simple go binary that exposes the following services
(prints all environment variables)/ping(?delay=<duration>)
(returns "pong\n" and HTTP 200. Valid durations include 10s, 6m, 9h etc, and will delay the response accordingly)/hostname
(prints hostname)/connect
(performs a HTTP GET to the URL configured in$CONNECT_URL
and prints the result. Ignores certs)/#fo
(logs "info log entry from testapp" with levelinfo
(logs "error log entry from testapp" with levelerror
(logs "debug log entry from testapp" with leveldebug
the docker container has the following binaries
, curl
, dig
, nmap
, socat
, hey, vim
, tcpdump
, traceroute
, strace
, iperf
, telnet
--bind-address string ip:port where http requests are served (default ":8080")
--connect-url string URL to connect to with /connect (default "")
--ping-response string what to respond when pinged (default "pong\n")