This is a complete example of Clean Architecture implemented with Java, SpringBoot and MongoDB, in a simple CRUD application, with high coverage of unit and integration tests, using Junit 5 and TestContainers.
The documentation can be accessed after deploying the application via the URL http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html#/ .
You can also import my set of requests into Postman. There you have all the endpoints with all the necessary URL parameters and body details to interact with the API.
- Docker
- Docker Compose
The application is configured to connect to MongoDB via port 27017.
docker-compose.yml is configured to use default values.
: Default value root
: Default value root
: secret used to generate a JWT token. Default value secret
Clone the project with the command (or download the zip from Github):
git clone
Raise the containers:
docker-compose up --build