This gem provides an OmniAuth strategy for integrating OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication into your Ruby on Rails application. It allows seamless login using various OIDC providers.
Developed with reference to omniauth-openid-connect and omniauth_openid_connect.
Article on Medium about the development of this gem.
To install the gem run the following command in the terminal:
$ bundle add omniauth_oidc
If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:
$ gem install omniauth_oidc
To use the OmniAuth OIDC strategy, you need to configure your Rails application and set up the necessary environment variables for OIDC client credentials.
You have to provide Client ID, Client Secret and url for the OIDC configuration endpoint as a bare minimum for the omniauth_oidc
to work properly.
Create an initializer file at config/initializers/omniauth.rb
# config/initializers/omniauth.rb
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :oidc, {
name: :simple_provider, # used for dynamic routing
client_options: {
identifier: '23575f4602bebbd9a17dbc38d85bd1a77',
config_endpoint: ''
With Devise
Devise.setup do |config|
config.omniauth :oidc, {
name: :simple_provider,
scope: [:openid, :email, :profile, :address],
response_type: :code,
uid_field: "preferred_username",
client_options: {
identifier: '23575f4602bebbd9a17dbc38d85bd1a77',
config_endpoint: ''
The gem also supports a wide range of optional parameters for higher degree of configurability.
# config/initializers/omniauth.rb
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :oidc, {
name: :complex_provider, # used for dynamic routing
issuer: '',
scope: [:openid],
response_type: 'id_token',
require_state: true,
response_mode: :query,
prompt: :login,
send_nonce: false,
uid_field: "sub",
pkce: false,
client_options: {
identifier: '23575f4602bebbd9a17dbc38d85bd1a77',
config_endpoint: '',
host: ''
scheme: "https",
port: 443,
authorization_endpoint: '',
token_endpoint: '',
userinfo_endpoint: '',
jwks_uri: '',
end_session_endpoint: '/signout'
Ensure to replace identifier, secret, configuration endpoint url and others with credentials received from your OIDC provider.
Please note that the gem does not accept redirect_uri
as a configurable option. For details please see section Routes.
Buttons and links to initialize the authentication request can be placed on relevant pages as below:
<%= button_to "Login with Simple Provider", "/auth/simple_provider" %>
The gem uses dyanmic routes to handle different phases, and while you can use same routes in your Rails application, for better experience you should have a controller to process the authenticated user. Create a CallbacksController:
# app/controllers/callbacks_controller.rb
class CallbacksController < ApplicationController
def omniauth
# user info received from OIDC provider will be available in `request.env['omniauth.auth']`
auth = request.env['omniauth.auth']
user = User.find_or_create_by(uid: auth['uid']) do |user| = auth['info']['name'] = auth['info']['email']
session[:user_id] =
redirect_to root_path, notice: 'Successfully logged in!'
The gem uses dynamic routes when making requests to the OIDC provider endpoints, so called redirect_uri
which is a
non-configurable value that follows the naming pattern of<simple_provider>/callback
where <simple_provider>
is the provider name defined within the configuration of the omniauth.rb
This represents the redirect_uri
that will be passed with the authorization request to your OIDC provider and that
has to be registered with your OIDC provider as permitted redirect_uri
Dynamic routes are used to process responses and perform intermediary steps by the middleware, e.g. request phase,
token verification. While you can define and use same routes within your Rails app, it is highly recommended to modify
your routes.rb
to perform a dynamic redirect to a another controller method so this does not cause any conflicts with
the middleware or the authorization flow.
In an example below, auth/:provider/callback
is generalized redirect_uri
value that is passed in the authorization
flow, while all OIDC provider responses are ultimately redirected to the omniauth
method of the callbacks_controller
which could be a "Swiss army knife" method to handle authentication or user data from various omniauth providers:
# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
match 'auth/:provider/callback', via: :get, to: "callbacks#omniauth"
Alternatively, you can specify separate redirects for some of your OIDC providers, in case you need to handle responses differently:
# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
match 'auth/simple_provider/callback', via: :get, to: "callbacks#simple_provider"
match 'auth/complex_provider/callback', via: :get, to: "callbacks#complex_provider"
# you can add the line below if you would like the rest of the providers to be redirected to a universal `omniauth` method
match 'auth/:provider/callback', via: :get, to: "callbacks#omniauth"
Please note that you should register<simple_provider>/callback
with your OIDC provider
as a callback redirect url.
In case your app requries only an access token and not the user information, then you can specify an optional configuration in the omniauth initializer:
# config/initializers/omniauth.rb
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :oidc, {
name: :simple_provider_access_token_only,
fetch_user_info: false, # if not specified, default value of true will be applied
client_options: {
identifier: '23575f4602bebbd9a17dbc38d85bd1a77',
config_endpoint: ''
Then the callback returned once your user authenticates with the OIDC provider will contain only access token parameters:
# app/controllers/callbacks_controller.rb
class CallbacksController < ApplicationController
def omniauth
# access token parameters received from OIDC provider will be available in `request.env['omniauth.auth']`
omniauth_params = request.env['omniauth.auth']
# omniauth_params will contain similar data as shown below
# {"provider"=>:simple_provider_access_token_only,
# "credentials"=>
# {"id_token"=> "id token value",
# "token"=> "token value",
# "refresh_token"=>"refresh token value",
# "expires_in"=>300,
# "scope"=>nil
# }
# }
The gem provides two configuration options to allow ending a session simultaneously with your client application and the OIDC provider.
To use this feature, you need to provide a logout_path
in the options and an end_session_endpoint
in the client
options. Here’s a sample setup:
provider :oidc, {
name: :simple_provider,
client_options: {
config_endpoint: '',
end_session_endpoint: '' # URL to end session with OIDC provider
logout_path: '/logout' # path in your application to end user session
is the URL to which your client app can redirect to log out the user from the OIDC provider's application. It can be dynamically fetched from theconfig_endpoint
response if your OIDC provider specifies it there. Alternatively, you can explicitly provide it in the client options. -
is the URL in your application that can be called to terminate the current user's session.
Using these two configurations, you can ensure that when a user logs out from your application, they are also logged out from the OIDC provider, providing a seamless logout across multiple services.
This works by calling other_phase
on every controller request in your application. The method checks if the requested
URL matches the defined logout_path
. If it does (i.e. current user has requested to log out from your application)
performs a redirect to the end_session_endpoint
to terminate the user's session with the OIDC provider
and then it returns back to your application and concludes the request to end the current user's session.
For additional details please refer to the OIDC specification.
You can customize the OIDC strategy further by adding additional configuration options:
Field | Description | Required | Default Value | Example/Notes |
name | Arbitrary string to identify OIDC provider and segregate it from other OIDC providers | no | "oidc" |
:simple_provider |
issuer | Root url for the OIDC authorization server | no | retrived from config_endpoint | "" |
fetch_user_info | Fetches user information from user_info_endpoint using the access token. If set to false the omniauth params will include only access token | no | true |
fetch_user_info: false |
client_auth_method | Authentication method to be used with the OIDC authorization server | no | :basic |
"basic" , "jwks" |
scope | OIDC scopes to be included in the server's response | [:openid] is required |
all scopes offered by OIDC provider | [:openid, :profile, :email] |
response_type | OAuth2 response type expected from OIDC provider during authorization | no | "code" |
"code" or "id_token" |
state | Value to be used for the OAuth2 state parameter on the authorization request. Can be a proc that generates a string | no | Random 16 character string | { SecureRandom.hex(32) } |
require_state | Boolean to indicate if state param should be verified. This is a recommendation by OIDC spec | no | true |
true or false |
response_mode | The response mode per OIDC spec | no | nil |
:query , :fragment , :form_post or :web_message |
display | Specifies how OIDC authorization server should display the authentication and consent UI pages to the end user | no | nil |
:page , :popup , :touch or :wap |
prompt | Specifies whether the OIDC authorization server prompts the end user for reauthentication and consent | no | nil |
:none , :login , :consent or :select_account |
send_scope_to_token_endpoint | Should the scope parameter be sent to the authorization token endpoint | no | true |
true or false |
post_logout_redirect_uri | Logout redirect uri to use per the session management draft | no | nil |
"" |
uid_field | Field of the user info response to be used as a unique ID | no | 'sub' |
"sub" or "preferred_username" |
extra_authorize_params | Hash of extra fixed parameters that will be merged to the authorization request | no | {} |
{"tenant" => "common"} |
allow_authorize_params | List of allowed dynamic parameters that will be merged to the authorization request | no | [] |
[:screen_name] |
pkce | Enable PKCE flow | no | false |
true or false |
pkce_verifier | Specify custom PKCE verifier code | no | Random 128-character string | { SecureRandom.hex(64) } |
pkce_options | Specify custom implementation of the PKCE code challenge/method | no | SHA256(code_challenge) in hex | Proc to customise the code challenge generation |
client_options | Hash of client options detailed below in a separate table | yes | see below | see below |
jwt_secret_base64 | Specify the base64-encoded secret used to sign the JWT token for HMAC with SHA2 (e.g. HS256) signing algorithms | no | client_options.secret |
"bXlzZWNyZXQ=\n" |
logout_path | Log out is only triggered when the request path ends on this path | no | '/logout' |
'/sign_out' |
acr_values | Authentication Class Reference (ACR) values to be passed to the authorize_uri to enforce a specific level, see RFC9470 | no | nil |
"c1 c2" å |
Below are options for the client_options
hash of the configuration:
Field | Description | Required | Default value |
identifier | OAuth2 client_id | yes | nil |
secret | OAuth2 client secret | yes | nil |
config_endpoint | OIDC configuration endpoint | yes | nil |
scheme | http scheme to use | no | https |
host | host of the authorization server | no | nil |
port | port for the authorization server | no | 443 |
authorization_endpoint | authorize endpoint on the authorization server | no | retrived from config_endpoint |
token_endpoint | token endpoint on the authorization server | no | retrived from config_endpoint |
userinfo_endpoint | user info endpoint on the authorization server | no | retrived from config_endpoint |
jwks_uri | jwks_uri on the authorization server | no | retrived from config_endpoint |
end_session_endpoint | url to call to log the user out at the authorization server | no | nil |
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Everyone interacting in the OmniauthOidc project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.