A C++11 single-file header-only cross platform HTTP/HTTPS library.
It's extremely easy to setup. Just include the httplib.h file in your code!
This library uses 'blocking' socket I/O. If you are looking for a library with 'non-blocking' socket I/O, this is not the one that you want.
#include "path/to/httplib.h"
httplib::Server svr;
httplib::SSLServer svr;
svr.Get("/hi", [](const httplib::Request &, httplib::Response &res) {
res.set_content("Hello World!", "text/plain");
svr.listen("", 8080);
#include "path/to/httplib.h"
httplib::Client cli("http://cpp-httplib-server.yhirose.repl.co");
httplib::Client cli("https://cpp-httplib-server.yhirose.repl.co");
auto res = cli.Get("/hi");
SSL support is available with CPPHTTPLIB_OPENSSL_SUPPORT
. libssl
and libcrypto
should be linked.
cpp-httplib currently supports only version 3.0 or later. Please see this page to get more information.
For macOS: cpp-httplib now can use system certs with CPPHTTPLIB_USE_CERTS_FROM_MACOSX_KEYCHAIN
. CoreFoundation
and Security
should be linked with -framework
#include "path/to/httplib.h"
// Server
httplib::SSLServer svr("./cert.pem", "./key.pem");
// Client
httplib::Client cli("https://localhost:1234"); // scheme + host
httplib::SSLClient cli("localhost:1234"); // host
httplib::SSLClient cli("localhost", 1234); // host, port
// Use your CA bundle
// Disable cert verification
// Disable host verification
When using SSL, it seems impossible to avoid SIGPIPE in all cases, since on some operating systems, SIGPIPE can only be suppressed on a per-message basis, but there is no way to make the OpenSSL library do so for its internal communications. If your program needs to avoid being terminated on SIGPIPE, the only fully general way might be to set up a signal handler for SIGPIPE to handle or ignore it yourself.
#include <httplib.h>
int main(void)
using namespace httplib;
Server svr;
svr.Get("/hi", [](const Request& req, Response& res) {
res.set_content("Hello World!", "text/plain");
// Match the request path against a regular expression
// and extract its captures
svr.Get(R"(/numbers/(\d+))", [&](const Request& req, Response& res) {
auto numbers = req.matches[1];
res.set_content(numbers, "text/plain");
// Capture the second segment of the request path as "id" path param
svr.Get("/users/:id", [&](const Request& req, Response& res) {
auto user_id = req.path_params.at("id");
res.set_content(user_id, "text/plain");
// Extract values from HTTP headers and URL query params
svr.Get("/body-header-param", [](const Request& req, Response& res) {
if (req.has_header("Content-Length")) {
auto val = req.get_header_value("Content-Length");
if (req.has_param("key")) {
auto val = req.get_param_value("key");
res.set_content(req.body, "text/plain");
svr.Get("/stop", [&](const Request& req, Response& res) {
svr.listen("localhost", 1234);
, Put
, Delete
and Options
methods are also supported.
int port = svr.bind_to_any_port("");
// Mount / to ./www directory
auto ret = svr.set_mount_point("/", "./www");
if (!ret) {
// The specified base directory doesn't exist...
// Mount /public to ./www directory
ret = svr.set_mount_point("/public", "./www");
// Mount /public to ./www1 and ./www2 directories
ret = svr.set_mount_point("/public", "./www1"); // 1st order to search
ret = svr.set_mount_point("/public", "./www2"); // 2nd order to search
// Remove mount /
ret = svr.remove_mount_point("/");
// Remove mount /public
ret = svr.remove_mount_point("/public");
// User defined file extension and MIME type mappings
svr.set_file_extension_and_mimetype_mapping("cc", "text/x-c");
svr.set_file_extension_and_mimetype_mapping("cpp", "text/x-c");
svr.set_file_extension_and_mimetype_mapping("hh", "text/x-h");
The followings are built-in mappings:
Extension | MIME Type | Extension | MIME Type |
css | text/css | mpga | audio/mpeg |
csv | text/csv | weba | audio/webm |
txt | text/plain | wav | audio/wave |
vtt | text/vtt | otf | font/otf |
html, htm | text/html | ttf | font/ttf |
apng | image/apng | woff | font/woff |
avif | image/avif | woff2 | font/woff2 |
bmp | image/bmp | 7z | application/x-7z-compressed |
gif | image/gif | atom | application/atom+xml |
png | image/png | application/pdf | |
svg | image/svg+xml | mjs, js | application/javascript |
webp | image/webp | json | application/json |
ico | image/x-icon | rss | application/rss+xml |
tif | image/tiff | tar | application/x-tar |
tiff | image/tiff | xhtml, xht | application/xhtml+xml |
jpeg, jpg | image/jpeg | xslt | application/xslt+xml |
mp4 | video/mp4 | xml | application/xml |
mpeg | video/mpeg | gz | application/gzip |
webm | video/webm | zip | application/zip |
mp3 | audio/mp3 | wasm | application/wasm |
These static file server methods are not thread-safe.
// The handler is called right before the response is sent to a client
svr.set_file_request_handler([](const Request &req, Response &res) {
svr.set_logger([](const auto& req, const auto& res) {
your_logger(req, res);
svr.set_error_handler([](const auto& req, auto& res) {
auto fmt = "<p>Error Status: <span style='color:red;'>%d</span></p>";
char buf[BUFSIZ];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, res.status);
res.set_content(buf, "text/html");
The exception handler gets called if a user routing handler throws an error.
svr.set_exception_handler([](const auto& req, auto& res, std::exception_ptr ep) {
auto fmt = "<h1>Error 500</h1><p>%s</p>";
char buf[BUFSIZ];
try {
} catch (std::exception &e) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, e.what());
} catch (...) { // See the following NOTE
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, "Unknown Exception");
res.set_content(buf, "text/html");
res.status = StatusCode::InternalServerError_500;
if you don't provide the catch (...)
block for a rethrown exception pointer, an uncaught exception will end up causing the server crash. Be careful!
svr.set_pre_routing_handler([](const auto& req, auto& res) {
if (req.path == "/hello") {
res.set_content("world", "text/html");
return Server::HandlerResponse::Handled;
return Server::HandlerResponse::Unhandled;
svr.set_post_routing_handler([](const auto& req, auto& res) {
res.set_header("ADDITIONAL_HEADER", "value");
svr.Post("/multipart", [&](const auto& req, auto& res) {
auto size = req.files.size();
auto ret = req.has_file("name1");
const auto& file = req.get_file_value("name1");
// file.filename;
// file.content_type;
// file.content;
[&](const Request &req, Response &res, const ContentReader &content_reader) {
if (req.is_multipart_form_data()) {
// NOTE: `content_reader` is blocking until every form data field is read
MultipartFormDataItems files;
[&](const MultipartFormData &file) {
return true;
[&](const char *data, size_t data_length) {
files.back().content.append(data, data_length);
return true;
} else {
std::string body;
content_reader([&](const char *data, size_t data_length) {
body.append(data, data_length);
return true;
const size_t DATA_CHUNK_SIZE = 4;
svr.Get("/stream", [&](const Request &req, Response &res) {
auto data = new std::string("abcdefg");
data->size(), // Content length
"text/plain", // Content type
[&, data](size_t offset, size_t length, DataSink &sink) {
const auto &d = *data;
sink.write(&d[offset], std::min(length, DATA_CHUNK_SIZE));
return true; // return 'false' if you want to cancel the process.
[data](bool success) { delete data; });
Without content length:
svr.Get("/stream", [&](const Request &req, Response &res) {
"text/plain", // Content type
[&](size_t offset, DataSink &sink) {
if (/* there is still data */) {
std::vector<char> data;
// prepare data...
sink.write(data.data(), data.size());
} else {
sink.done(); // No more data
return true; // return 'false' if you want to cancel the process.
svr.Get("/chunked", [&](const Request& req, Response& res) {
[](size_t offset, DataSink &sink) {
sink.write("123", 3);
sink.write("345", 3);
sink.write("789", 3);
sink.done(); // No more data
return true; // return 'false' if you want to cancel the process.
With trailer:
svr.Get("/chunked", [&](const Request& req, Response& res) {
res.set_header("Trailer", "Dummy1, Dummy2");
[](size_t offset, DataSink &sink) {
sink.write("123", 3);
sink.write("345", 3);
sink.write("789", 3);
{"Dummy1", "DummyVal1"},
{"Dummy2", "DummyVal2"}
return true;
svr.Get("/content", [&](const Request &req, Response &res) {
svr.Get("/content", [&](const Request &req, Response &res) {
res.set_file_content("./path/to/conent", "text/html");
By default, the server sends a 100 Continue
response for an Expect: 100-continue
// Send a '417 Expectation Failed' response.
svr.set_expect_100_continue_handler([](const Request &req, Response &res) {
return StatusCode::ExpectationFailed_417;
// Send a final status without reading the message body.
svr.set_expect_100_continue_handler([](const Request &req, Response &res) {
return res.status = StatusCode::Unauthorized_401;
svr.set_keep_alive_max_count(2); // Default is 5
svr.set_keep_alive_timeout(10); // Default is 5
svr.set_read_timeout(5, 0); // 5 seconds
svr.set_write_timeout(5, 0); // 5 seconds
svr.set_idle_interval(0, 100000); // 100 milliseconds
svr.set_payload_max_length(1024 * 1024 * 512); // 512MB
When the request body content type is 'www-form-urlencoded', the actual payload length shouldn't exceed CPPHTTPLIB_FORM_URL_ENCODED_PAYLOAD_MAX_LENGTH
Please see Server example and Client example.
is used as a default task queue, and the default thread count is 8, or std::thread::hardware_concurrency()
. You can change it with CPPHTTPLIB_THREAD_POOL_COUNT
If you want to set the thread count at runtime, there is no convenient way... But here is how.
svr.new_task_queue = [] { return new ThreadPool(12); };
You can also provide an optional parameter to limit the maximum number
of pending requests, i.e. requests accept()
ed by the listener but
still waiting to be serviced by worker threads.
svr.new_task_queue = [] { return new ThreadPool(/*num_threads=*/12, /*max_queued_requests=*/18); };
Default limit is 0 (unlimited). Once the limit is reached, the listener will shutdown the client connection.
You can supply your own thread pool implementation according to your need.
class YourThreadPoolTaskQueue : public TaskQueue {
YourThreadPoolTaskQueue(size_t n) {
virtual bool enqueue(std::function<void()> fn) override {
/* Return true if the task was actually enqueued, or false
* if the caller must drop the corresponding connection. */
return pool_.enqueue(fn);
virtual void shutdown() override {
YourThreadPool pool_;
svr.new_task_queue = [] {
return new YourThreadPoolTaskQueue(12);
#include <httplib.h>
#include <iostream>
int main(void)
httplib::Client cli("localhost", 1234);
if (auto res = cli.Get("/hi")) {
if (res->status == StatusCode::OK_200) {
std::cout << res->body << std::endl;
} else {
auto err = res.error();
std::cout << "HTTP error: " << httplib::to_string(err) << std::endl;
Constructor with scheme-host-port string is now supported!
httplib::Client cli("localhost");
httplib::Client cli("localhost:8080");
httplib::Client cli("http://localhost");
httplib::Client cli("http://localhost:8080");
httplib::Client cli("https://localhost");
httplib::SSLClient cli("localhost");
Here is the list of errors from Result::error()
enum Error {
Success = 0,
httplib::Headers headers = {
{ "Hello", "World!" }
auto res = cli.Get("/hi", headers);
auto res = cli.Get("/hi", {{"Hello", "World!"}});
{ "Hello", "World!" }
auto res = cli.Get("/hi");
res = cli.Post("/post", "text", "text/plain");
res = cli.Post("/person", "name=john1¬e=coder", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
httplib::Params params;
params.emplace("name", "john");
params.emplace("note", "coder");
auto res = cli.Post("/post", params);
httplib::Params params{
{ "name", "john" },
{ "note", "coder" }
auto res = cli.Post("/post", params);
httplib::MultipartFormDataItems items = {
{ "text1", "text default", "", "" },
{ "text2", "aωb", "", "" },
{ "file1", "h\ne\n\nl\nl\no\n", "hello.txt", "text/plain" },
{ "file2", "{\n \"world\", true\n}\n", "world.json", "application/json" },
{ "file3", "", "", "application/octet-stream" },
auto res = cli.Post("/multipart", items);
res = cli.Put("/resource/foo", "text", "text/plain");
res = cli.Delete("/resource/foo");
res = cli.Options("*");
res = cli.Options("/resource/foo");
cli.set_connection_timeout(0, 300000); // 300 milliseconds
cli.set_read_timeout(5, 0); // 5 seconds
cli.set_write_timeout(5, 0); // 5 seconds
std::string body;
auto res = cli.Get("/large-data",
[&](const char *data, size_t data_length) {
body.append(data, data_length);
return true;
std::string body;
auto res = cli.Get(
"/stream", Headers(),
[&](const Response &response) {
EXPECT_EQ(StatusCode::OK_200, response.status);
return true; // return 'false' if you want to cancel the request.
[&](const char *data, size_t data_length) {
body.append(data, data_length);
return true; // return 'false' if you want to cancel the request.
std::string body = ...;
auto res = cli.Post(
"/stream", body.size(),
[](size_t offset, size_t length, DataSink &sink) {
sink.write(body.data() + offset, length);
return true; // return 'false' if you want to cancel the request.
auto res = cli.Post(
[](size_t offset, DataSink &sink) {
sink.os << "chunked data 1";
sink.os << "chunked data 2";
sink.os << "chunked data 3";
return true; // return 'false' if you want to cancel the request.
httplib::Client cli(url, port);
// prints: 0 / 000 bytes => 50% complete
auto res = cli.Get("/", [](uint64_t len, uint64_t total) {
printf("%lld / %lld bytes => %d%% complete\n",
len, total,
return true; // return 'false' if you want to cancel the request.
// Basic Authentication
cli.set_basic_auth("user", "pass");
// Digest Authentication
cli.set_digest_auth("user", "pass");
// Bearer Token Authentication
OpenSSL is required for Digest Authentication.
cli.set_proxy("host", port);
// Basic Authentication
cli.set_proxy_basic_auth("user", "pass");
// Digest Authentication
cli.set_proxy_digest_auth("user", "pass");
// Bearer Token Authentication
OpenSSL is required for Digest Authentication.
httplib::Client cli("httpbin.org");
auto res = cli.Get("/range/32", {
httplib::make_range_header({{1, 10}}) // 'Range: bytes=1-10'
// res->status should be 206.
// res->body should be "bcdefghijk".
httplib::make_range_header({{1, 10}, {20, -1}}) // 'Range: bytes=1-10, 20-'
httplib::make_range_header({{100, 199}, {500, 599}}) // 'Range: bytes=100-199, 500-599'
httplib::make_range_header({{0, 0}, {-1, 1}}) // 'Range: bytes=0-0, -1'
httplib::Client cli("localhost", 1234);
cli.Get("/hello"); // with "Connection: close"
cli.Get("/last-request"); // with "Connection: close"
httplib::Client cli("yahoo.com");
auto res = cli.Get("/");
res->status; // 301
res = cli.Get("/");
res->status; // 200
This feature is not available on Windows, yet.
cli.set_interface("eth0"); // Interface name, IP address or host name
The server can apply compression to the following MIME type contents:
- all text types except text/event-stream
- image/svg+xml
- application/javascript
- application/json
- application/xml
- application/xhtml+xml
'gzip' compression is available with CPPHTTPLIB_ZLIB_SUPPORT
. libz
should be linked.
Brotli compression is available with CPPHTTPLIB_BROTLI_SUPPORT
. Necessary libraries should be linked.
Please see https://github.com/google/brotli for more detail.
The default Acdcept-Encoding
value contains all possible compression types. So, the following two examples are same.
res = cli.Get("/resource/foo");
res = cli.Get("/resource/foo", {{"Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate, br"}});
If we don't want a response without compression, we have to set Accept-Encoding
to an empty string. This behavior is similar to curl.
res = cli.Get("/resource/foo", {{"Accept-Encoding", ""}});
res = cli.Post("/resource/foo", "...", "text/plain");
res = cli.Get("/resource/foo");
res->body; // Compressed data
system call is used as default since it's more widely supported. If you want to let cpp-httplib use poll
instead, you can do so with CPPHTTPLIB_USE_POLL
Unix Domain Socket support is available on Linux and macOS.
// Server
httplib::Server svr("./my-socket.sock");
svr.set_address_family(AF_UNIX).listen("./my-socket.sock", 80);
// Client
httplib::Client cli("./my-socket.sock");
"my-socket.sock" can be a relative path or an absolute path. You application must have the appropriate permissions for the path. You can also use an abstract socket address on Linux. To use an abstract socket address, prepend a null byte ('\x00') to the path.
$ ./split.py -h
usage: split.py [-h] [-e EXTENSION] [-o OUT]
This script splits httplib.h into .h and .cc parts.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
extension of the implementation file (default: cc)
-o OUT, --out OUT where to write the files (default: out)
$ ./split.py
Wrote out/httplib.h and out/httplib.cc
Dockerfile for static HTTP server is available. Port number of this HTTP server is 80, and it serves static files from /html
directory in the container.
> docker build -t cpp-httplib-server .
> docker run --rm -it -p 8080:80 -v ./docker/html:/html cpp-httplib-server
Serving HTTP on port 80 ... - - [31/Aug/2024:21:33:56 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 599 "-" "curl/8.7.1" - - [31/Aug/2024:21:34:26 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 599 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 ..." - - [31/Aug/2024:21:34:26 +0000] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 152 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 ..."
From Docker Hub
> docker run --rm -it -p 8080:80 -v ./docker/html:/html yhirose4dockerhub/cpp-httplib-server
> docker run --init --rm -it -p 8080:80 -v ./docker/html:/html cpp-httplib-server
Serving HTTP on port 80 ... - - [31/Aug/2024:21:33:56 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 599 "-" "curl/8.7.1" - - [31/Aug/2024:21:34:26 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 599 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 ..." - - [31/Aug/2024:21:34:26 +0000] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 152 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 ..."
g++ 4.8 and below cannot build this library since <regex>
in the versions are broken.
Include httplib.h
before Windows.h
or include Windows.h
by defining WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
#include <httplib.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <httplib.h>
cpp-httplib officially supports only the latest Visual Studio. It might work with former versions of Visual Studio, but I can no longer verify it. Pull requests are always welcome for the older versions of Visual Studio unless they break the C++11 conformance.
Windows 8 or lower, Visual Studio 2013 or lower, and Cygwin and MSYS2 including MinGW are neither supported nor tested.
MIT license (© 2024 Yuji Hirose)
These folks made great contributions to polish this library to totally another level from a simple toy!