This repository holds the development history of the
script embedded in
plus a few extra modifications.
Please report all issues and pull-requests there, not here.
The script is designed to read a set of BAM files representing reads aligned to various haplotypes, combine them and intersect the alignments with gene coordinates. The output tells for each read the read it belongs to and on which haplotypes it is found.
The python script has a few dependencies:
- pybam: "Pure Python" -but fast- library to read BAM files
- intervaltree: "Pure Python" library that implements interval trees
- quicksect: C/Python library
that implements interval trees
too but is about 4x faster than
. Note that its installation may require Cython and a compiler (e.g. gcc) setup.
Only one of the last two is needed, quicksect
being the preferred
option for performance reasons.
There are several ways of bringing them in, the easiest being with pip
Note that you may want to first setup a virtualenv
before installing the dependencies, to ensure your environment is clean and
self-contained. For instance:
# Where the files are going to be stored
# To create a "virtualenv" (only the first time)
# To start using the "virtualenv"
source $ALTHAPALIGN_VENV/bin/activate
# To install the dependencies
pip install
pip install cython
pip install quicksect
# To stop using it, once finished
- GTF file that covers all the haplotypes (optional)
- BAM files (1 per region). They must be sorted by query name with Picard. Do not use samtools to sort the files as it does not follow the lexicographic order.
The general syntax is
Usage: [options] gtf_file bam_file_1 bam_file_2 ...
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Replace some erroneous gene names
-g GENE_TYPES, --gene_types=GENE_TYPES
Comma-separated list of gene biotypes to use [default:
protein_coding]. Use an empty string for no filtering
Comma-separated list of transcript biotypes to use for
the exon-overlap filtering [default: protein_coding].
Use an empty string for no filtering
-n, --no_gtf_filter Do not use a GTF file to filter the reads. The command
line arguments are then expected to all be BAM files.
The -r
option can be repeated if several genes have the wrong name. For
instance, we use Gencode
21 in the paper, which has
to be fixed with -r VARSL VARS2 -r C6orf205 MUC21
The output is usually a tab-separated file with n+2 columns, n being the number of BAM files.
read name | gene name | edit distance in BAM file 1 | edit distance in BAM file 2 | ... |
Each edit distance is actually the sum of the edit distances of the two reads in each pair.
If the --no_gtf_filter
option is used, the second column is skipped.
The script's CPU-time is linear in the total number of reads
found in the BAM files. Depending on the CPU, it can parse between 30,000
and 80,000 reads per second. The analysis from the paper over 8 BAM files
comprising more than 13 million reads takes less than 3 minutes on an Intel i7-7500U
CPU @ 2.70GHz (on 1 core only). The memory consumption is limited than 20MB
with quicksect
, 35MB with intervaltree
, regardless of the number of reads.
It only depends on the number of genes and exons in the GTF file.
./ -r VARSL VARS2 -r C6orf205 MUC21 gencode.v21.only_MHC.annotation.gtf.gz */*picard-sorted*bam > output_file