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Mykoop module responsible to manage mailing lists



##Available Methods ###AddMailingList Creates a new mailing list with the provided name and description

  params: {
    name: string;
    description?: string;
    showAtRegistration: boolean;
  callback: (err?, result?: {id: number}) => void
  • params:
    • name: name of the mailing list
    • description: description of the mailing list
    • showAtRegistration: flag to indicate if this mailing should appear in the user registration form
  • callback: callback once the treatment is done
    • err: Error or null
    • result:
      • id: id of the newly created mailing list
  • Possible errors:
    • : string;
      • "duplicate": name of the mailing list already exists
    • string[];
      • "empty": name is empty
      • "tooShort__#__": name is too short, # is the minimal length
      • "tooLong__#__": name is too long, # is the maximal length

###UpdateMailingList Update the mailing list information

  params: {
    id: number;
    name: string;
    description?: string;
    showAtRegistration: boolean;
  callback: (err?) => void
  • params:
    • id: id of the mailing list
    • name: new name of the mailing list
    • description: new description of the mailing list
    • showAtRegistration: flag to indicate if this mailing should appear in the user registration form
  • callback: callback once the treatment is done
    • err: Error or null
  • Possible errors:
    • : string;
      • "duplicate": name of the mailing list already exists
    • string;
      • "invalid": id is invalid
    • string[];
      • "notAnInteger": id is not an integer
    • string[];
      • "empty": name is empty
      • "tooShort__#__": name is too short, # is the minimal length
      • "tooLong__#__": name is too long, # is the maximal length

###DeleteMailingList Delete the mailing list and unlink all user from it

  params: {
    id: number;
  callback: (err?) => void
  • params:
    • id: id of the mailing list to delete
  • callback: callback once the treatment is done
    • err: Error or null
  • Possible errors:
    • string;
      • "invalid": id is invalid
    • string[];
      • "empty": mailing list id is missing
      • "notAnInteger": mailing list id is not an integer

###GetMailingList Retrieves all the mailing list available

  params: {},
  callback: (err?, result?: {id: number; name: string; description: string;}[]) => void
  • params: empty
  • callback: callback once the treatment is done
    • err: Error or null
    • result: list of mailing lists
      • id: id of the mailing list
      • name: name of the mailing list
      • description: description of the mailing list

###RegisterToMailingList Register the user to the mailing list

  params: {
    idUser: number;
    idMailingList: number[];
  callback: (err?) => void
  • params:
    • idUser: id of the user that wants to register to the mailing list
    • idMailingList: list of id of the mailing lists to register to
  • callback: callback once the treatment is done
    • err: Error or null

###UnregisterToMailingList Unregister the user of the mailing lists

  params: {
    idUser: number;
    idMailingList: number[];
  callback: (err?) => void
  • params:
    • idUser: id of the user
    • idMailingList: list of id of the mailing lists to unregister from
  • callback: callback once the treatment is done
    • err: Error or null

###GetUserMailingLists Get all the mailing list the user is registered to

  params: {
    id: number;
  callback: (err?, result?: {id: number;}[]) => void
  • params:
    • id: id of the user
  • callback: callback once the treatment is done
    • err: Error or null
    • result: list of mailing lists
      • id: id of the mailing list