Package gherkin implements a parser for the Gherkin language, used for Story/Feature based Behavior Driven Development.
The parser is generated via @pointlander's awesome peg parser generator.
Read the Documentation over at
$ go get
$ git clone
$ cd go-gherkin/
$ make get-deps build test install
import (
func main() {
feature, _ := gherkin.ParseGherkinFeature(`
Feature: Hello World
The world is a beautiful place
So let people be nice to each other
@nice @people
Scenario: Nice people
Given a nice person called "Bob"
And a nice person called "Lisa"
When "Bob" says to "Lisa": "Hello!"
Then "Lisa" should reply to "Bob": "Hello!"
fmt.Printf("feature: %#v %#v\n", feature.Title(), feature.Tags())
fmt.Printf("no. scenarios: %#v\n", len(feature.Scenarios()))
for i, scenario := range feature.Scenarios() {
fmt.Printf("scenario %d: %#v %#v\n", i+1, scenario.Title(), scenario.Tags())
for i, step := range scenario.Steps() {
fmt.Printf(" step %d: %#v %#v\n", i+1, step.StepType(), step.Text())
feature: "Hello World" []string{"wip"}
no. scenarios: 1
scenario 1: "Nice people" []string{"nice", "people"}
step 1: "Given" "a nice person called \"Bob\""
step 2: "And" "a nice person called \"Lisa\""
step 3: "When" "\"Bob\" says to \"Lisa\": \"Hello!\""
step 4: "Then" "\"Lisa\" should reply to \"Bob\": \"Hello!\""
Projects using go-gherkin package:
- gherkinfmt - Commandline tool to format Gherkin files.
© 2014 by Mathias Leppich, @muhqu |