->The original quote file can be found in downloaded directory.
->create_new_text_file.py has the necessary code to generate quotes from preprocessed quotes and the new quote file can be found in modified_text folder.
->char_lvl_rnn.py file will train the model to generate new quotes.
->AI generated quotes can be found in AI_generated_quotes folder.
->I have trained my model for 20 epochs but you can change the value of n_epochs in line 290 i.e n_epochs = 20 "start smaller if you are just testing initial behavior".
->you can play around batch_size as well i have used 128 it can be found at line 288 i.e batch_size = 128
->seq_length is like the the stride in cnn, you can change it according to your requirements,it can be found at line 289 i.e seq_length = 100