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nakib committed Jul 11, 2024
1 parent f9210bb commit 744e460
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Showing 2 changed files with 118 additions and 51 deletions.
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions src/misc.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -562,6 +562,29 @@ pure integer(i64) function kronecker(i, j)
end if
end function kronecker

subroutine outer(A, B, C)
!! Outer product of A and B
!! C_ij = A_i.B_j

real(r64), intent(in) :: A(:), B(:)
real(r64), intent(out) :: C(:, :)

integer :: j, len_a, len_b

len_a = size(A)
len_b = size(B)
if(len_a /= size(C, 1) &
.and. len_b /= size(C, 2)) then
print *, 'Dimension mismatch. Exiting.'
call exit
end if

do j = 1, len_b
C(:, j) = A(:)*B(j)
end do
end subroutine outer

pure complex(r64) function expi(x)
!! Calculate exp(i*x) = cos(x) + isin(x)

Expand Down
146 changes: 95 additions & 51 deletions test/screening_comparison.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ program screening_comparison
!! Test for the screening stuff

use precision, only: r64, i64
use params, only: hbar, hbar_eVps, me, pi, kB, qe, bohr2nm
use misc, only: qdist, linspace, compsimps, &
write2file_rank2_real, write2file_rank1_real
use params, only: hbar, hbar_eVps, me, twopi, pi, kB, qe, bohr2nm
use misc, only: qdist, linspace, compsimps, outer, sort, &
write2file_rank2_real, write2file_rank1_real, twonorm
use numerics_module, only: numerics
use crystal_module, only: crystal
use symmetry_module, only: symmetry
Expand All @@ -24,19 +24,16 @@ program screening_comparison
type(electron) :: el
!type(timer) :: t_all, t_event

integer :: ik
integer(i64) :: ik, numomega, numq
real(r64) :: mu, eF, kF, beta
real(r64), allocatable :: el_ens_parabolic(:), kmags(:)
real(r64), allocatable :: el_ens_parabolic(:), qmags(:)
real(r64), parameter :: m_eff = 0.267*me
real(r64), allocatable :: imeps(:, :)
real(r64), allocatable :: imeps(:, :), reeps(:, :), Omegas(:)

if(this_image() == 1) then
write(*, '(A)') 'Screening test'
write(*, '(A, I5)') 'Number of coarray images = ', num_images()
end if

!Set effective mass of model band
!m_eff = 0.267*me

!Test counter
!itest = 0
Expand All @@ -63,18 +60,23 @@ program screening_comparison
!Set inverse temperature energy
beta = 1.0_r64/kB/crys%T

!Create grid of |k|
do ik = 1, el%nwv_irred
kmags(ik) = qdist(el%wavevecs_irred(ik, :), crys%reclattvecs)
end do
!Create grid of probe |q|
!!$ do ik = 1, el%nwv_irred
!!$ qmags(ik) = qdist(el%wavevecs_irred(ik, :), crys%reclattvecs)
!!$ end do
!!$ call sort(qmags)
numq = 200
call linspace(qmags, 0.0_r64, twopi/twonorm(crys%lattvecs(:, 1)), numq)
call write2file_rank1_real("RPA_test_qmags", qmags)

!Calculate parabolic dispersion
el_ens_parabolic = energy_parabolic(kmags, m_eff)
call write2file_rank1_real("model_el_ens_parabolic", el_ens_parabolic)
!el_ens_parabolic = energy_parabolic(qmags, m_eff)
!call write2file_rank1_real("model_el_ens_parabolic", el_ens_parabolic)

!print*, kmags(1:10)
!print*, qmags(1:10)
!print*, el_ens_parabolic(1:10)

!Calculate chemical potential for model band to match carrier conc.
Expand All @@ -87,11 +89,20 @@ program screening_comparison
!Calculate Fermi energy for model band (degenerate limit)
eF = energy_parabolic(kF, m_eff)
print*, 'Fermi energy = ', eF, ' eV'

!Calculate analytic RPA dielectric function
call calculate_Imeps(kmags, el_ens_parabolic, mu, m_eff, eF, kF, beta, Imeps)

!Create bosonic energy mesh
numomega = 100
call linspace(Omegas, 0.0_r64, 1.0_r64, numomega)
call write2file_rank1_real("RPA_test_Omegas", Omegas)

!Calculate analytic Im RPA dielectric function
call calculate_Imeps(qmags, Omegas, mu, m_eff, eF, kF, beta, Imeps)
call write2file_rank2_real("model_RPA_dielectric_3D_imag", Imeps)

!Calculate analytic Re RPA dielectric function
call calculate_Reeps(qmags, Omegas, mu, m_eff, eF, kF, beta, Reeps)
call write2file_rank2_real("model_RPA_dielectric_3D_real", Reeps)


pure real(r64) elemental function energy_parabolic(k, m_eff)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,10 +174,10 @@ real(r64) function fdi(j, x)
fdi = fdi/gamma(j + 1.0_r64)
end function fdi

subroutine calculate_Imeps(kmags, ens, chempot, m_eff, eF, kF, beta, Imeps)
subroutine calculate_Imeps(qmags, ens, chempot, m_eff, eF, kF, beta, Imeps)
!! Imaginary part of RPA dielectric for the isotropic band model.
!! kmags Magnitude of probe wave vectors in nm^-1
!! qmags Magnitude of probe wave vectors in nm^-1
!! ens Probe energies in eV
!! chempot Chemical potential in eV
!! m_eff Effective mass of model band in Kg
Expand All @@ -175,52 +186,85 @@ subroutine calculate_Imeps(kmags, ens, chempot, m_eff, eF, kF, beta, Imeps)
!! beta Inverse temperature energy in eV^-1
!! Imeps Imaginary part of RPA dielectric for the isotropic band model

real(r64), intent(in) :: kmags(:), ens(:), chempot, m_eff, eF, kF, beta
real(r64), intent(in) :: qmags(:), ens(:), chempot, m_eff, eF, kF, beta
real(r64), allocatable :: Imeps(:, :)

integer :: iOmega
real(r64), allocatable :: u(:, :)

allocate(u(size(kmags), size(ens)))
allocate(Imeps(size(ens), size(kmags)))
real(r64) :: u(size(qmags), size(ens))

call outer(0.5_r64/kmags/kF, ens, u)
allocate(Imeps(size(qmags), size(ens)))

call outer(0.5_r64/qmags/kF, ens/eF, u)

do iOmega = 1, size(ens)
Imeps(:, iOmega) = &
real(log((1.0_r64 + &
exp(beta*(chempot - eF*(u(:, iOmega) - kmags(:)/kF/2.0_r64)**2)))/ &
exp(beta*(chempot - eF*(u(:, iOmega) - qmags(:)/kF/2.0_r64)**2)))/ &
(1.0_r64 + exp(beta*(chempot - eF*(u(:, iOmega) + &
end do

Imeps(1, :) = 0.0_r64
Imeps = (m_eff/me/bohr2nm/kF/eF/beta)*Imeps
end subroutine calculate_Imeps

!!$ subroutine calculate_Reeps
!!$ end subroutine calculate_Reeps

subroutine outer(a, b, c)
!! Outer product
subroutine calculate_Reeps(qmags, ens, chempot, m_eff, eF, kF, beta, Reeps)
!! Real part of RPA dielectric for the isotropic band model.
!! c_ij = a_i.b_j
!! qmags Magnitude of probe wave vectors in nm^-1
!! ens Probe energies in eV
!! chempot Chemical potential in eV
!! m_eff Effective mass of model band in Kg
!! kF Fermi wave vector (degenerate limit => 0K) in nm^-1
!! beta Inverse temperature energy in eV^-1
!! Reeps Real part of RPA dielectric for the isotropic band model.

real(r64), intent(in) :: qmags(:), ens(:), chempot, m_eff, eF, kF, beta
real(r64), allocatable :: Reeps(:, :)

integer(i64) :: iOmega, iq, ngrid
real(r64) :: ymax, dy, aux0, aux1, aux2, D, x, eta
real(r64) :: u(size(qmags), size(ens)), z(size(qmags))
real(r64), allocatable :: y(:), I0(:)

!Here I use pra 29 1471.
!Note that in the paper above the Bohr radius is renormalized.
!Here we need an extra factor of ms/me.

!Magic numbers?
ngrid = 200
ymax = 10.0_r64

allocate(y(ngrid), I0(ngrid), Reeps(size(qmags), size(ens)))

real(r64), intent(out) :: c(:, :)
real(r64), intent(in) :: a(:), b(:)
call linspace(y, 0.0_r64, ymax, ngrid)

integer :: j, len_a, len_b
dy = y(2) - y(1)
D = ef*beta
eta = chempot*beta
I0 = y/(exp(D*y**2 - eta) + 1.0_r64)

len_a = size(a)
len_b = size(b)
if(len_a /= size(c, 1) &
.and. len_b /= size(c, 2)) then
print *, 'Dimension mismatch. Exiting.'
call exit
end if
z = 0.5_r64*qmags/kF

do j = 1, len_b
c(:, j) = a(:)*b(j)
call outer(0.5_r64/qmags/kF, ens/eF, u)

Reeps = 0.0_r64
do iOmega = 2, size(ens)
do iq = 2, size(qmags)
aux0 = 1.0_r64/z(iq)**3

x = u(iq, iOmega) + z(iq)
call compsimps(I0*real(log(abs((x + y)/(x - y)))), dy, aux1)

x = u(iq, iOmega) - z(iq)
call compsimps(I0*real(log(abs((x + y)/(x - y)))), dy, aux2)

Reeps(iq, iOmega) = aux0*(aux1 - aux2)
end do
end do
end subroutine outer

Reeps = 1.0_r64 + (0.25_r64/pi/kF/bohr2nm*m_eff/me)*Reeps
end subroutine calculate_Reeps

end program screening_comparison

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