This is a tiny 3D engine made for the ATMEGA328 and a Sainsmart 1.8" TFT screen (ST7735). It uses the amazingly fast Adafruit GFX library fork by XarkLabs:
You can use the python script to convert STL models into header files and automatically import your meshes, just include the file and comment other mesh headers.
See help (./stl2h -h) for usage description.
Usage: ./ -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>
Convert a 3D mesh saved as STL format (ASCII) to header for Tiny 3D Engine.
-i, --inputfile 3D mesh in STL file format
-o, --outputfile output filename of converted data
-s, --scale scale ratio (default 1.0)
-n, --normals save face normals
-y, --yes answer yes to all requests
-v, --verbose verbose output
Developed and tested with an Arduino UNO and a Sainsmart 1.8" TFT screen.
- matrices for mesh transformations
- fixed point to avoid using floats
- 90 degrees fixed point look up table for sin/cos
- backface culling using shoelace algorithm
- flat colors (-unfinished/experimental/not fast enough-)
- rotate the mesh with a 3 axis accelerometer (ADXL335)
- rotate the mesh with a joystick thumb
- push button on digital PIN 2 to change the render type.
This is a project for the ATmega328 and ST7735, source will certainly need some tweaking to run on other components.
- clipping
- view/projection matrices (projection is done on world matrix directly)
- hidden surface removal
Peter Collingridge 3D graphics tutorial