This C/C++ shared library provides a collection of commonly used data structures and algorithms, including linked lists, hash maps, and array lists. It allows you to efficiently manage and manipulate collections of data in your C/C++ projects.
- Event / Event Bus for creating commands system
- Linked lists implementations (Simple / Double Chained and Circular) for storing and traversing data in a dynamic manner
- Hash map and Hash set implementation for fast key-value lookups and storage and traversing data in a dynamic maner
- Chained (linked) Hash Tables, Open Addressing Hash tables for fast
- Heap & Stack implementations for LIFO / FIFO data organization
- Data Sets implementations for storing unique values and traversing data in a dynamic manner
- Deques / Queues implementations for storing elements in the order they were added
- (Not released yet) Binary trees implementations for organizing and efficiently searching data
- (Not released yet) Graphs implementations for organizing and efficiently searching data
- (Not released ) Sort & Search Algorithms associated to data structures mentionned bellow
To use this library in your C projects, simply include the appropriate header files and link against the shared library during compilation. Detailed usage instructions and examples can be found in the documentation.
To install the library, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Build the library:
- Install the library:
make install
Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
This library is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use it in your own projects.