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Populating GSX information

Mike Solin edited this page Apr 11, 2016 · 2 revisions

Once you've configured the GSX module, you'll probably want to recheck all of your existing warranty data against Apple's API. For an individual machine, that's easy - just go to Clients > Computer Name > Show (menu in the upper-left corner) > GSX > Recheck Warranty Status. For an entire fleet, that's a fair amount of work. Let's automate this.

First, open MunkiReport, then click Listings > GSX. In the upper-left corner of the page, click the pop-up menu, then click All to display all of your Macs. In the upper-right corner of the page, click CSV. Select everything on the page, copy it to the clipboard, and paste it into a new document in your favorite text editor (TextWrangler is free, just don't use TextEdit). Save it to your Desktop as all-macs.csv.

Next, we'll want to trim this down to just serial numbers. Open the Terminal, then paste this:

cd ~/Desktop && awk -F "\"*,\"*" '{print $2}' all-macs.csv > serials.txt

Hit enter, and you should see a new text file appear on the desktop, called serials.txt. Open that up in your text editor, and delete the first line (called Serial Number). Save and close.

Now, make a new document in your text editor, and call it, also saving it to your Desktop. Paste this:


COOKIE_JAR=$(curl -s --cookie-jar - --data "login=${MR_LOGIN}&password=${MR_PASSWORD}" ${MR_BASE_URL}/auth/#)

while read serial
   curl -s --cookie "$SESSION_COOKIE" ${MR_BASE_URL}/module/gsx/recheck_gsx/"$serial" >> gsx_lookup.log
done < serials.txt

exit 0

Be sure to edit MR_BASE_URL, MR_LOGIN, and MR_PASSWORD for your server information.

Open the Terminal, then paste the following:

chmod +x ~/Desktop/

Hit enter to make the script executable. Then, finally, run the script:


Although it won't output anything to the Terminal, you can follow along in the log file, gsx_lookup.log.

After it's all done, you'll want to go back to MunkiReport > Listings > GSX and manually Recheck Warranty Status for any Macs that had errors.

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