A social networking app just like any other app of the same kind but has some voice 🎤 functionalities because it was suggested by my teammates but did not contributed to it.👻
Was a college project so why not opensource it? 💻🌿 so it is here! 😎😍
Used Firebase Realtime Database to store the data. 📙
You need to create a new project 👷 in Firebase and download 😋 the google-services.json file and add it to the app 📲 folder 📁.
- Login/#
- Can make posts either by voice or by typing
- Posts can be deleted 🗑
- Posts have a speak button to listen the content of the post
- Can add friends 👭 and chat 💬 with them after adding them
- Both people need to add each other separately to initiate a chat 💬
- Profile picture 👤📸 can also be added
- People can be added from the discover section 🌱
It is a college project but still i would be contributing more to it.