Saves stats about queries using keys from comments and counters from pg_stat_kcache.
Extension requires pg_stat_statements and pg_stat_kcache extension to be installed.
The module can be built using the standard PGXS infrastructure. For this to
work, the pg_config
program must be available in your $PATH.
Also, pg_time_buffer
and header from pg_stat_kcache is required to compile.
Instruction to install follows:
git clone
git clone
git clone
cp pg_stat_kcache/pg_stat_kcache.h pg_comment_stats/
cp pg_time_buffer/* pg_comment_stats/
cd pg_comment_stats
make install
You must add the module to shared_preload_libraries
in your postgresql.conf
The following GUCs can be configured, in postgresql.conf
- pg_comment_stats.buffer_size - amount of shared memory (in mb), that will be allocated by extension.
- pg_comment_stats.stat_time_interval - interval of time (in seconds), during which stats will be stored in the buffer. After this interval, each stat will be removed from the buffer.
- pg_comment_stats.excluded_keys - list of excluded keys (for example "first_key,second_key")
Add comments like this to your queries:
> /* a: 1 b: qwerty*/ some_query;
Select stats about specified keys from all buffer:
> select * from pgcs_get_stats();
NOTICE: 00000: pgcs: Show stats from '2021-09-29 15:33:03.97336+03' to '2021-09-29 15:33:13.785069+03'
LOCATION: pgcs_internal_get_stats_time_interval, pg_comment_stats.c:848
-[ RECORD 1 ]+---------------------------
comment_keys | {"a": "1", "b": "qwerty"}
query_count | 1
userid | 10
dbid | 14409
reads | 0
writes | 0
user_time | 5.700000000000019e-05
system_time | 0
minflts | 7
majflts | 0
nswaps | 0
msgsnds | 0
msgrcvs | 0
nsignals | 0
nvcsws | 0
nivcsws | 0
Time: 3.649 ms
Or from specific time interval (with accuracy 1% of stat_time_interval):
> select * from pgcs_get_stats_time_interval(now() - '30 s'::interval, now());
NOTICE: 00000: pgcs: Show stats from '2021-09-29 15:36:08.98296+03' to '2021-09-29 15:36:39.567835+03'
LOCATION: pgcs_internal_get_stats_time_interval, pg_comment_stats.c:848
-[ RECORD 1 ]+---------------------------
comment_keys | {"a": "1", "b": "qwerty"}
query_count | 1
userid | 10
dbid | 14409
reads | 0
writes | 0
user_time | 0
system_time | 4.0000000000000105e-05
minflts | 0
majflts | 0
nswaps | 0
msgsnds | 0
msgrcvs | 0
nsignals | 0
nvcsws | 0
nivcsws | 0
Time: 1.408 m
If needed, you can exclude some keys:
> select pgcs_exclude_key('c');
(1 row)
Time: 0.344 ms
> /* a: 1 c: hmm*/ select 1;
(1 row)
Time: 0.209 ms
> select * from pgcs_get_stats() limit 1;
NOTICE: 00000: pgcs: Show stats from '2021-09-29 15:37:54.982949+03' to '2021-09-29 15:39:36.513423+03'
LOCATION: pgcs_internal_get_stats_time_interval, pg_comment_stats.c:848
-[ RECORD 1 ]+----------------------
comment_keys | {"a": "1"}
query_count | 1
userid | 10
dbid | 14409
reads | 0
writes | 0
user_time | 6.000000000000363e-06
system_time | 1.299999999999999e-05
minflts | 0
majflts | 0
nswaps | 0
msgsnds | 0
msgrcvs | 0
nsignals | 0
nvcsws | 0
nivcsws | 0
Time: 1.125 ms
Select or reset excluded keys:
> select * from pgcs_get_excluded_keys();
(1 row)
Time: 0.283 ms
> select * from pgcs_reset_excluded_keys();
(1 row)
Time: 0.285 ms
> select * from pgcs_get_excluded_keys();
(0 rows)
Time: 0.188 ms