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MERN stack ecommerce project GitHub license GitHub release

A Korean Shopping site, can handle user and orders. 10 weeks to make it and still develop new features. Based on design on themeforest and do it from scratch

Home admin-orders

Frameworks / Library used

  • MySQL, Express, ReactJS, NodeJS
  • TailwindCSS, Typescript, Sequelize, Redux and others

Special features

  • Authenticate user (normal user and admin), login with Facebook and Google
  • Save user token to login automatically
  • Send subscribe email
  • Some pure css animation (navbar, login modal, text slide in, product card)
  • User can review product, but only one review per product
  • Admin page to manage user, add new products, categories, handle orders


Clone the project, add .env like .env.example (both in /server and /client) and in project folder run

yarn run dev

To build project (both react and typescript node) run

yarn run build

To deploy to heroku run

yarn run deploy

Admin account:
Password: admin
Note: I don't want to clean up your mess :(


Well I'm not done with the project, todo list

  • Better database design, relation.
  • Login with facebook, google.
  • Security.
  • Pagination.
  • Send subscribe email in footer with mailjet.
  • Recommend size for user.
  • Sale coupon
  • User can update their info, also avatar.


Please open an issue for support.


Please contribute using Github Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request.