A comprehensive and modern real-time messaging application built with state-of-the-art web technologies. This Facebook Messenger clone stands out with its sleek UI, provided by Tailwind, and a plethora of features that offer an exceptional user experience.
Real-Time Messaging: Experience seamless communication with real-time messaging powered by Pusher.
Notifications and Alerts: Never miss a message with timely notifications and alerts.
Sleek User Interface: Thanks to Tailwind design, enjoy a clean, intuitive, and sleek user interface.
Responsiveness: This application is fully responsive and compatible with all devices.
Authentication: Secured credential authentication with NextAuth, Google, and Github integrations.
File/Image Upload: Easily upload files and images using the robust Cloudinary CDN.
Form Validation: Efficient client form validation and handling using react-hook-form.
Error Handling: Smooth server error handling with react-toast.
Read Receipts: Know when your messages are read with the message read receipts feature.
User Status: Track user's availability with the online/offline user status.
Group Chats and One-On-One Messaging: Create and manage group chats or engage in private conversations.
Attachments and File Sharing: Share documents and media with ease.
User Profile Customization: Personalize your profile settings for a unique look and feel.
POST, GET, and DELETE Routes: Learn to write and manage these crucial routes in route handlers (app/api).
Data Fetching: Master fetching data in server React components by directly accessing the database without API, like magic!
Handling Relations: Handle relations between Server and Child components in a real-time environment.
Chat Rooms and Channels: Create and manage chat rooms and channels for diverse communication needs.
- NextJS
- ReactJS
- Tailwind CSS
- Pusher
- NextAuth
- Cloudinary
- react-hook-form
- react-toast
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Allan Hillman - tech@allanswebwork.info