UPDATE: 1/17/14 converted project to be an alloy widget - work in progress for the next few days. Check out controllers/index.js for samples. the documentation below needs updated!!
I needed a way to create simple sprite animations across both android & ios for Appcelerator Titanium; this was my solution.
if you end up using it shoot me a note i'd like to see it!
-infinite or limited # of loops
-reverse play of loop(s)
-'bounce' loops (play forward then play reversed)
-play defined frames or custom x,y,width,height animation sequences
working examples are in ontrollers/index.js
youtube sample:
sheets used
some sample code
//configure some sprite sheets
var SpriteConfig = {
Mega : {
spriteScale: 1,//defaults to 1 if not included
spriteWidth: 45,//used to create 'masked area' & defined sprite blocks
spriteHeight : 48,//used to create 'masked area' & defined sprite blocks
spritesheetWidth : 1005,
spritesheetHeight : 872,
spritesheetImage : '/images/spritesheet.gif',
loopType : 'loop',//defaults to 'loop' if not included
loops : -1,//defaults to -1 (infinate) if not included
reverseLoop : false,//defaults to 'false' if not included
//example 1
var TiSprite = Alloy.createWidget("com.n3wc.tisprite",SpriteConfig.Mega);
var arr=[//sprite scaling handled in the functions for you, use 1:1 locations