nvimc is a utlity to run isolated dev environments with console based IDE in your terminal with the help of which one can freely develop stuff free from the hassale of bloatware and dependencies. It utilises docker containers under the hood. The utility is designed to provide no-config setup and management allowing users to save time and focus more on building stuff.
The setup requires docker
thats it. Just run the command below and you are good to go. Do not try to run the below command as root.
. The setup is not available for windows ("boooo just use vs bro") also it is adviced to users to install nerd fonts prior to setup for better experience and get a terminal which renders character better and support wide range of colours (basic one will mess things up) (I suggest you to go with tabby
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/nvimc https://github.com/myselfakashagarwal/nvimc/raw/legacy/nvimc; sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/nvimc; sudo groupadd docker 2> /dev/null; sudo gpasswd --add "$USER" docker 2> /dev/null
nvimc Open the current working directory in the neovim
nvimc [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS] Open the neovim with respect to arguments provided
Options Argument Action
--version , -v <none> To get the current version
--configure , -c <none> To configure workspace
--file , -f <FOLDER> To open the provided folder in coder container
nvimc --configure
When the IDE opens you will find your mounted/opened stuff in the /mnt directory inside the IDE container. To work with it just trigger the neovim tree (file tree) and traverse towards the directory and click enter to open it. The different panels in the IDE behave differently during switching make sure to consider the mode you are currently in. (for better if you dont know the mode just press ESC key and continue with your actions).
* Must run in command mode
i Writing mode
escape+:+wa Save changes
escape+u Undo
selection+y copy stuff
selection+x cut stuff
ctrl+p paste stuff
escape+space+th Select the desired theme and its all good
Neovim tree
escape+ctrl+n Open the directory structure aka neovin tree
Press 'enter' on file to open it
Press 'a' to add a file
press 'r' to rename a file
Press 'd' to delete a file
sapce+h Open horizontal terminal in the workspace
space+v Open vertical terminal in the workspace
After its been spawned move the cursor in terminal and press 'i' and insert commands a per need type 'exit' to close the terminal
escape+:+wq! To overwrite and exit works for tree and editor, for terminal type command 'exit'
escape+wq To write adn exit
escape+q! To exit without saving any changes