This project is based on the react-native-device-info project and all the difficult bits were written by them.
All this project adds is that when you import react-native-device-constants, you have access to all of your config values as soon as the package is imported.
Right now this is only available on github and not via an npm package. If there's any interest, I'll publish it to npm.
$ npm install --save
$ yarn add
import DeviceConstants from 'react-native-device-constants';
// Examples from Android Emulator
DeviceConstants.appBuildNumber; // "123"
DeviceConstants.appBundleId; // ""
DeviceConstants.appName; // "Park Beta"
DeviceConstants.appVersion; // "1.0.9"
DeviceConstants.deviceBrand; // "google"
DeviceConstants.deviceId; // "unknown"
DeviceConstants.deviceModel; // "Android SDK built for x86"
DeviceConstants.deviceName; // "Android SDK built for x86"
DeviceConstants.deviceType; // "Handset"
DeviceConstants.fontScale; // 1
DeviceConstants.hasNotch; // false
DeviceConstants.isEmulator; // true
DeviceConstants.isTablet; // false
DeviceConstants.supportedAbis; // ["x86"]
DeviceConstants.systemBuildId; // "OSR1.180418.019"
DeviceConstants.systemName; // "Android SDK built for x86"
DeviceConstants.systemVersion; // "8.0.0"
// Example from Android Device
DeviceConstants.appBuildNumber; // "123"
DeviceConstants.appBundleId; // ""
DeviceConstants.appName; // "Park Beta"
DeviceConstants.appVersion; // "1.0.9"
DeviceConstants.deviceBrand; // "google"
DeviceConstants.deviceId; // "marlin"
DeviceConstants.deviceModel; // "Pixel XL"
DeviceConstants.deviceName; // "Pixel XL"
DeviceConstants.deviceType; // "Handset"
DeviceConstants.fontScale; // 1
DeviceConstants.hasNotch; // false
DeviceConstants.isEmulator; // false
DeviceConstants.isTablet; // false
DeviceConstants.supportedAbis; // (3) ["arm64-v8a", "armeabi-v7a", "armeabi"]
DeviceConstants.systemBuildId; // "QP1A.190711.019"
DeviceConstants.systemName; // "Pixel XL"
DeviceConstants.systemVersion; // "10"
// Example from iOS Simulator of iPhone 11 running iOS 13
DeviceConstants.appBuildNumber; // "123"
DeviceConstants.appBundleId; // "com.parkwithpark.ios.beta"
DeviceConstants.appName; // "Park Staging"
DeviceConstants.appVersion; // "1.0.9"
DeviceConstants.deviceBrand; // "Apple"
DeviceConstants.deviceId; // "iPhone12,1"
DeviceConstants.deviceModel; // "iPhone 11"
DeviceConstants.deviceName; // "iPhone 11"
DeviceConstants.deviceType; // "Handset"
DeviceConstants.fontScale; // 1
DeviceConstants.hasNotch; // true
DeviceConstants.isEmulator; // true
DeviceConstants.isTablet; // false
DeviceConstants.supportedAbis; // ["Intel x86-64h Haswell"]
DeviceConstants.systemBuildId; // "18G103"
DeviceConstants.systemName; // "iOS"
DeviceConstants.systemVersion; // "13.0"
// Example from an iPhone XS running iOS 13.1
DeviceConstants.appName; // 'Park Staging'
DeviceConstants.appVersion; // '1.0.9'
DeviceConstants.appBuildNumber; // '123'
DeviceConstants.appBundleId; // 'com.parkwithpark.ios.beta'
DeviceConstants.deviceBrand; // 'Apple'
DeviceConstants.deviceId; // 'iPhone11,2'
DeviceConstants.deviceName; // "Joseph's iPhone"
DeviceConstants.deviceType; // 'Handset'
DeviceConstants.deviceModel; // 'iPhone XS'
DeviceConstants.fontScale; // 1
DeviceConstants.hasNotch; // true
DeviceConstants.isEmulator; // false
DeviceConstants.isTablet; // false
DeviceConstants.supportedAbis; // [ 'ARM64E' ]
DeviceConstants.systemBuildId; // '17A844'
DeviceConstants.systemName; // 'iOS'
DeviceConstants.systemVersion; // '13.1'
export working_directory=/my/working/directory/react-native-device-constants
yarn add $working_directory
react-native run-ios