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A 6502 CPU emulator for .NET

What it (currently) does/is

  • .NET 6 cross platform library Highbyte.DotNet6502 written in C#
  • Emulation of a 6502 processor
  • Supports all official 6502 opcodes
  • Can load an assembled 6502 program binary and execute it
  • Passes this Functional 6502 test program
  • Monitor (rudimentary)
  • A companion library Highbyte.DotNet6502.SadConsoleHost to enable emulator interaction with a SadConsole window
  • Example programs, incl. SadConsole and Blazor WebAssembly apps
  • A programming exercise, that may or may not turn into something more

What's (currently) missing

  • Decimal mode (Binary Coded Decimal) calculations
  • Support for unofficial opcodes

What it isn't (and probably never will be)

  • An emulation of an entire computer (such as Apple II or Commodore 64)
  • The fastest emulator

Inspiration for this library was a Youtube-series about implementing a 6502 emulator in C++

Table of Contents


  • .NET 6 SDK installed.
  • Use Windows, Linux, or Mac

How to use Highbyte.DotNet6502 library from a .NET application

Reference NuGet package

dotnet add package Highbyte.DotNet6502 --prerelease

Or compile .dll yourself

  • Clone this repo git clone
  • Change dir to library cd dotnet-6502/Highbyte.DotNet6502
  • Build library dotnet build
  • In your app, add .dll reference to ./bin/Debug/net6.0/Highbyte.DotNet6502.dll

Example of basic usage of Highbyte.DotNet6502 library

Example #1. Load compiled 6502 binary and execute it.

  var mem = BinaryLoader.Load(
      out ushort loadedAtAddress);
  var computerBuilder = new ComputerBuilder();
  var computer = computerBuilder.Build();

Example #2. 6502 machine code for adding to numbers and dividing by 2

  // Test program 
  // - adds values from two memory location
  // - divides it by 2 (rotate right one bit position)
  // - stores it in another memory location

  // Load input data into memory
  byte value1 = 12;
  byte value2 = 30;
  ushort value1Address = 0xd000;
  ushort value2Address = 0xd001;
  ushort resultAddress = 0xd002;
  var mem = new Memory();
  mem[value1Address] = value1;
  mem[value2Address] = value2;

  // Load machine code into memory
  ushort codeAddress = 0xc000;
  ushort codeInsAddress = codeAddress;
  mem[codeInsAddress++] = 0xad;         // LDA (Load Accumulator)
  mem[codeInsAddress++] = 0x00;         //  |-Lowbyte of $d000
  mem[codeInsAddress++] = 0xd0;         //  |-Highbyte of $d000
  mem[codeInsAddress++] = 0x18;         // CLC (Clear Carry flag)
  mem[codeInsAddress++] = 0x6d;         // ADC (Add with Carry, adds memory to accumulator)
  mem[codeInsAddress++] = 0x01;         //  |-Lowbyte of $d001
  mem[codeInsAddress++] = 0xd0;         //  |-Highbyte of $d001
  mem[codeInsAddress++] = 0x6a;         // ROR (Rotate Right, rotates accumulator right one bit position)
  mem[codeInsAddress++] = 0x8d;         // STA (Store Accumulator, store to accumulator to memory)
  mem[codeInsAddress++] = 0x02;         //  |-Lowbyte of $d002
  mem[codeInsAddress++] = 0xd0;         //  |-Highbyte of $d002
  mem[codeInsAddress++] = 0x00;         // BRK (Break/Force Interrupt) - emulator configured to stop execution when reaching this instruction

  // Initialize emulator with CPU, memory, and execution parameters
  var computerBuilder = new ComputerBuilder();
          (s, e) => Console.WriteLine(OutputGen.GetLastInstructionDisassembly(e.CPU, e.Mem)))
      .WithExecOptions(options =>
          options.ExecuteUntilInstruction = OpCodeId.BRK; // Emulator will stop executing when a BRK instruction is reached.
  var computer = computerBuilder.Build();

  // Run program
  Console.WriteLine($"Execution stopped");
  Console.WriteLine($"CPU state: {OutputGen.GetProcessorState(computer.CPU)}");
  Console.WriteLine($"Stats: {computer.CPU.ExecState.InstructionsExecutionCount} instruction(s) processed, and used {computer.CPU.ExecState.CyclesConsumed} cycles.");

  // Print result
  byte result = mem[resultAddress];
  Console.WriteLine($"Result: ({value1} + {value2}) / 2 = {result}");

generates this output

C000  AD 00 D0  LDA $D000  
C003  18        CLC        
C004  6D 01 D0  ADC $D001  
C007  6A        ROR A      
C008  8D 02 D0  STA $D002  
C00B  00        BRK        
Execution stopped
CPU state: A=15 X=00 Y=00 PS=[-----I--] SP=FD PC=0000
Stats: 6 instruction(s) processed, and used 23 cycles.
Result: (12 + 30) / 2 = 21

Use memory bank switching

To enable more than 64KB total memory, a type of "bank switching" is implemented.

  • The memory has 8 segments of 8K (0x2000/8192 bytes) each. (segment size may be a thing that can be configured in the future)
    • Segment 0: 0x0000 - 0x1fff
    • Segment 1: 0x2000 - 0x3fff
    • Segment 2: 0x4000 - 0x5fff
    • Segment 3: 0x6000 - 0x7fff
    • Segment 4: 0x8000 - 0x9fff
    • Segment 5: 0xa000 - 0xbfff
    • Segment 6: 0xc000 - 0xdfff
    • Segment 7: 0xe000 - 0x1fff
  • Each segment has 1 bank by default (bank 0).
  • The first segment (segment 0) cannot have multiple memory banks.
  • Additional (max 254) banks can be added to segments 1-7 individually.

How to configure emulator to enable bank switching and add additional banks to segments.

  // Enable bank switching when creating Memory
  var mem = new Memory(enableBankSwitching: true);
  // Add a new bank to segment 1 with blank (0x00) contents. The bank number will be 1 (the default one is 0)
  // Add another new bank to segment 1 with blank (0x00) contents. The bank number will be 2 (the default one is 0)
  // Add a new bank to segment 5 with predefined contents. 
  // The predefined arrary must be exactly 1 segement in size, 0x2000 (8192) bytes.
  // Code to load byte array is not described here.
  byte[] bankMem = GetMyBankMem();  
  // The added bank number will be 1 (the default one is 0)
  mem.AddMemorySegmentBank(5, bankMem);

How to control which bank in each segment is currently accessible

To control which bank is active in each segment, two special memory locations in Zero Page can be used from 6502 code. It's a two-step process:

  1. Address 0x02: Write the bank number (0-255) for the segment to be loaded. Each segment has a bank 0. Additional banks is added by emulator startup code described above.
  2. Address 0x01: Write the segment number (1-7) for the segment to be loaded. Writing to this location will trigger the load.

Example: Switch the memory contents for segment 5 to bank 1 (that was added in example above)

  1. Write value 1 to address 0x02
  2. Write value 5 to address 0x01

Example: Switch back segment 5 to use the original bank 0

  1. Write value 0 to address 0x02
  2. Write value 5 to address 0x01

You can find example code in this test.

How to use Highbyte.DotNet6502.SadConsoleHost library from a .NET application

The companion library Highbyte.DotNet6502.SadConsoleHost provides an easy way for letting 6502 code running in the Highbyte.DotNet6502 emulator interacting with a SadConsole window for a text-based user interface (with possibility of colors and custom fonts).

The Highbyte.DotNet6502.SadConsoleHost library overview:

  • Initializes the SadConsole library with a window to display screen data from code running in the 6502 emulator.
  • Your 6502 code running in the emulator
    • is run every frame (SadConsole event handler) until your code sets a specific flag in a memory location, indicating that its done for current frame.
    • should use specific memory-ranges where it stores text and color information.
  • The text and color information from the emulator memory is then rendered in the SadConsole window.

With the same principle, keyboard events are also communicated from SadConsole to the emulator via memory addresses.

Example of basic usage of Highbyte.DotNet6502.SadConsoleHost library

  • Create a new SadConsole .NET project (reference the SadConsole documentation for details). Output type in the .csproj file should be <OutputType>WinExe</OutputType>.
mkdir demo
cd demo
dotnet new --install SadConsole.Templates:1.0.5
dotnet new sadconsole8
  • Edit .csproj file and change <TargetFramework>netcoreapp3.1</TargetFramework> to <TargetFramework>net6.0</TargetFramework>
  • Add reference to Highbyte.DotNet6502.SadConsoleHost (which will also get you the main emulator library Highbyte.DotNet6502)
dotnet add package Highbyte.DotNet6502.SadConsoleHost --prerelease
  • Add reference to configuration libraries
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder
  • Replace Program.cs with this code:
using Highbyte.DotNet6502.SadConsoleHost;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using System.IO;

namespace Demo
    class Program
        private static IConfiguration Configuration;

        static void Main()
            // Get config options
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
            Configuration = builder.Build();

            var emulatorHostOptions = new Options();

            // Init EmulatorHost and run!
            var emulatorHost = new EmulatorHost(emulatorHostOptions);

  • Create a appsettings.json file where you configure where your compiled 6502 program is, and what memory addresses your 6502 program uses for displaying text and colors.
  "Highbyte.DotNet6502.SadConsoleHost": {

    "SadConsoleConfig": {
      "WindowTitle": "SadConsole with Highbyte.DotNet6502 emulator!",
      "FontScale": 2

    "EmulatorConfig": {
      "ProgramBinaryFile": "./.cache/hello_world.prg",     
      "RunEmulatorEveryFrame" : 1,

      "Memory": {
        "Screen": {
          "Cols": 80,
          "Rows": 25,
          "BorderCols": 6,
          "BorderRows": 3,
          "ScreenStartAddress":           "0x0400",   // 80*25 = 2000 (0x07d0) -> range 0x0400 - 0x0bcf
          "ScreenColorStartAddress":      "0xd800",   // 80*25 = 2000 (0x07d0) -> range 0xd800 - 0xdfcf

          "ScreenRefreshStatusAddress":   "0xd000",   // The 6502 code should set bit 1 here when it's done for current frame
          "ScreenBorderColorAddress":     "0xd020",
          "ScreenBackgroundColorAddress": "0xd021",
          "DefaultBgColor":               "0x00",     // 0x00 = Black (C64 scheme)
          "DefaultFgColor":               "0x01",     // 0x0f = Light grey, 0x0e = Light Blue, 0x01 = White  (C64 scheme)
          "DefaultBorderColor":           "0x0b"      // 0x0b = Dark grey (C64 scheme)
        "Input": {
          "KeyPressedAddress":            "0xd030",
          "KeyDownAddress":               "0xd031",
          "KeyReleasedAddress":           "0xd032"
        "MemoryBanks": {                              // There are 8 memory segments (0-7) of 8K each. Segment 0 (0x0000-0x1fff) can not have multiple banks.
          "EnableMemoryBanks": false                  // Set to true to enable banks to be used. And increase BanksPerSegment below.
          "BanksPerSegment": 1,                       // Segments 1-7 can have more than one bank.

6502 assembly code example. Note that the declarations starting with SCREEN_ matches the memory addresses in appsettings.json above. The code can be compiled with ACME assembler. An easy way to do this is via the VS Code extension vs64.

;Written with ACME cross-assembler using VSCode extension VS64. Extension will compile on save to .cache directory.

;Code start address
* = $c000

;Program settings

;Memory address shared with emulator host for updating screen
;80 columns and 25 rows, 1 byte per character = 1000 (0x03e8) bytes. Laid out in memory as appears on screen.
SCREEN_MEM = 0x0400               ;0x0400 - 0x07e7
;Colors, one byte per character = 1000 (0x03e8) bytes
SCREEN_COLOR_MEM = 0xd800          ;0xd800 - 0xdbe7
;Byte with status flags to communicate with emulator host. When host new frame, emulator done for frame, etc.
;Border color address
;Bg color address for entire screen

;Currently pressed key on host (ASCII byte). If no key is pressed, value is 0x00
;Currently down key on host (ASCII byte). If no key is down, value is 0x00
;Currently released key on host (ASCII byte). If no key is down, value is 0x00

;Code start
;Set screen background color
	lda #$06
;Set border color
	lda #$0e
;Initialize static text at row defined in STATIC_TEXT_ROW
	ldx #0
	beq .endoftext
	jmp .printchar

;Wait for emulator indicating a new frame
	and #%00000001			;Bit 0 set signals it time to refresh screen
	beq .waitfornextframe		;Loop if bit 0 is not set

;If space is pressed, cycle border color
	lda KEY_DOWN_ADDRESS		;Load currently down key
	cmp #$20                        ;32 ($20) = space
	bne .spacenotpressed
	ldx SCREEN_BORDER_COLOR_ADDRESS ;Get current border color
	inx                             ;Next color
	cpx #$10                        ;Passed highest color (#$0f)?
	bne .notreachedhighestcolor	;If we haven't reached max color value
	ldx #$00                        ;Reset to lowest color (0)
	stx SCREEN_BORDER_COLOR_ADDRESS	;Update border color

;Set bit flag that tells emulator that this 6502 code is done for current frame
	ora #%00000010                   ;Bit 1 set signals that emulator is currently done
	sta SCREEN_REFRESH_STATUS 	 ;Update status to memory

;Loop forever
	jmp mainloop

	!text "                     ***** DotNet6502 + SadConsole !! *****                     "
	!by 0                            ;End of text indicator	
	!text "                        Press SPACE to cycle border color                       "
	!by 0                            ;End of text indicator	

TODO: Detailed information on how to configure, and simple 6502 example code. See example app below for complete implementation.

Example applications

Highbyte.DotNet6502.SadConsoleHost demo

Example of a SadConsole application running compiled 6502 assembly code in the emulator, using Highbyte.DotNet6502.SadConsoleHost library to let the emulator interact with text-based screen provided by SadConsole.


  • The scrolling is choppy due to text-mode only, but the color-cycling works ok.
  • Tested on Windows and Ubuntu.
cd ./Examples/SadConsoleTest
dotnet run

Blazor WebAssembly demo

Examples of a Blazor WebAssembly app running 6502 code with Highbyte.DotNet6502 library.


  • The example uses SkiaSharp.Views.Blazor for rendering.
  • The scrolling is choppy due to text-mode only, but the color-cycling works ok.
  • Tested on Chrome v96 and Edge v96.


Snake game

Run on local dev machine

cd ./Examples/BlazorWasmSkiaTest
dotnet run

and open browser at http://localhost:5000.

Standard OS text console example

Some example 6502 assembly programs running in the emulator from a standard OS console application.


  • Run16bitMultiplyProgram.cs
  • HostInteractionLab_Scroll_Text.cs
  • etc.

How to use Highbyte.DotNet6502 machine code monitor

A machine code monitor console application for the Highbyte.DotNet6502 emulator library. It allows for some basic interaction with the emulator.

Get source

  • Clone this repo git clone
  • Change dir to monitor application cd dotnet-6502/Highbyte.DotNet6502.Monitor

Run with dotnet

  • dotnet run

Or build and run executable

  • Compile the source code with dotnet build
  • Run executable
    • Windows: .\bin\Debug\net6.0\Highbyte.DotNet6502.Monitor.exe
    • Linux: ./bin/Debug/net6.0/Highbyte.DotNet6502.Monitor
    • Mac: ./bin/Debug/net6.0/Highbyte.DotNet6502.Monitor

Monitor commands

Type ?|help|-?|--help to list commands.

> ?
Usage:  [command]

  d  Disassembles 6502 code from emulator memory.
  f  Fill memory att specified address with a list of bytes. Example: f 1000 20 ff ab 30
  g  Change the PC (Program Counter) to the specified address and execute code.
  l  Load a 6502 binary into emulator memory.
  m  Show contents of emulator memory in bytes.
  q  Quit monitor.
  r  Show processor status and registers. CY = #cycles executed.
  z  Single step through instructions. Optionally execute a specified number of instructions.

Type [command] -?|--help to list help on specific command.

Example on help for d (disassemble) command:

> d -?
Usage:  d [options] <start> <end>

  start         Start address (hex). If not specified, the current PC address is used.
  end           End address (hex). If not specified, a default number of addresses will be shown from start.

  -?|-h|--help  Show help information.

Example how to load binary with l command:

The machine code binary simple.prg adds two number from memory, divides by 2, stores it in another memory location

> l C:\Source\dotnet-6502\.cache\Example\ConsoleTestPrograms\AssemblerSource\simple.prg
File loaded at 0xC000

Example how to disassemble with d command:

Shows what the code in simple.prg does

> d c000 c010
c000  ad 00 d0  LDA $D000
c003  18        CLC
c004  6d 01 d0  ADC $D001
c007  6a        ROR A
c008  8d 02 d0  STA $D002
c00b  00        BRK
c00c  00        BRK
c00d  00        BRK
c00e  00        BRK
c00f  00        BRK
c010  00        BRK

Example how to fill bytes in memory with f command:

Sets value A and B in memory locations (d000 and d001) that simple.prg uses

> f d000 12 30

Example how to set PC (Program Counter) with r pc command:

Sets PC at load address of simple.prg

> r pc c000
SP=00 PC=C000

Example how to execute g command:

Executes simple.prg, stops on BRK instruction

> g c000
Will stop on BRK instruction.
Staring executing code at c000
Stopped at                0000
c00b  00        BRK

Example how to show contents of bytes in memory with m command:

Inspects values A (d000), B (d001), and result (d002)

> m d000 d002
d000  12 30 21

How to develop

  • Use Windows, Linux, or Mac.
  • .NET 6 SDK installed.
  • Develop in VSCode (Windows, Linux, Mac), Visual Studio 2019 (Windows), or other preferred editor.


Most of the code has been developed with a test-first approach.

The XUnit library is used.

Unit tests

To run only unit tests:

dotnet test --filter TestType!=Integration

Functional (integration) test

There is a special XUnit test that is running the test code found here: Functional 6502 test program

The purpose of it is to verify if an emulator (or real computer) executes the 6502 instructions correctly.

Notes on the special functional/integration XUnit test

  • it downloads the Functional 6502 test program from the repo
  • it modifies the .asm source code to disable Decimal tests
  • it compiles the .asm source code with the AS65 assembler (bundled in the repo above)
  • it loads the compiled 6502 binary into this emulator, and runs it.
  • this emulator is configured to stop executing when the program reaches a specific "success" address (where the program loops forever).
  • it currently requires a Windows machine to run due to the AS65 assembler. There may be a Java-version of it that could possibly be used instead.

To run only the special functional/integration XUnit test:

dotnet test --filter TestType=Integration

Code coverage report locally

Install report-generator global tool

dotnet tool install -g dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool

Generate and show reports (Windows)


Generate and show reports (Linux)

chmod +x ./

6502 Resources

6502 CPU Emulator in C++ video

Reference material

Test programs


Was used during development to compile actual 6502 source code to a binary, and then run it through the emulator.

Monitors / Emulators

Was used during development to test how certain instructions worked when in doubt.


Monitor commands:

How to load and step through a program in the VICE monitor

l "C:\Source\Repos\dotnet-6502\.cache\ConsoleTestPrograms\AssemblerSource\testprogram.prg" 0 1000
d 1000
r PC=1000


6502 CPU emulator in .NET







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  • Other 0.3%