🏙️ Charlotte, NC • 📧 bluewolf153622@gmail.com
A front-end developer who also works as an origamist. Makes programs, websites, games, documents, and origami pieces at their finest quality.
August 2003 – Present
- Makes projects and shares them both in-person and online
- Mostly works with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but also likes working with other languages
- Will also help other people write code and make projects
March 2017 – Present
- Does origami as both a profession and a hobby
- Can make anything as long as it's not too complex
- Sometimes makes models as gifts and gives them to friends or loved ones
August 2007 – June 2009
Coding Boot Camp
Programming skills include: HTML • CSS • JavaScript • JSX • React • TypeScript • SCSS • Python • C++ • Java • C# • Godot/GDScript
Origami level: Intermediate-Advanced