ICInG ( Isolated Collapse Initial Conditions Generator)
Script created by Michael Tremmel (University of Washington) to generate initial conditions for a cosmological collapsing, isolated halo. Can have any number of DM and Gas particles the user chooses.
Formation of the initial conditions follows Evrard 1988 and assumes an Einstein-deSitter cosmology.
Uses a glass distribution to avoid numerical artifacts
Includes the ability to impart angular momentum as well as random motions to help avoid radial instabilities
This was developed for use with Gasoline and ChaNGa N-body+SPH simulations, but should be able to be ported to other formats.
Type help(ICInG.vanilla.genIC) in the python environment to get information on parameters to input.
Uses the following units by default:
Mass Unit = 1.84793e16 Msol
Distance Unit = 50000 kpc.
rho_crit is assumed to be 1 so H0 = sqrt(8*pi/3).
ChaNGa and Gasoline both force G = 1
git clone https://github.com/mtremmel/ICInG.git
cd ICInG
python setup.py install
python setup.py install --user
python setup.py install --prefix=<path of your python distribution, e.g. ~/anaconda>
An updated distribution of python, scipy, numpy (suggestion: anaconda)
pynbody (git@github.com:pynbody/pynbody.git)
tipsy_tools (git@github.com:N-BodyShop/tipsy_tools.git)
Example (in python environment):
import ICInG
send any concerns/questions/bugs to Michael Tremmel (m.tremmel6@gmail.com, http://www.astro.washington.edu/users/mjt29/)
If you would like to contribute to the code, please create a fork, add your module or edit existing code, and then submit a pull request. (see https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests)
One area of particular interest would be porting the ICs to other formats to be used with other SPH codes.
I ask that if you use this code to produce data for publications that you acknowledge ICInG and myself (Michael Tremmel) somewhere in your publication.