This app was created to learn more about Android maps, geofencing and the use of sonarqube with jacoco for unit tests and coverage reports.
A Kodeco tutorial was used as a reference to learn about the use of GeoFences in Android. More information in the following link: Kodeco Geofencing
Clone this repository and import into Android Studio
git clone
Use the Android Studio Build Variants button to choose between debug and release flavors.
This project is maintained by:
- Kotlin -For coding.
- Maps -Maps.
- Geofencing -Geofencing.
- Work Manager -Is the recommended solution for persistent work.
- Service -A Service is an application component representing either an application's desire to perform a longer-running operation while not interacting with the user or to supply functionality for other applications to use.
- Junit -For unit tests.
- Sonarqube -Self-managed, automatic code review tool that systematically helps you deliver clean code.
- Jacoco -For coverage reports.
- Clone the repository
- Open it in Android Studio
- Wait until dependencies are installed
- If you experience problems when compiling the project you may need to change your JDK to Corretto 11
- Run app in your emulator or physical device
- Make sure you are running Sonarqube locally or somewhere online
- If you are running Sonarqube locally add your sonar.login and sonar.password from build.gradle(:app)
- From terminal in android studio preferably execute the following command: ./gradlew clean connectedAndroidTest test createDebugCoverageReport jacocoTestReport sonarqube
- When build finish open or refresh your Sonarqube from localhost or origin in your browser.