To find the initial value of CSS properties, use either a separate page or the table below:
property | value |
accent-color | auto |
align-content | normal |
align-items | normal |
align-self | auto |
align-tracks | normal |
all | There is no practical initial value for it. |
animation | Shortcut for the following properties: animation-name (none), animation-duration (0s), animation-timing-function (ease), animation-delay (0s), animation-iteration-count (1), animation-direction (normal), animation-fill-mode (none), animation-play-state (running), animation-timeline (auto) |
animation-composition | replace |
animation-delay | 0s |
animation-direction | normal |
animation-duration | 0s |
animation-fill-mode | none |
animation-iteration-count | 1 |
animation-name | none |
animation-play-state | running |
animation-timeline | auto |
animation-timing-function | ease |
appearance | none |
aspect-ratio | auto |
backdrop-filter | none |
backface-visibility | visible |
background | Shortcut for the following properties: background-image (none), background-position (0% 0%), background-size (auto auto), background-repeat (repeat), background-origin (padding-box), background-clip (border-box), background-attachment (scroll), background-color (transparent) |
background-attachment | scroll |
background-blend-mode | normal |
background-clip | border-box |
background-color | transparent |
background-image | none |
background-origin | padding-box |
background-position | 0% 0% |
background-position-x | 0% |
background-position-y | 0% |
background-repeat | repeat |
background-size | auto auto |
block-size | auto |
border | Shortcut for the following properties: border-width, border-style, border-color, each of which is also a shortcut |
border-block | Shortcut for the following properties: border-block-width (medium), border-block-style (none), border-block-color (currentcolor) |
border-block-color | currentcolor |
border-block-end | Shortcut for the following properties: border-block-end-width (medium), border-block-end-style (none), border-block-end-color (currentcolor) |
border-block-end-color | currentcolor |
border-block-end-style | none |
border-block-end-width | medium |
border-block-start | Shortcut for the following properties: border-block-start-width (medium), border-block-start-style (none), border-block-start-color (currentcolor) |
border-block-start-color | currentcolor |
border-block-start-style | none |
border-block-start-width | medium |
border-block-style | none |
border-block-width | medium |
border-bottom | Shortcut for the following properties: border-bottom-width (medium), border-bottom-style (none), border-bottom-color (currentcolor) |
border-bottom-color | currentcolor |
border-bottom-left-radius | 0 |
border-bottom-right-radius | 0 |
border-bottom-style | none |
border-bottom-width | medium |
border-collapse | separate |
border-color | currentcolor |
border-end-end-radius | 0 |
border-end-start-radius | 0 |
border-image | Shortcut for the following properties: border-image-source (none), border-image-slice (100%), border-image-width (1), border-image-outset (0), border-image-repeat (stretch) |
border-image-outset | 0 |
border-image-repeat | stretch |
border-image-slice | 100% |
border-image-source | none |
border-image-width | 1 |
border-inline | Shortcut for the following properties: border-inline-width (medium), border-inline-style (none), border-inline-color (currentcolor) |
border-inline-color | currentcolor |
border-inline-end | Shortcut for the following properties: border-inline-end-width (medium), border-inline-end-style (none), border-inline-end-color (currentcolor) |
border-inline-end-color | currentcolor |
border-inline-end-style | none |
border-inline-end-width | medium |
border-inline-start | Shortcut for the following properties: border-inline-start-width (medium), border-inline-start-style (none), border-inline-start-color (currentcolor) |
border-inline-start-color | currentcolor |
border-inline-start-style | none |
border-inline-start-width | medium |
border-inline-style | none |
border-inline-width | medium |
border-left | Shortcut for the following properties: border-left-width (medium), border-left-style (none), border-left-color (currentcolor) |
border-left-color | currentcolor |
border-left-style | none |
border-left-width | medium |
border-radius | Shortcut for the following properties: border-top-left-radius (0), border-top-right-radius (0), border-bottom-right-radius (0), border-bottom-left-radius (0) |
border-right | Shortcut for the following properties: border-right-width (medium), border-right-style (none), border-right-color (currentcolor) |
border-right-color | currentcolor |
border-right-style | none |
border-right-width | medium |
border-spacing | 0 |
border-start-end-radius | 0 |
border-start-start-radius | border-start-start-radius |
border-style | Shortcut for the following properties: border-top-style (none), border-right-style (none), border-bottom-style (none), border-left-style (none) |
border-top | Shortcut for the following properties: border-top-width (medium), border-top-style (none), border-top-color (currentcolor) |
border-top-color | currentcolor |
border-top-left-radius | 0 |
border-top-right-radius | 0 |
border-top-style | none |
border-top-width | medium |
border-width | Shortcut for the following properties: border-top-width (medium), border-right-width (medium), border-bottom-width (medium), border-left-width (medium) |
bottom | auto |
box-decoration-break | slice |
box-shadow | none |
box-sizing | content-box |
break-after | auto |
break-before | auto |
break-inside | auto |
caption-side | top |
caret | Shortcut for the following properties: caret-color (auto), caret-shape (auto) |
caret-color | auto |
caret-shape | auto |
clear | none |
clip | auto |
clip-path | none |
color | canvastext |
color-scheme | normal |
column-count | auto |
column-fill | balance |
column-gap | normal |
column-rule | Shortcut for the following properties: column-rule-width (medium), column-rule-style (none), column-rule-color (currentcolor) |
column-rule-color | currentcolor |
column-rule-style | none |
column-rule-width | medium |
column-span | none |
column-width | auto |
columns | Shortcut for the following properties: column-width (auto), column-count (auto) |
contain | none |
contain-intrinsic-block-size | none |
contain-intrinsic-height | none |
contain-intrinsic-inline-size | none |
contain-intrinsic-size | Shortcut for the following properties: contain-intrinsic-width (none), contain-intrinsic-height (none) |
contain-intrinsic-width | none |
container | Shortcut for the following properties: container-name (none), container-type (normal) |
container-name | none |
container-type | normal |
content | normal |
content-visibility | visible |
counter-increment | none |
counter-reset | none |
counter-set | none |
cursor | auto |
direction | ltr |
display | inline |
empty-cells | show |
filter | none |
flex | Shortcut for the following properties: flex-grow (0), flex-shrink (1), flex-basis (auto) |
flex-basis | auto |
flex-direction | row |
flex-flow | Shortcut for the following properties: flex-direction (row), flex-wrap (nowrap) |
flex-grow | 0 |
flex-shrink | 1 |
flex-wrap | nowrap |
float | none |
font | Shortcut for the following properties: font-style (normal), font-variant (normal), font-weight (normal), font-stretch (normal), font-size (medium), line-height (normal), font-family (depends on user agent) |
font-family | depends on user agent |
font-feature-settings | normal |
font-kerning | auto |
font-language-override | normal |
font-optical-sizing | auto |
font-palette | normal |
font-size | medium |
font-size-adjust | none |
font-stretch | normal |
font-style | normal |
font-synthesis | weight style small-caps position |
font-variant | normal |
font-variant-alternates | normal |
font-variant-caps | normal |
font-variant-east-asian | normal |
font-variant-emoji | normal |
font-variant-ligatures | normal |
font-variant-numeric | normal |
font-variant-position | normal |
font-variation-settings | normal |
font-weight | normal |
forced-color-adjust | auto |
gap | Shortcut for the following properties: row-gap (normal), column-gap (normal) |
grid | Shortcut for the following properties: grid-template-rows (none), grid-template-columns (none), grid-template-areas (none), grid-auto-rows (auto), grid-auto-columns (auto), grid-auto-flow (row), grid-column-gap (0), grid-row-gap (0), column-gap (normal), row-gap (normal) |
grid-area | Shortcut for the following properties: grid-row-start (auto), grid-column-start (auto), grid-row-end (auto), grid-column-end (auto) |
grid-auto-columns | auto |
grid-auto-flow | row |
grid-auto-rows | auto |
grid-column | auto |
grid-column-end | auto |
grid-column-start | auto |
grid-row | Shortcut for the following properties: grid-row-start (auto), grid-row-end (auto) |
grid-row-end | auto |
grid-row-start | auto |
grid-template | Shortcut for the following properties: grid-template-columns (none), grid-template-rows (none), grid-template-areas (none) |
grid-template-areas | none |
grid-template-columns | none |
grid-template-rows | none |
hanging-punctuation | none |
height | auto |
hyphenate-character | auto |
hyphenate-limit-chars | auto |
hyphens | manual |
image-orientation | from-image |
image-rendering | auto |
image-resolution | 1dppx |
initial-letter | normal |
initial-letter-align | auto |
inline-size | auto |
inset | Shortcut for the following properties: top (auto), bottom (auto), left (auto), right (auto) |
inset-block | Shortcut for the following properties: inset-block-start (auto), inset-block-end (auto) |
inset-block-end | auto |
inset-block-start | auto |
inset-inline | Shortcut for the following properties: inset-inline-start (auto), inset-inline-end (auto) |
inset-inline-end | auto |
inset-inline-start | auto |
isolation | auto |
justify-content | normal |
justify-items | legacy |
justify-self | auto |
justify-tracks | normal |
left | auto |
letter-spacing | normal |
line-break | auto |
line-clamp | none |
line-height | normal |
line-height-step | 0 |
list-style | Shortcut for the following properties: list-style-type (disc), list-style-position (outside), list-style-image (none) |
list-style-image | none |
list-style-position | outside |
list-style-type | disc |
margin | Shortcut for the following properties: margin-bottom (0), margin-left (0), margin-right (0), margin-top (0) |
margin-block | Shortcut for the following properties: margin-block-start (0), margin-block-end (0) |
margin-block-end | 0 |
margin-block-start | 0 |
margin-bottom | 0 |
margin-inline | Shortcut for the following properties: margin-inline-start (0), margin-inline-end (0) |
margin-inline-end | 0 |
margin-inline-start | 0 |
margin-left | 0 |
margin-right | 0 |
margin-top | 0 |
margin-trim | none |
mask | Shortcut for the following properties: mask-image (none), mask-mode (match-source), mask-repeat (repeat), mask-position (0% 0%), mask-clip (border-box), mask-origin (border-box), mask-size (auto), mask-composite (add) |
mask-border | Shortcut for the following properties: mask-border-mode (alpha), mask-border-outset (0), mask-border-repeat (stretch), mask-border-slice (0), mask-border-source (none), mask-border-width (auto) |
mask-border-mode | alpha |
mask-border-outset | 0 |
mask-border-repeat | stretch |
mask-border-slice | 0 |
mask-border-source | none |
mask-border-width | auto |
mask-clip | border-box |
mask-composite | add |
mask-image | none |
mask-mode | match-source |
mask-origin | border-box |
mask-position | 0% 0% |
mask-repeat | repeat |
mask-size | auto |
mask-type | luminance |
masonry-auto-flow | pack |
math-depth | 0 |
math-shift | normal |
math-style | normal |
max-block-size | none |
max-height | none |
max-inline-size | none |
max-lines | none |
max-width | none |
min-block-size | 0 |
min-height | auto |
min-inline-size | 0 |
min-width | auto |
mix-blend-mode | normal |
object-fit | fill |
object-position | 50% 50% |
offset | Shortcut for the following properties: offset-position (normal), offset-path (none), offset-distance (0), offset-anchor (auto), offset-rotate (auto) |
offset-anchor | auto |
offset-distance | 0 |
offset-path | none |
offset-position | normal |
offset-rotate | auto |
opacity | 1 |
order | 0 |
orphans | 2 |
outline | Shortcut for the following properties: outline-color (auto), outline-style (none), outline-width (medium) |
outline-color | auto |
outline-offset | 0 |
outline-style | none |
outline-width | medium |
overflow-anchor | auto |
overflow-block | auto |
overflow-clip-margin | 0px |
overflow-inline | auto |
overflow-wrap | normal |
overflow-x | visible |
overflow-y | visible |
overscroll-behavior | auto |
overscroll-behavior-block | auto |
overscroll-behavior-inline | auto |
overscroll-behavior-x | auto |
overscroll-behavior-y | auto |
padding | Shortcut for the following properties: padding-bottom (0), padding-left (0), padding-right (0), padding-top (0) |
padding-block | Shortcut for the following properties: padding-block-start (0), padding-block-end (0) |
padding-block-end | 0 |
padding-block-start | 0 |
padding-bottom | 0 |
padding-inline | Shortcut for the following properties: padding-inline-start (0), padding-inline-end (0) |
padding-inline-end | 0 |
padding-inline-start | 0 |
padding-left | 0 |
padding-right | 0 |
padding-top | 0 |
page | auto |
page-break-after | auto |
page-break-before | auto |
page-break-inside | auto |
paint-order | normal |
perspective | none |
perspective-origin | 50% 50% |
place-content | Shortcut for the following properties: align-content (normal), justify-content (normal) |
place-items | Shortcut for the following properties: align-items (normal), justify-items (legacy) |
place-self | Shortcut for the following properties: align-self (auto), justify-self (auto) |
pointer-events | auto |
position | static |
print-color-adjust | economy |
quotes | depends on user agent |
resize | none |
right | auto |
rotate | none |
row-gap | normal |
ruby-align | space-around |
ruby-merge | separate |
ruby-position | alternate |
scale | none |
scroll-behavior | auto |
scroll-margin | Shortcut for the following properties: scroll-margin-bottom (0), scroll-margin-left (0), scroll-margin-right (0), scroll-margin-top (0) |
scroll-margin-block | Shortcut for the following properties: scroll-margin-block-start (0), scroll-margin-block-end (0) |
scroll-margin-block-end | 0 |
scroll-margin-block-start | 0 |
scroll-margin-bottom | 0 |
scroll-margin-inline | Shortcut for the following properties: scroll-margin-inline-start (0), scroll-margin-inline-end (0) |
scroll-margin-inline-end | 0 |
scroll-margin-inline-start | 0 |
scroll-margin-left | 0 |
scroll-margin-right | 0 |
scroll-margin-top | 0 |
scroll-padding | Shortcut for the following properties: scroll-padding-bottom (auto), scroll-padding-left (auto), scroll-padding-right (auto), scroll-padding-top (auto) |
scroll-padding-block | Shortcut for the following properties: scroll-padding-block-start (auto), scroll-padding-block-end (auto) |
scroll-padding-block-end | auto |
scroll-padding-block-start | auto |
scroll-padding-bottom | auto |
scroll-padding-inline | Shortcut for the following properties: scroll-padding-inline-start (auto), scroll-padding-inline-end (auto) |
scroll-padding-inline-end | auto |
scroll-padding-inline-start | auto |
scroll-padding-left | auto |
scroll-padding-right | auto |
scroll-padding-top | auto |
scroll-snap-align | none |
scroll-snap-stop | normal |
scroll-snap-type | none |
scroll-timeline | Shortcut for the following properties: scroll-timeline-name (none), scroll-timeline-axis (block) |
scroll-timeline-axis | block |
scroll-timeline-name | none |
scrollbar-color | auto |
scrollbar-gutter | auto |
scrollbar-width | auto |
shape-image-threshold | 0.0 |
shape-margin | 0 |
shape-outside | none |
tab-size | 8 |
table-layout | auto |
text-align | start, or a nameless value that acts as left if direction is ltr, right if direction is rtl if start is not supported by the browser. |
text-align-last | auto |
text-combine-upright | none |
text-decoration | Shortcut for the following properties: text-decoration-color (currentcolor), text-decoration-style (solid), text-decoration-line (none) |
text-decoration-color | currentcolor |
text-decoration-line | none |
text-decoration-skip | objects |
text-decoration-skip-ink | auto |
text-decoration-style | solid |
text-decoration-thickness | auto |
text-emphasis | Shortcut for the following properties: text-emphasis-style (none), text-emphasis-color (currentcolor) |
text-emphasis-color | currentcolor |
text-emphasis-position | over right |
text-emphasis-style | none |
text-indent | 0 |
text-justify | auto |
text-orientation | mixed |
text-overflow | clip |
text-rendering | auto |
text-shadow | none |
text-size-adjust | auto for smartphone browsers supporting inflation, none in other cases (and then not modifiable). |
text-transform | none |
text-underline-offset | auto |
text-underline-position | auto |
top | auto |
touch-action | auto |
transform | none |
transform-box | view-box |
transform-origin | 50% 50% 0 |
transform-style | flat |
transition | Shortcut for the following properties: transition-delay (0s), transition-duration (0s), transition-property (all), transition-timing-function (ease), transition-behavior (normal) |
transition-delay | 0s |
transition-duration | 0s |
transition-property | all |
transition-timing-function | ease |
translate | none |
unicode-bidi | normal |
user-select | auto |
vertical-align | baseline |
view-transition-name | none |
visibility | visible |
white-space | normal |
widows | 2 |
width | auto |
will-change | auto |
word-break | normal |
word-spacing | normal |
word-wrap | normal |
writing-mode | horizontal-tb |
z-index | auto |