Here I will collect all useful links that I like to have at hand when I am programming.
Some are useful reminders, some are results of my poor learning curve. The repo will be modified and some files probably move to archive. I still have not decided in what form I will collect them, so any suggestions will be welcomed.
The notes are not for beginners. There are also not for advanced programmers. They are for me. And I know that, in case of programming, I am like John Snow:
You know nothing, John Snow.
In the future maybe I will make them more user-friendly and desinged for broader audience.
Popular commands in my workflow, not so common commands and useful links.
Git notes - mostly done
Only one link to great cheatsheet as for now.
Markdown notes - almost nothing here
for now - use: The only Markdown cheatsheet you need to start
Main topics:
- Broad picture of the JS ecosystem
- WebVR
- Some notes about JS
JS notes - for now mainly links