This is an official documentation for
- Please follow every steps without missing
- Don't change order of setup to avoid confusion.
- You must use dev environment version as mentioned here
Node: 9.5.0
Npm: 5.6.0
Ionic: 3.19.0
cordova: 8.0.0
cordova-android: 6.3.0
cordova-ios: 4.4.0
AngularFire: 5.0.0-rc.4
Firebase: 4.8.0
ionic/app-script: 3.1.6
In order to check your installed version, please execute following commands
npm -v
node -v
ionic --version
cordova --version
- Download node from then install
- open your terminal & run
- For NPM:
npm install -g npm@5.6.0
- For Ionic:
npm install -g ionic@3.19.0
- For cordova:
npm install -g cordova@8.0.0
- For NPM:
After downloading your source code extract your .zip & follow these steps
cd firechat
npm install
ionic serve
- Step 1: Setting up Firebase
- Step 2: Facebook Login & Account Kit Setup
- Step 3: Google+ Setup
- Step 4: Push Notification Setup
- Step 5: Deploying FCF
- Facing an issue?
- Is that not working as expected?
- No worries, I'm here to help you for free. feel free to contact
- Don't have time for setup?
- Don't have technical knowledge?
- No worries, we offer paid support for