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Filters for Applications

Carl Smith edited this page Jan 11, 2024 · 7 revisions



The list of applications to display for the current user is based on:

  • its permissions to view a certain group of applications
  • the application type (aka template code)
  • other optional filters selected

The user has access to links to see each type of application list from the top menu or from their dashboard - the link will set basic filters in the main URL route of the list: /applications. For example to see the list of Applications for "Drug Registration" applied by you has this link: /applications?type=user-registration&user-role=applicant.

The type is the template code related to the applications type to be listed. The user-role is used to determine which columns should be displayed. In this example the user has applicant role. The user-role can only be applicant or reviewer and is deduced from the permissions that the current user has to view this application type.

Examples: UI Design


The file applicationFilters on the frontend controls the settings for how filters are displayed. They use the localised string to show keys and values to be selected.

A dropdown is displayed for the user by clicking on the option displayed on the top of the Applications list:

Each filter type can be selected by the user, it will be displayed on the right alongside to others previously selected. Some filters, already defined with property default set to true will be already available in the top area:

The user can select the value to filter by after clicking on one of the filter and check one or more of the options that are displayed:

Label filters:


This is a compulsory filter In case no type is included in URL, the type will be deduced from 1st user's persmissions.

Included: Yes Can have combined values: No Examples: type=user-registration After is converted to Graphql: templateCode: { equalToInsensitive: user-registration}

category (not yet implemented in schema)

Included: No Epic#82
Can have combined values: No
Examples: category=company
After is converted to Graphql: TODO


Included: Yes Can have combined values: Yes
Examples: stage=screening or stage=screening,assessment After is converted to Graphql: stage: { inInsensitive: ["screening", "assessment"]}


Included: Yes Can have combined values: Yes Examples: status=draft or status=submitted,changes%20required After is converted to Graphql: status: {in: ["SUBMITTED", "CHANGES_REQUIRED"]} Options: Set of static statuses from ApplicationStatus ENUM

  • draft or DRAFT
  • submitted or SUBMITTED
  • changes-required or CHANGES_REQUIRED
  • re-submitted or RE_SUBMITTED not implemented
  • completedor COMPLETED


Included: Yes Can have combined values: Yes Examples: sort-by=stage:asc or sort-by=stage:asc,application-name:desc Options:

  • column-name:direction
  • direction [Optional] asc/desc
  • if no direction is included use default: desc


This is a compulsory filter. In case no user-role is included in URL, the role will be deduced from permission of type in user's persmissions.

Included: Yes Can have combined values: No
Examples: user-role=applicant

  • Deduced by user's permissions (TODO: More detailed explanation of user-role per permissions)


Included: Yes Can have combined values: Yes Examples: outcome=pending or outcome=pending,approved After is converted to Graphql: outcome: {in: ["PENDING"]} Options: Set of static outcome from ApplicationOutcome ENUM

  • pending or PENDING
  • approved or APPROVED
  • rejected or REJECTED

Applicant action

The applicant actions are simpler and deduces in Front-end based on current Application status. Included: Yes Can have combined values: No Examples:

  • ACTION_UPDATE meaning some changes for applicant to take care (after reviewed) and re-submit.
  • ACTION_CONTINUE meaning application in in Draft - either before submission or after started updating


  • Default VIEW (Submitted)

Assigner action

Check out in schema AssignerAction ENUM and Function assigner_list Included: Yes Can have combined values: No Examples: assigner-action=ASSIGN or assigner-action=RE_ASSIGN After is converted to Graphql: assignerAction: {equalTo: "RE_ASSIGN"} Options:


Reviewer action

Check out in schema ReviewerAction ENUM and Function review_list Included: Yes Can have combined values: No Examples: reviewer-action=start_review or reviewer-action=CONTINUE_REVIEW After is converted to Graphql: reviewerAction: {equalTo: "CONTINUE_REVIEW"} Options:


String filters:


Included: Yes
Can have combined values: Yes
Examples: reviewer=testReveiwer2 or reviewer=testReveiwer2,testReviewer1 After is converted to Graphql: reviewerUsernames: { overlaps: ["testReviewer2", "testReviewer1"]} Options:

  • "username" - Reviewer's username


Included: Yes
Can have combined values: Yes Examples: assigner=testAssigner1 or assigner=testAssigner1,Nicole After is converted to Graphql: assignerUsernames: { overlaps: ["testAssigner1", "Nicole"]} Options:

  • "username" - Assigner's username


Included: Yes Can have combined values: Yes Exmples: applicant=Andrei E or applicant=Andrei E,Nicole M After is converted to Graphql: applicant: { inInsensitive: ["Andrei E", "Nicole M"]} Options:

  • username
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • fullName: firstName lastName


Included: Yes
Can have combined values: Yes
Examples: org="Company A" or org="Company A","Company B" Options:

  • "organisation name"


Included: Yes
Can have combined values: No
Examples: search="abc 123"

  • String containing [A-Z], [a-z], [0-9], space
  • Uses starts with on search including following columns: "Application name", "Stage", ... (TODO: continue listing columns)
  • (See more rules on Formats & Rules)

Date filters:


Included: Yes Can have combined values: Yes Examples: last-active-date=2021-01-01 or last-active-date=today,last-week Options:

  • Pre-defined string: today (See more formats on Formats & Rules)
  • Single date: YYYY-MM-DD
  • Period (start:end): YYYY-MM-DD:YYYY-MM-DD
  • Period (start:) or (:end): YYYY-MM-DD: (end at last date) or :YYYY-MM-DD (start at first date)


Included: No Can have combined values: Yes Examples: deadline-date=2021-01-31 or deadline-date=today,2021-01-02 Options:

  • Pre-defined string: today (See more formats on Formats & Rules)
  • Single date: YYYY-MM-DD
  • Period (start:end): YYYY-MM-DD:YYYY-MM-DD
  • Period (start:) or (:end): YYYY-MM-DD: (end at last date) or :YYYY-MM-DD (start at first date)

Number filters:


Included: Yes
Can have combined values: No
Examples: page=1

  • Positive number (When page number doesn't existing no results are displayed)


Included: Yes
Can have combined values: No
Examples: per-page=20

  • Number between 10 - 100

Boolean filters

Is fully assigned level 1

Included: Yes
Can have combined values: No
Examples: is-fully-assigned-level-1=true


  • true of false

Formats & Rules

Pre-defined dates

today, yesterday, this-week, last-week, this-month, last-month, this-quarter, last-quarter,this-year, last-year, ...

(Add other pre-defined date here)


Can't have special caracters. Are case insensitive. So thisTHAT = THISthat = thisthat.


When combined labels are used (with separator ,) the query will be using the OR connector.


When combined filters are used (with separator &) the query will be using the AND connector.
Filters that aren't provided would be considered as fetch ALL.
A few filters should automatically used (example page number) and would be in the query filters mirroring the current displayed query.