Decision Trees in Java
decision4j is a decision tree library written in Java.
It's currently at version 0.1, supporting only decision trees for classification. I would like to move this project towards common ensembling methods -- boosting and forests.
- Switch to trove structures
- Add Jackson support for IO.
- Support weights on data points better
- Refactor interfaces shows how to setup and run a decision tree against the iris dataset.
CriterionFactory cf = new CriterionFactory(new CrossEntropy());
ISplitter bs = new BestSplitter(1, cf); // minSamplesInSplit
DecisionTreeFactory dtf = new DecisionTreeFactory();
DecisionTreeLearner dtl = new DecisionTreeLearner(dtf,bs, 4, 100, 100, true); // maxFeatures, maxDepth, maxLeaves, reproposeSplits
//create a new tree model
Model dtm = dtl.create(null);
//train the model
dtl.trainEpoch(dtm, fvs);
I support common tree building parameters as well as whether to repropose splits for every node.