This repository contains simple command-line programs written in Python, more specifically Python 3.
I create this mini programs to improve my programming skill and become familiar with Python programming language. Feel free to give any suggestions or comments if you think this repository or the codes need to be improved or simplified, or maybe you have an interesting idea that can be made.
If you are a beginner,
Just like me, a newbie in coding, sometimes we need some simple examples to learn more about the language or to see someone's perspective in solving the problems. It's also good for you who just want to try to read and understand other people's code, or maybe you can get some inspirations about what to make from this repository.
If you are not a beginner,
Improve your skill by helping us, a beginner, to write better codes.
Make the codes more efficient, or simpler.
- Average of Numbers - Calculate the average of numbers in a given list.
- Count Characters - The program will count & show you how many times each character appears in the text you enter.
- Count Words - Type some texts or insert a text file & let the program counts the words.
- Even & Odd Number Checker - Check whether a number is even or odd.
- Fibonacci Number Generator - Enter how many fibonacci numbers you want, and get the fibonacci numbers.
- Guess The Number - Play & guess the number that the computer thinks.
- Matrix Operations - Perform several operations on matrices.
- Palindrome or Not - Check whether a string is palindrome or not.
- Prime Number Generator - Type a number, and the program will generate all the prime numbers from 0 upto the given number.
- Reverse a String - Type a string, then the program will reverse the string and display it.
- Rock Paper Scissors - A simple game which you & the computer will pick rock, paper, or scissors, then the program decides who the winner is.
- Simple Calculator - Add, subtract, multiply, & divide some numbers with this simple calculator program.
- Split the Even & Odd - Enter some numbers, and the program will split the even and odd numbers into two different groups.
- Annisa Nadia - Initial Work - nadiannis (
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details