ModaMusa is an online clothing store created using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We utilize JSON data to dynamically generate HTML pages. This approach allows us to manage and display product information efficiently. This project includes responsive design that will allow users to view the website seamlessly on different devices (computer, phone, tablet).
- In this project, a multi-page e-commerce site was created.
- Responsive design was made using HTML CSS & Javascript.
- Modern CSS, including flexbox and CSS Grid for layout.
- Modern CSS techniques to create stunning designs and effects.
- Advanced responsive design using media queries.
- Dynamic HTML Generation with JSON
- In the
file,featured product's section are now displayed randomly on each page load to keep things fresh for our users.
Clone the project:
git clone
Clone this repository and open it in your favorite IDE (VSCode, Atom or Sublime)
You can view the website by opening the index.html file in the folder in the browser.
This section contains the further development phases of the project.
- Add functionality to dynamically update basket items. (Users should be able to see their basket instantly.)
- Add empty basket functionality to the shopping basket page. (Users may want to clear their basket.)
- Add a function to delete basket items. (Users should remove the items they want from the basket.)
- Create a checkout page for the checkout process. (Users must perform the checkout process.)
- Add functionality to add coupons and discount codes. (Users should be able to use discount codes.)
- Add a search button on the home page. (Users should be able to search the content.)
- Create a result page to show the search results.
- Making the blog page functional. (Users should be able to read the articles.)
- Create an admin panel to add new blog posts.
For your questions or feedback about the project, you can contact us at