- references
- "Scala vs Idris: Dependent types, now and in the future" by Miles Sabin and Edwin Brady (2013)
- Type level Programming in Scala - Matt Bovel
- Why Netflix ❤'s Scala for Machine Learning - Jeremy Smith & Aish
- Zymposium — Path Dependent Types
- f(by) 2020: Dependent types, Vitaly Bragilevsky
- Stephan Boyer - What are Dependent Types - λC 2017
- Guillaume Martres - Polymorphic Function Types in Scala 3
- Type Members vs Type Parameters - NE Scala 2016
- https://github.com/milessabin/strangeloop-2013/tree/master
- https://github.com/mbovel/scalacon-typelevel-operations
- https://github.com/hablapps/syllogisms
- https://docs.scala-lang.org/sips/42.type.html
- https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/literal_types.html#
- https://chat.openai.com
- https://github.com/goldfirere/singletons
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46748559/i-need-help-haskell-inhabitant-for-the-type
- https://typesandkinds.wordpress.com/2013/12/17/singletons-v0-9-released/
- https://www.poberezkin.com/posts/2020-05-17-using-dependent-types-haskell-singletons.html
- https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2364506.2364522
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12961651/why-not-be-dependently-typed
- https://www.doubloin.com/learn/formal-verification-smart-contracts
- https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/smart-contracts/formal-verification/
- https://www.certik.com/resources/blog/3UDUMVAMia8ZibM7EmPf9f-what-is-formal-verification
- https://lampwww.epfl.ch/~amin/dot/fpdt.pdf
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24960722/what-is-the-difference-between-path-dependent-types-and-dependent-types
- https://users.rust-lang.org/t/concatenating-arrays/89538/2
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12935731/any-reason-why-scala-does-not-explicitly-support-dependent-types/12937819#12937819
- https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110657883-018/html?lang=de
- https://kiranvodrahalli.github.io/notes/curry_howard_cos510notes.pdf
- https://studenttheses.uu.nl/bitstream/handle/20.500.12932/36496/Thesis%20Jasmijn%20van%20Harskamp.pdf
- http://www.ivanociardelli.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Sorensen-excerpt.pdf
- https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/lf-current/ProofObjects.html
- https://www.quora.com/What-is-an-intuitive-explanation-of-the-Curry-Howard-correspondence
- https://cstheory.stackexchange.com/questions/50714/why-is-the-curry-howard-isomorphism
- https://docs.scala-lang.org/scala3/reference/new-types/polymorphic-function-types.html
- https://docs.scala-lang.org/scala3/reference/new-types/type-lambdas.html
- https://www.baeldung.com/scala/type-lambdas-scala-3
- https://github.com/typelevel/kind-projector
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39905267/what-is-a-kind-projector
- https://medium.com/scala-3/scala-3-type-lambdas-polymorphic-function-types-and-dependent-function-types-2a6eabef896d
- https://blog.rockthejvm.com/scala-3-type-lambdas/
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51131067/when-are-dependent-types-needed-in-shapeless
- https://chat.openai.com/
- https://gemini.google.com/
- https://medium.com/@Webmarmun/dependent-types-in-haskell-f35b8880cc16
- https://medium.com/background-thread/the-future-of-programming-is-dependent-types-programming-word-of-the-day-fcd5f2634878
- https://ps.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/teaching/ws15/pdt/
- https://xebia.com/blog/dependent-and-refinement-types-why/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammingLanguages/comments/10f1fr0/basic_building_blocks_of_dependent_type_theory/
- https://yarax.medium.com/from-logic-and-math-to-code-for-dummies-part-i-242183267efd
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liar_paradox
- https://yarax.medium.com/from-logic-and-math-to-code-for-dummies-part-ii-higher-order-logic-5db1aa93eb35
- https://www.stackbuilders.com/blog/reverse-reverse-theorem-proving-with-idris/
- https://docs.scala-lang.org/scala3/reference/contextual/using-clauses.html
- https://dotty.epfl.ch/api/scala/
- Scala Type-Level Operations – Matt Bovel
- Rodolfo Hansen - Keep Your Types Small
- Philip Wadler – Propositions as Types
- Emily Pillmore: Type Arithmetic and the Yoneda Lemma
- Formal Logic Undressed — Paul Snively
- https://milessabin.com/blog/2011/06/09/scala-union-types-curry-howard/
- https://medium.com/@maximilianofelice/builder-pattern-in-scala-with-phantom-types-3e29a167e863
- https://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/273667?ln=en
- https://xebia.com/blog/compile-safe-builder-pattern-using-phantom-types-in-scala/
- https://www.codecentric.de/wissens-hub/blog/phantom-types-scala
- https://www.scalamatters.io/post/phantom-types-without-phantom-pain
- A Crash Course in Category Theory - Bartosz Milewski
- https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/2561353/set-of-functions-from-empty-set-to-0-1
- Idris for (im)practical Scala programmers - Marcin Rzeźnicki - Chamberconf 2018
- https://leanpub.com/thinking-with-types/
- https://chatgpt.com
- goals of this workshop
- understanding dependent types
- comprehension how to apply that in practice based on scala3
- singleton types
- type level programming
- polymorphic functions
- comprehension how to apply that in practice based on scala3
- applying phantom types to provide compile-time proofs
- understanding path dependent types
- applying knowledge in practice
- noticing correspondence between logic and computations
- formal proofs for basic tautologies
- implemetation of union types using
- understanding dependent types
- workshop plan
- context: rust
- in rust arrays has compile-time size
- reason: everything allocated on stack must have known size
- array is allocated on stack
- example: https://play.rust-lang.org/
fn main() { let array1: [i32; 3] = [1, 2, 3]; let array2: [i32; 2] = [4, 5]; }
- reason: everything allocated on stack must have known size
- what rust can't do (at least - for now) is concatenating of two arrays of different size
- reason: no way to perform operations on types, for example: adding them
- solution:
#![allow(incomplete_features)] #![feature(generic_const_exprs)] fn concat_arrays<T, const A: usize, const B: usize>( a: [T; A], b: [T; B] ) -> [T; A+B] where T: Default, { let mut ary: [T; A+B] = std::array::from_fn(|_| Default::default()); for (idx, val) in a.into_iter().chain(b.into_iter()).enumerate() { ary[idx] = val; } ary } fn main() { let array1: [i32; 3] = [1, 2, 3]; let array2: [i32; 2] = [4, 5]; let result_array: [i32; 5] = concat_arrays(array1, array2); println!("{:?}", result_array); }
- in rust arrays has compile-time size
- task: implement collection that tracks its size at compile time
- use case: allow us to create matrices of a known size and check at compile time that they are multipliable
- implement safe version of
(fails compilation if invoked on empty list) - example
- rust
- example
fn main() { let array1: [i32; 0] = []; let head = array1[0]; // does not compile: index out of bounds: the length is 0 but the index is 0 }
- example
- idris - https://tio.run/#idris
data Vect : Nat -> Type -> Type where Nil : Vect Z a (::) : a -> Vect n a -> Vect (plus 1 n) a -- (plus 1 n) same as (S n) concat : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a concat Nil ys = ys concat (x :: xs) ys = x :: concat xs ys head : Vect (plus 1 n) a -> a head (x :: xs) = x v0 : Vect 0 a v0 = Nil v3 : Vect 3 Integer v3 = 10 :: 5 :: 1 :: Nil v4 : Vect 4 Integer v4 = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: Nil v3v4 : Vect 7 Integer v3v4 = concat v3 v4 v3Head : Integer v3Head = head v3 -- v0Head: Integer -- v0Head = head v0 -- not compiling, there is no function head for 0-sized vector main : IO () main = putStrLn $ "head of v1: " ++ show v3Head
- rust
- context: rust
- implement methods:
- why normal
is not enough?- notice that in classical
type of accumulator (B
) cannot change during processingtrait SList[N <: Int]: // assume that SList has Strings def foldRight[B](z: B)(op: (String, B) => B): B // SList.foldRight(SNil) { case (elem, acc) => SCons(elem, acc) } // not compiles, SNil is SList[0] and SCons is SList[M]
- notice that in classical
- why normal
- implement methods:
- implement type safe version of
that validates arguments based on specified types- should support
- any arbitrary combination of them with every cardinality > 1
- example
tsFormat("%s is %d")("s1", 1) // compiles tsFormat("%s %s %s is %d %s")("s1", "s2", "s3", 1, "s4") // compiles tsFormat("%s is %d")(i, s) // does not compile: Found: (i : Int) Required: String
- should support
- explain why cardinality == 1 is complicating a bit implementation
- implement type safe version of
- rewrite path dependent approach into generics
- discuss variance
- proof theorems:
- (all S are M) and (all M are P) => all S are P
- (not all S are M) and (all M are P) => not all S are P
- proof theorems:
- using De Morgan's law implement equivalent of sum type:
- use phantom types to apply that in method's as evidence
- using De Morgan's law implement equivalent of sum type:
- find a given instance of type
in the current scope
- find a given instance of type
- instance of
A =:= B
witnesses that the typesA
are equal - example: proof of being the same type
val i = 5 // val i: 5 = 5 summon[i.type =:= 5]
- instance of
- instance of
A <:< B
witnesses thatA
is a subtype ofB
- instance of
- called this way, because they never get instantiated
- used to represent type relationships rather that working directly with their values
- commonly used to express constraints encoded in types
- to prove static properties of the code using type evidences
- prevent some code from being compiled in certain situations
- useful when representing models that have a particularily defined structural state with transitions
- example: assume we need a function that turns a machine on (
), only if it is turned offsealed trait MachineState object MachineState { sealed trait TurnedOn extends MachineState sealed trait TurnedOff extends MachineState } case class Machine[State <: MachineState](){ def open(implicit ev: State =:= Closed) = Door[Open]() def close(implicit ev: State =:= Open) = Door[Closed]() }
- are needed only for compilation
- do not come with extra runtime overhead
- builder pattern context
- example: sql query builder
- problem: aggregation query without
will fail - solution: ZIO SQL
- problem: aggregation query without
- case study: case class builder
- problem: verification that all fields are filled
case class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, email: String) Person person = new PersonBuilder() .firstName("Hello") .lastName("World") .build(); // email not set, handle situation
- solution
- naive approach
- push checks to runtime - throw runtime exception
- loosing referential transparency
returnsEither[Error, Person]
- troublesome for caller
- push checks to runtime - throw runtime exception
- phantom types approach
class PersonBuilder[State <: PersonBuilderState] private ( val firstName: String, val lastName: String, val email: String) { def firstName(firstName: String): PersonBuilder[State with FirstName] = new PersonBuilder(firstName, lastName, email) def lastName(lastName: String): PersonBuilder[State with LastName] = new PersonBuilder(firstName, lastName, email) def email(email: String): PersonBuilder[State with Email] = new PersonBuilder(firstName, lastName, email) def build()(using State =:= FullPerson): Person = // phantom type Person(firstName, lastName, email) } object PersonBuilder { sealed trait PersonBuilderState object PersonBuilderState { sealed trait Empty extends PersonBuilderState sealed trait FirstName extends PersonBuilderState sealed trait LastName extends PersonBuilderState sealed trait Email extends PersonBuilderState type FullPerson = Empty with FirstName with LastName with Email } def apply(): PersonBuilder[Empty] = new PersonBuilder("", "", "") }
- naive approach
- problem: verification that all fields are filled
- example: sql query builder
- ZIO environment parameter context is phantom type
- is internally used by ZIO to verify that we have provided all the required environment
- only programs
ZIO[Any, _, _]
are executable
- only programs
- usually there is no type
that user can provide- example:
ZIO[R1 with R2, E, A]
- we need to either provide
ULayer[R1 with R2]
- there is no value
R1 with R2
- there is no value
- we need to either provide
- example:
- is internally used by ZIO to verify that we have provided all the required environment
- "inhabitant of a type" means an expression which has some given type
- example
val length: String => Int = (s: String) => s.length
- example
- usually types has more than one inhabitant
: two valuesInt
:[Int.MinValue; Int: MaxValue]
: infinitely many
- notice that there are types that has no values
- type without any value is the "bottom" type
- example:
Function1[String, Nothing]
- singleton types = types which have a unique inhabitant
- examples
= only one inhabitant(a: A, b: B)
= |A| x |B| number of inhabitantsEither(a: A, b: B)
= |A| + |B| number of inhabitants- literal types = type inhabited by a single constant value known at compile-time (literal)
val i5: 5 = 5
- types inhabited by a single value not known at compile-time
val userInput = StdIn.readInt() val userInput2 = StdIn.readInt() val iInput: userInput.type = userInput val iInput2: userInput2.type = userInput // not compiling, compiles only with `= userInput2`
- bridge the gap between types and values
- example: compile-time operations on types
or for int
import scala.compiletime.ops.string.* // type Length[X <: String] <: Int val a: Length["Hello"] = 5 val b: Length["Hello"] = "Hello".length() // not compiling, length() returns general Int, but we need 5
note that operations could be added, suppose that we want to addimport scala.compiletime.ops.int.* // type +[X <: Int, Y <: Int] <: Int val result: 5 + 6 = 11
type for stringsimport scala.compiletime.ops.string.Read // type we want to add val a: Read["path/to/some/file"] = "Hello\n" // 1. go to Dotty core -> Types -> AppliedType -> tryNormalize -> tryCompiletimeConstantFold // 1. find where types are handled and add additional entry case tpne.Read => constantFold1(stringValue, scala.io.Source.fromFile(_).mkString) // 1. add Read name to `tpne` (StdNames) final val Read: N = "Read" // 1. add to compiletimePackageStringTypes
- example: compile-time operations on types
- examples
- Scala 3
is used by the compiler as a supertype for singleton types- example
summon[42 <:< Singleton]
- example
- type inference widens singleton types to the underlying non-singleton type
- example
summon[(42 & Singleton) <:< Int]
- example
- when a type parameter has an explicit upper bound of
, the compiler infers a singleton type- example
def singletonCheck5[T <: Singleton](x: T)(using ev: T =:= 5): T = x val x = singleCheck42(5) // compiles def typeCheck5[T](x: T)(using ev: T =:= 5): T = x val x = typeCheck5(5) // not compiles: cannot prove that Int =:= (5 : Int)
- example
- are a technique for "faking" dependent types in non-dependent languages
- good approximation of dependent types
- bridges the gap in phase separation between runtime values and compile-time types
- example
val stdInputLine: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine() val inputLine: stdInputLine.type = stdInputLine
- example
- allow programmers to use dependently typed techniques to enforce rich constraints among the types
- example: using singletons provably
correct sorting algorithm- more accurately, it is a proof of partial correctness
means: sorting algorithm compiles in finite time and when it runs in finite time => result is indeed a sorted list
- example: using singletons provably
- is a function type which accepts type parameters
- example
def reverse[A](xs: List[A]): List[A] = xs.reverse // polymorphic method val reverse2: [A] => List[A] => List[A] = [A] => (xs: List[A]) => reverse[A](xs) // polymorphic lambda
- example
- are not to be confused with type lambdas
- polymorphic lambda describes type of a polymorphic value
- are applied in terms
- terms = type inhabitants (~ exist at runtime)
- example
has 0 termsUnit
has 1 termBoolean
has 2 terms
- example
- terms = type inhabitants (~ exist at runtime)
- are applied in terms
- type lambda is an actual function value at the type level
- are applied in types
- polymorphic lambda describes type of a polymorphic value
- type lambda
- lets one express a higher-kinded type directly, without a type definition
- types belong to kinds
- think of kinds as types of types
- example
belongs to 0-level kindsList[_]
belongs to 1-level kinds- it takes 0-level kind as type argument
- similar to a function: takes a level-0 type and returns a level-0 type
[X] -> List[X]
- types belong to kinds
- example
- type definition
- unparameterized with a type lambda:
type T = [X] =>> R
- parameterized:
type T[X] = R
- shorthand for an unparameterized definition
- unparameterized with a type lambda:
type T = [X] =>> R
- unparameterized with a type lambda:
- type definition
- defines a function from types to types
- type analog of “value lambdas”
- body of a type lambda can again be a type lambda
- curried type parameters
- before Scala 3, API designers had to resort to compiler plugins, namely kind-projector, to achieve the same level of expressiveness
- scala2: doesn’t allow us to use underscore syntax to simply say
Either[Throwable, _]
// type projection implementing the same type anonymously (without a name) ({type L[A] = Either[Throwable, A]})#L
- kind-projector:
Either[Throwable, *]
- scala3:
[K] =>> Either[Throwable, K]
- use case:
given Monad[[R] =>> Either[Throwable, R]]
- use case:
- scala2: doesn’t allow us to use underscore syntax to simply say
- lets one express a higher-kinded type directly, without a type definition
- gradation
- values depending on values: functions
- typed lambda calculi: term - term
- values depending on types: polymorphism
def twice[A](a: A)(f: A => A): A = f(f(a))
- types depending on values: dependent types
- types depending on types: type functions
- higher order types
- values depending on values: functions
- dependent type systems: "values may also appear in types"
- question of how to enforce invariants has two answers in dependent types
- intrinsic
- implies that a “wrong” value cannot be constructed at all
- example
-- Agda intrinsic get :: (xs : List a l) -> Fin l -> a // Fin is a type defined in such a way that it can only take values from 0 up to n - 1
- extrinsic
- allow any input, but then require an additional proof of the fact that input is within constraints
- more similar to a refinement
- example
-- Agda extrinsic get :: (xs : List a l) -> (n : Nat) -> (inBounds n l) -> a
- intrinsic
- let you move some checks to the type system itself
- making it impossible to fail while the program is running
- use cases
- multiplying matrices
- encode matrix size in type and verify if multiply is possible at compile time
- database queries
- type of valid queries depends on the "shape" of the database
- type of the result of a query depends on the query itself
- communication protocols
- what answer is valid for what message
- binary serialization
- all binary formats are described by dependent types
- exact meaning and layout of later bytes depend on some earlier bytes
- example: uncompressed picture
- starts with the size of the picture, number of color channels, bit depth, alignment; followed by the raw data, whose size and interpretation depends on those parameters
- all binary formats are described by dependent types
- multiplying matrices
- Scala context
- type structure cannot be deduced from runtime structure
- example: filter in sized vector
def filter(p: A => Boolean): SizedList[???, A] // size depends on runtime application of predicate
- example: filter in sized vector
- type structure cannot be deduced from runtime structure
- Scala unifies concepts from object and module systems
- essential ingredient of this unification is to support objects that contain type members in addition to fields and methods
- to make any use of type members, programmers need a way to refer to them
- some level of dependent types is required
- usual notion is that of path-dependent types
- path dependent type is a specific kind of dependent type in which the type depends on a path
- types which are distinguished by the values which are their prefixes
pattern- example
trait Wrapper { type A def value: A } object Wrapper { type Aux[A0] = Wrapper { type A = A0 } def apply[A0](a: A0): Wrapper.Aux[A0] = new Wrapper { type A = A0 def value: A0 = a } } val w: Wrapper = Wrapper(1) val wAux = Wrapper(1) // Wrapper.Aux[Int] val z = wAux.value + wAux.value // ok val z = w.value + w.value // compilation fails, type of value is really hidden
- example
- use cases
- hiding internal state:
ZIO Schedule[-Env, -In, +Out]
trait Schedule[-Env, -In, +Out] extends Serializable { self => import Schedule.Decision._ import Schedule._ type State def initial: State
- reason: putting state will make it complex
- state can be really long like window recur every 5 seconds etc
- we don't need to know what it is to work with schedule
- exposing it means exposing implementation detail
- why not use trait
- we want to keep it the same in every referred place
- source: https://github.com/zio/zio/blob/series/2.x/core/shared/src/main/scala/zio/Schedule.scala
- reason: putting state will make it complex
- type inference & partial application
- problem: for generics you can only specify all of them or not specify any of the
trait Joiner[Elem, R] { def join(xs: Seq[Elem]): R } def doJoin[T, R](xs: T*)(using j: Joiner[T, R]): R = j.join(xs) given Joiner[CharSequence, String] with { override def join(xs: Seq[CharSequence]): String = xs.mkString } given Joiner[String, String] with { override def join(xs: Seq[String]): String = xs.mkString(",") } // for Joiner[Elem, R] you can only specify all of them or not specify any of the doJoin[CharSequence, String]("a", "b", "c") doJoin[String, String]("a", "b", "c") doJoin("a", "b", "c")
- use case: some subset of types is uniquely determined by other types
- example: ZIO Zippable
- source: https://github.com/zio/zio/blob/series/2.x/core/shared/src/main/scala/zio/Zippable.scala
- no matter how we zip we should always maintain "flat" structure of tuple
((_, _), _)
~(_, (_, _))
~(_, _, _)
- example
val zio1: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Int] = ZIO.succeed(1) val zio2: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Int] = ZIO.succeed(2) val zio3: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Int] = ZIO.succeed(3) val zio1_4: ZIO[Any, Nothing, ((Int, Int), Int)] = zio1 <*> zio2 <*> zio3 // ZIO 1: not flattened tuple val zio2_4: ZIO[Any, Nothing, (Int, Int, Int)] = zio1 <*> zio2 <*> zio3 // ZIO 2: no tuples nesting
- digression: it cannot be resolved systematically
val zio1 = ZIO.succeed(1) val zio2 = ZIO.succeed((2, 3)) val zio3 = ZIO.succeed(3) val zio2_4: ZIO[Any, Nothing, (Int, (Int, Int), Int)] = zio1 <*> zio2 <*> zio3 // no implicit for that case
- example: ZIO Zippable
- problem: for generics you can only specify all of them or not specify any of the
- hiding internal state:
- both logic and programming with functions are built around the notion of hypotheticals
- proposition
says "if I had an 𝐴, I could prove 𝐵" - function of type
says "if I had a value of type 𝐴, I could compute a value of type 𝐵" - these logics/languages are really systems for hypothetical reasoning, which we need for both programming and proving
- whether we say "prove" or "compute" really just depends on whether we only care about
- existence of an 𝐵
- or which 𝐵 we get
- proposition
- propositions as types
- bottom type = logical falsehood
- Scala’s
type - used to define type negation
type Not[A] = A => Nothing
- on the logical side of Curry-Howard this maps to
A -> false
, which is equivalent to~A
- on the logical side of Curry-Howard this maps to
- polymorphic function
absurd[A]: Nothing => A
corresponds to statement "from falsehood you can derive everything"- it cannot be constructed, but intuitively it is just a promise: if you give me element of nothing I will
give you element of
- usually called
absurd[A]: Nothing => A
- notice that for any set 𝐴, there is exactly one function from the empty set to 𝐴
- graph of an empty function is a subset of the Cartesian product ∅×𝐴
- since the product is empty the only such subset is the empty set ∅
- graph of an empty function is a subset of the Cartesian product ∅×𝐴
- usually called
- it cannot be constructed, but intuitively it is just a promise: if you give me element of nothing I will
give you element of
- Scala’s
- function type = implication
- example: proof that
(a^b)^c = a^(b x c)
- logic:
- types:
((b, c) -> a) <=> (c -> b -> a)
curry :: ((b, c) -> a) -> c -> b -> a curry g c b = g (b, c) uncurry :: (c -> b -> a) -> (b, c) -> a uncurry f (b, c) = f c b
- logic:
- example: proof that
- product type = conjunction
- sum type = disjunction
- inhabited types = provable theorems
- we cannot implement generic function
f: A => B
- it would mean we can prove implication
A -> B
- from any informationA
we can derive any informationB
- to do that, we need some kind of connection between
- it would mean we can prove implication
- we cannot implement generic function
- summary
Algebra Logic Types a + b a ∨ b Either a b a × b a ∧ b (a, b) b^a a ⇒ b a -> b a = b a ⇔ b isomorphism 0 ⊥ Void 1 ⊤ ()
- bottom type = logical falsehood
- relates systems of formal logic to models of computation
- propositions as types
- useful way to think of types is to view them as predictions
- if the expression terminates, you know what form the expression is
- useful way to think of types is to view them as predictions
- proofs as programs
- proof of a proposition is a program of that type
- provability corresponds to inhabitation
- if we can find the values that exist for a given a type, it turns out that the type corresponds to a true mathematical theorem
- normalisation of proofs as evaluation of programs
- propositions as types
- propositional calculus
- implication, negation, conjunction, disjunction, exclusive OR and equality
- problem: doesn’t know about sets, considering just atomic values
- first-order logic
- extends propositional logic
- introduces quantifiers to atomic values
- Universal quantification ∀
- Existential quantification ∃
- introduces quantifiers to atomic values
- corresponds to dependent types
- statement: for all x, if x is a student then x has an ID
trait Student { type Id }
- statement: for all x, if x is a student then x has an ID
- is undecidable
- Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, which says that even in the formal complete system you can come across with unprovable statements
- example: "this statement is not provable"
- case 1: this statement is false => it is provable => we proved something that is false
- goes agains whole idea of proofs
- if you can proove things that are false => logic is not very useful
- case 2: this statement is true => we have statements that are not provable
- case 1: this statement is false => it is provable => we proved something that is false
- example: "this statement is not provable"
- Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, which says that even in the formal complete system you can come across with unprovable statements
- extends propositional logic
- second-order logic
- apply quantifiers not only to atomic values but to sets and predicates as well
- example: there exists a property that holds for all natural numbers greater than 5
- vs FOL: we can say at most that for property P(x) we have: for all natural numbers greater than 5 P(x) holds
- example: there exists a property that holds for all natural numbers greater than 5
- corresponds to polymorphic types
- statement: ∃ P : Students → Bool, ∀ s : Students, hasPassed(s) = P(s)
trait StudentPredicate[-A] { def test(student: A): Boolean } def hasPassed[A](student: A)(using predicate: StudentPredicate[A]): Boolean = predicate.test(student)
- statement: ∃ P : Students → Bool, ∀ s : Students, hasPassed(s) = P(s)
- apply quantifiers not only to atomic values but to sets and predicates as well
- has practical implications in e.g. program verification
- example: proof that
reverse o reverse == identity
- by induction and with lemma
reverse (xs ++ ys) == reverse ys ++ reverse xs
- by induction and with lemma
- formal verification is an automated process that uses mathematical techniques to prove the correctness of the program
- can prove that program's business logic meets a predefined specification
- formal model is a mathematical description of a computational process
- provide a level of abstraction over which analysis of a program's behavior can be evaluated
- example: proof that
- in some sense, the Curry-Howard isomorphism isn't an isomorphism at all
- some people prefer the word "correspondence"
- maybe it's not "two things that are isomorphic" but "two different views of the same thing"
- example:
a^1 = a
- when viewed through Curry–Howard, it describes an isomorphism between
() -> a
- no distinction between having a value and having a (pure) program that computes that value
- when viewed through Curry–Howard, it describes an isomorphism between
- example: