credentials
options("googleAuthR.client_id" = get_key[1])
options("googleAuthR.client_secret" = get_key[2])
### define scope!
options("googleAuthR.scopes.selected" = c(""))

photo_loc  <- paste0(getwd(), "/photos/boards/")
save_loc   <- paste0(getwd(), "/photos/highlighted/")
image_files <- list.files(photo_loc, pattern = "\\.jpg$|\\.JPG$|\\.png$|\\.PNG$|\\.tiff$|\\.TIFF$",
                          recursive = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE)
results <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = length(image_files)))
colnames(results) <- c("filename", "status", "tags")
for(i in seq_along(image_files)){
  status  <- NA
  GV_tags <- NA
  image_name <- image_files[i]
  if(grepl("[A-Z]", str_sub(image_name, -3, -1))){
    image_name <- paste0(str_sub(image_name, 1, -4), 
                         tolower(str_sub(image_name, -3, -1)))
    message("changed file type to lower case")
  image_url <- paste0(photo_loc, image_name)
    message("File not found, skipping...")
    status <- "no file"
  } else {
    image_text = getGoogleVisionResponse(image_url,
                                         feature = 'TEXT_DETECTION')
    if(ncol(image_text) == 1){
      message(paste0(image_name, " return a NULL result from GoogleVision API"))
      status <- "no features"
    } else {
      status <- "success"
      GV_tags <- image_text[1,"description"] %>%
        str_replace_all("\n", " ") %>%
              exiftoolargs=paste0("-XMP:Subject=", "'",
                                  GV_tags, "'",
                                  " -overwrite_original")),
        error=function(e) "NULL"
      pp <- plot_results(image_url, image_text)
      image_root_name <- str_sub(image_name, 1, nchar(image_name)-4) # problem
      ggsave(paste0(save_loc, image_root_name, "_highlighted.png"))
  results[i,"filename"] <- image_name
  results[i,"status"]   <- status
  results[i,"tags"]     <- GV_tags
write_csv(results, paste0(photo_loc, "results.csv"))

# list of keywords
image_files2 <- list.files(photo_loc, pattern = "\\.jpg$|\\.JPG$|\\.png$|\\.PNG$|\\.tiff$|\\.TIFF$",
                          recursive = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE, full.names = TRUE)
keywords <- exifr::exifr(image_files2, exiftoolargs = "-XMP:Subject") %>%
  mutate(filename = image_files) %>%
  select(filename, Subject, -SourceFile)


Text and figures: CC-BY-4.0

Code: See the DESCRIPTION file

Data: CC-0 attribution requested in reuse


We welcome contributions from everyone. Before you get started, please see our contributor guidelines. Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


Extract text from sign board and tag as metadata







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