A functor F : C → D
between categories C
and D
is a mapping of objects to
objects and arrows to arrows, in such a way that
F(f : A → B) = F(f) : F(A) → F(B)
,F(1A) = 1F(A)
,F(g . f) = F(g) . F(f)
That is, F
- domains and codomains,
- identity arrows,
- and compostion.
itself is not a type, it’s a type constructor.
You have to give it a type argument, like Integer
or Boolean
in order to turn it into a type. Optional
without any
argument represents a function on types. But can we
turn Optional
into a functor?
Type constructor Optional
together with the function
map :: (a -> b) -> Optional a -> Optional b
form a functor.
- define functions and its composition
Function<Integer, Integer> nullFunction = i -> null; Function<Integer, String> toString = i -> nonNull(i) ? String.valueOf(i) : "null"; Function<Integer, String> composition = nullFunction.andThen(toString);
- java
does not follow composition rulesassertNotEquals(Optional.of(1).map(composition), Optional.of(1).map(nullFunction).map(toString));
- java
follows composition rules when treated as streamassertEquals(Optional.of(1).stream().map(composition).findAny(), Optional.of(1).stream().map(nullFunction).map(toString).findAny());
- vavr
follows composition rulesassertEquals(Option.of(1).map(composition), Option.of(1).map(nullFunction).map(toString));
map :: (a -> b) -> Option a -> Option b
map _ None = None
map f (Some x) = Some (f x)
default <U> Option<U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper) {
Objects.requireNonNull(mapper, "mapper is null");
return isEmpty() ? none() : some(mapper.apply(get()));
map id = id
map id None = { definition of map } None = { definition of id } id None
map id (Some x) = { definition of map } Some (id x) = { definition of id } Some x = { definition of id } id (Some x)
map (g . f) = map g . map f
map (g . f) None = { definition of map } None = { definition of map } map g None = { definition of map } map g (map f None)
map (g . f) (Some x) = { definition of map } Some ((g . f) x) = { definition of map } map g (Some (f x)) = { definition of map } map g (map f (Some x)) = { definition of composition } (map g . map f) (Some x)