This project contains a pure Python implementation of the ACI Worldwide Payment Gateway that is used by many payment gateway providers.
Usually, the implementation kit comes with a few reference implementations of the payment gateway, but they are only available as a Java class, or a .dll library.
So this python class was created for those of us that do not use Java or ASP.NET/.dlls for their development.
The library has successfully been used in production.
UPDATE - 2011-12-28
A __*major*__ update and overhaul has been done, and a new
branch production has been created.
from e24PaymentPipe import e24PaymentPipe as gw
g = gw('/some/path/to/somefile.cgn','somealias')
except zipfile.BadZipfile:
except AliasNotFound:
# Before you try a transaction,
# you have to set the error and response URLs
g.ERROR_URL = ''
trackid = 12343
r = g.transaction(trackid,amount)
except e:
print e
print('Payment ID: %s' % r[0])
print('Payment URL: %s' % r[1])
For more detailed docs, see the inline documentation provided in the class