- references
- https://github.com/utahkay/clojure-banking
- https://github.com/cordmata/seven/blob/master/clojure/src/clojure_seven/barber.clj
- https://github.com/cordmata/clojure-koans
- https://github.com/clojure/test.check
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4999281/ref-set-vs-commute-vs-alter
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48761023/clojures-commute-example-from-the-docs-produces-duplicates
- http://makble.com/whats-the-difference-between-alter-and-commute-in-clojure-ref-type
- https://clojure.org/
- https://www.manning.com/books/clojure-in-action
- https://pragprog.com/titles/dswdcloj3/web-development-with-clojure-third-edition/
- https://pragprog.com/titles/shcloj3/programming-clojure-third-edition/
- https://www.manning.com/books/the-joy-of-clojure-second-edition
- https://pragprog.com/titles/vmclojeco/clojure-applied/
- https://practical.li/clojure/testing/unit-testing/
- https://clojure.github.io/clojure/clojure.test-api.html
- goals of this workshop:
- introduction into clojure
- basics about clojure syntax
- basics about tests
- showcase of concurrency capabilities of clojure: ref, atom & agent
- understanding how software transactional memory works
- introduction to organizing code with namespaces
- show how to facilitate development using REPL
- workshops
- refactor core_atom and fix test
- implement sleeping barber solution
- functional programming language on the JVM with great support for managing state and concurrency
- based on two fundamental tools: immutable values and pure functions
- syntax derived from its Lisp roots
- Lisps have a tiny language core, almost no syntax, and a powerful macro facility
- parentheses serve two purposes:
- calling functions
- Clojure assumes that the first symbol appearing in a list represents the name of a function (or a macro)
- remaining expressions in the list are considered arguments to the function
- constructing lists
- at the meta level, your entire Clojure program is a series of lists
- program is interpreted by the Clojure compiler as lists that contain function names and arguments that need to be parsed, evaluated, etc
- this enables uniquely powerful meta-programming capabilities
- Clojure code is represented using Clojure data structures
- list is special because each expression of Clojure code is a list
- (def three-numbers (1 2 3))
- CompilerException java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Long cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
- Clojure is trying to treat the list (1 2 3) the same way as it treats all lists
- first element: a function and 1 is not a function
- (def three-numbers '(1 2 3)) // quoting
- (def three-numbers (1 2 3))
- calling functions
- symbols and keywords
- symbols = identifiers in a Clojure program (names that signify values)
- example
- (+ 1 2)
- is a symbol signifying the addition function
- analogy
- the word in a dictionary entry is the symbol but the definition of the word is a binding of that word to a particular meaning
- example
- symbols resolve to something else that isn’t a symbol
- keyword = never reference some other value and always evaluate to themselves
- often used as keys in maps and they provide faster comparisons and lower memory overhead than strings (because instances are cached and reused)
- you can construct keywords and symbols from strings using the keyword and symbol functions
- symbols = identifiers in a Clojure program (names that signify values)
- defining function:
(defn addition-function [x y] (+ x y))
- optional arguments:
(defn fn-with-opts [f1 f2 & opts] ,,, )
- similar to varargs in java
- example
(defn total-all-numbers [& numbers] (apply + numbers))
- overloading
(defn total-cost ([item-cost number-of-items] (* item-cost number-of-items)) ([item-cost] (total-cost item-cost 1)))
- optional arguments:
- let
- allows you to introduce locally named things
- binds a symbol to a value
- example:
(let [a 1 b 2] (+ a b))
// 3
- exceptions
(try (throw (ex-info "The ice cream has melted!" {:causes #{:fridge-door-open :dangerously-high-temperature} :current-temperature {:value 25 :unit :celcius}}))
(throw (Exception. "this is an error!"))
- nil
- nil has the same value as Java null
- everything other than false and nil is considered true
- loop / recur
- Clojure doesn’t have traditional for loops
- example
(defn fact-loop [n] (loop [current n fact 1] // exactly as let (if (= current 1) fact (recur (dec current) (* fact current)))))
- loop works like let: establishing bindings and then evaluating exprs
- loop sets a recursion point, which can then be targeted by the recur
- recur binds new values for loop ’s bindings and returns control to the top of the loop
- instead of using a loop, you can recur back to the top of a function
(defn countdown [result x] (if (zero? x) result (recur (conj result x) (dec x))))
- list comprehension
(for [x [0 1 2 3 4 5] :let [triple (* x 3)] // map -> 0 3 6 9 12 15 :let [double (* triple 2)] // map -> 0 6 12 18 24 30 :when (even? double)] // filter - only even double)
- and a lot of standard methods: map, filter, reduce
- useful functions
- apply
(max [1 2 3]) // returns [1 2 3] (apply max [1 2 3]) // 3, same as (max 1 2 3)
- partial
(def hundred-times (partial * 100)) (hundred-times 5) // 500
- if-let
(defn save-message! [{:keys [params]}] (if-let [errors (validate-message params)] (println "Errors while parsing: " errors) (println "Valid data: " params)))
- anonymous function
#(+ 6 %) // (fn [x] (+ 6 x)) #(+ %1 %2) // (fn [x y] (+ x y)) #(println %1 %2 %&) // (fn [x y & zs] (println x y zs))
- constantly
(constantly 5) // returns a function that takes any number of arguments and returns 5
- apply
- simplest way to model data is to use Map
- in Clojure: change is always modeled as the application of a pure function to an immutable value, resulting in a new immutable value
- (assoc {} :name "Michal" :age 30) // adds
- (dissoc {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} :b) // removes
- (update person :age inc) // modifies
- get from map
- (get earth :name), (get earth :name "default name")
- (earth :name) // invoking the map
- (:name earth), (:name earth "default name") // invoking the keyword key
- preferred method
- working with nested maps
- (assoc-in users [:kyle :summary :average :monthly] 3000) // new entry
- if any nested map doesn’t exist along the way, it gets created and correctly associated
- (get-in users [:kyle :summary :average :monthly])
- (update-in users [:kyle :summary :average :monthly] + 500)
- (assoc-in users [:kyle :summary :average :monthly] 3000) // new entry
- other collections
- list
- vector: [10 20 30 40 50]
- indexed by number
- set
- operations
- conj add elements at the natural insertion point
- lists: at the beginning
- vectors: at the end
- bulk updates
- call transient to get a mutable version of a collection
- transient collections can’t be conj and assoc
- equivalent set of functions that mutate the instance, all with a ! suffix
- conj! , assoc!
- equivalent set of functions that mutate the instance, all with a ! suffix
- when mutation is complete, call persistent! to get back to a persistent collection
- conj add elements at the natural insertion point
- namespaces provide a means to organize our code and the names we use in our code
- is both a name context and a container for vars
- vars are associations between a name (a symbol) and a value
- vars are created using def and other special forms or macros that start with def, like defn
- all vars are globally accessible via their fully-qualified name
- convention: namespace names are typically lower-case and use - to separate words
- Clojure runtime tracks the current namespace in the var clojure.core/ns
- current namespace:
- switch to existing namespace:
- example:
(in-ns 'workshop.barber.core)
- example:
- if the namespace is not used in the main class of the project (directly or indirectly), it won't
be accessible without first requiring it
(require '[workshop.barber.core :as barber]) barber/max-chairs (in-ns 'workshop.barber.core)
- offers various project-related tasks and can:
- create new projects
- fetch dependencies for your project
- run tests
- run a fully-configured REPL
- run the project
- compile and package projects for deployment
- run custom automation tasks written in Clojure (leiningen plug-ins)
- Leiningen could be thought of as "Maven meets Ant without the pain"
- project
- a directory containing a group of Clojure source files
- metadata about them
- project name
- project description
- dependencies
- Clojure version
- main namespace of the app
- Clojure libraries are distributed the same way as in other JVM languages: as jar files
- Leiningen by default uses
- clojars.org (Clojure community's centralized Maven repository)
- Maven Central
- Leiningen by default uses
- extra arguments to the JVM:
vector - useful commands
- lein run
- lein test
- lein repl
- identity and state as separate things
- state = value or set of values belonging to an identity
- or in different words: the value of an identity at a particular point time
- identity = series of states, separated by time
- state = value or set of values belonging to an identity
- analogy
- person’s favorite set of movies
- as a child: Disney and Pixar
- grownup: Tim Burton or Robert Zemeckis
- what changes over time?
- not the set itself but which set the entity favorite-movies refers to
- identity = favorite movies
- subject of all the action in the associated program
- state = sequence of favorite movies
- sequence of values that this identity assumes over the course of the program
- clojure has four reference types to store state
- Refs: coordinated, synchronous changes to shared state
- Atoms: uncoordinated, synchronous changes to shared state
- Agents: asynchronous changes to shared state
- Vars: thread-local state
- mechanism provides a mutable container storing an immutable value
- reference types implement IRef
- table of functions
IRef create-fn update-fn(s) set-fn Atom atom swap! reset! Ref ref alter, commute ref-set Var def alter-var-root var-set Agent agent send, send-off restart-agent - summary
- to create:
(create-fn container)
- to update:
(update-fn container data-fn & args)
- to assign a value:
(set-fn container new-val)
- get data: @ reader macro
- to create:
- software transaction memory
- refs are mutable, you must protect their updates
(ref-set demo "new value") -> java.lang.IllegalStateException: No transaction running
- transactions are wrapped in a
(dosync & exprs)
- example
(dosync (ref-set demo "new value")) -> "new value"
- properties
- like database transactions
- allows programmers to describe reads and writes to stateful references in the scope of a transaction
- atomic
- if you change more than one ref in a single transaction, the changes are all coordinated to "happen at the same time" from the perspective of any code outside the transaction
- consistent
- refs can specify validation functions
- isolated
- transactions can’t see partially completed results from other transactions
- transactions are in-memory transactions, Clojure does not guarantee that updates are durable
- details
- uses a technique called Multiversion Concurrency Control (MVCC)
- steps
- Transaction A begins by taking a point, which is simply a number that acts
as a unique timestamp in the STM world
- Transaction A has access to its own
effectively private copy of any reference it needs, associated with the point
- persistent data structures make it cheap to provide these effectively private copies
- Transaction A has access to its own
effectively private copy of any reference it needs, associated with the point
- During Transaction A, operations on a ref work against (and return) the transaction’s private copy of the ref’s data, called the in-transaction value
- If at any point the STM detects that another transaction has already set/altered a ref that Transaction A wants to set/alter, Transaction A is forced to retry
- If and when Transaction A commits, its heretofore private writes will become visible to the world, associated with a single point in the transaction timeline.
- Transaction A begins by taking a point, which is simply a number that acts
as a unique timestamp in the STM world
- alter vs commute
- you probably want to use alter most of the time
- commute is an optimized version of alter
- if the STM is deciding if your transaction is safe to commit and has conflicts only on commute operations (none on alter operations) then it can commit without having to restart
- example: incrementing the counter
- the last in-transaction value you see from a commute will not always match the end-of-transaction
value of a ref, because of reordering
(def counter (ref 0)) (defn commute-inc! [counter] (dosync (Thread/sleep 100) (commute counter inc))) (defn alter-inc! [counter] (dosync (Thread/sleep 100) (alter counter inc))) (defn bombard-counter! [n f counter] (apply pcalls (repeat n #(f counter)))) (defn -main [& args] (println (time (doall (bombard-counter! 20 commute-inc! counter)))) // compare with alter-inc! (println @counter) (shutdown-agents))
// with commute "Elapsed time: 226.6494 msecs" (9 6 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 12 12 16 18 12 12 12 20 12) 20 // with alter "Elapsed time: 2224.0148 msecs" (2 5 6 1 10 12 8 16 13 4 3 11 9 7 14 20 15 17 19 18) 20
- example for commit order
(defn tid [] (.getId (Thread/currentThread))) (defn debug [ msg ] (print (str msg (apply str (repeat (- 35 (count msg)) \space)) " tid: " (tid) "\n")) (flush)) (def a (ref 1)) (defn do-transaction [_] (dosync (alter a + 1) // or commute a + 1 (debug (str "in transaction value: " @a)) ) ) (doseq [dummyagent (range 1 6)] (send-off (agent dummyagent) do-transaction) )
in transaction value: 2 tid: 12 in transaction value: 3 tid: 15 // failed, will be retried in transaction value: 3 tid: 14 // failed, will be retried in transaction value: 3 tid: 11 in transaction value: 4 tid: 15 // retried and succeed in transaction value: 5 tid: 13 in transaction value: 6 tid: 14 // retried and succeed
- refs are mutable, you must protect their updates
- example
(deftest public-function-in-namespace-test (testing "A description of the test" (is (= 1 (public-function arg)))))
- deftest
- is a collection of assertions, with or without testing expressions
- can be called like any other function
- can be grouped and composed
(deftest addition (is (= 4 (+ 2 2))) (is (= 7 (+ 3 4)))) (deftest subtraction (is (= 1 (- 4 3))) (is (= 3 (- 7 4)))) (deftest arithmetic (addition) (subtraction))
- can be grouped and composed
- naming convention: name of the function it is testing with -test as a postfix
- testing
- is a macro to group multiple assertions together
- provides a string in which to describe the context the assertions are testing
- "is" takes an optional second argument, a string describing the assertion
- (is (= 4 (+ 2 2)) "sum should be 4")
- "are" macro can also be used to define assertions, especially when there would otherwise be multiple
assertions that only differ by their test data
(are [x y] (= x y) 2 (+ 1 1) 4 (* 2 2))
- expecting exception
- (is (thrown? ArithmeticException (/ 1 0)))
- with specific message
- (is (thrown-with-msg? ArithmeticException #"Divide by zero" (/ 1 0)))
- fixtures
- allow you to run code before and after tests
- scaffold
(defn my-fixture [test-function] ;; Setup: define bindings, create state, etc. (test-function) ;; Run the relevant tests for the fixture (see `use-fixtures`) ;; Tear-down: reset state to a known value )
- example
(defn database-reset-fixture [test-function] (SUT/create-database) (test-function) (SUT/delete-database))
- running
- run the fixtures once for the namespace
- (use-fixtures :once fixture1 fixture2)
- run the fixtures for each `deftest** in the namespace
- (use-fixtures :each fixture1 fixture2)
- run the fixtures once for the namespace
- property based testing
- core idea of test.check is that instead of enumerating expected input and output for unit tests, you write properties about your function that should hold true for all input
- imports
(ns my.test (:require [clojure.test.check :as tc] [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen] [clojure.test.check.properties :as prop :include-macros true]))
- example
- sorting property: applying sort twice should be equivalent to applying it once
(def sort-idempotent-prop (prop/for-all [v (gen/vector gen/int)] (= (sort v) (sort (sort v))))) (tc/quick-check 100 sort-idempotent-prop)
- sorting property: applying sort twice should be equivalent to applying it once
- what happens if our test fails?
- test.check will try and find ‘smaller’ inputs that still fail
- this process is called shrinking