''N.B. Lines starting with '>' have to run on the host and '@>' inside the Docker image.''
Clone the project (or update)
> git clone https://github.com/mvdzel/vha-ampl-fhir-ig.git
(update) > git pull
Build the Docker image
> docker build -t vha-ampl-fhir-ig .
Start the Docker image
> docker run -it -v "$(pwd)":/home/node/vha-ampl-fhir-ig -p 8080:8080 vha-ampl-fhir-ig
Initial setup (get the publisher and optionally the validator and init the node scripts)
> cd vha-ampl-fhir-ig
> curl -L https://github.com/HL7/fhir-ig-publisher/releases/latest/download/publisher.jar -o publisher.jar
> curl -L https://github.com/hapifhir/org.hl7.fhir.core/releases/latest/download/validator_cli.jar -o validator_cli.jar
> cd scripts
> curl -L http://hl7.org/fhir/STU3/definitions.json.zip -o definitions.json.zip
> unzip definitions.json.zip -d definitions
> npm update
Run the script and IG publisher
@> cd vha-ampl-fhir-ig/scripts
@> node vfm2sd.js 2> log.txt
@> node fixorder.js
@> cd ..
@> java -jar publisher.jar -ig ig.ini
@> http-server output
Point you local browser to http://localhost:8080/ to see output!
Generate fhirProps.xml from fhir definitions http://hl7.org/fhir/STU3/definitions.json.zip Needed for vfm2sd.js and fixorder.js.
@> node fhirprops.js > fhirProps.xml 2> log3.txt
Update the project (local)
(if local changes) > git stash
> git pull
Run the FHIR Validator
@> java -jar validator_cli.jar -version 3.0.2 -ig input/resources {FILE_TO_VALIDATE}
@> cd ~/vha-ampl-fhir-ig/input/resources
@> java -jar ~/vha-ampl-fhir-ig/validator_cli.jar -version 3.0.2 -ig . -output validation-output.json {FILE_TO_VALIDATE}
Convert VistA Data Dictionary to csv (DD.zwr)
@> curl -L https://github.com/shabiel/VistA-M/raw/master/Packages/VA%20FileMan/Globals/DD.zwr -o /tmp/DD.zwr
@> node dd2csv.js > /tmp/dd.csv