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BR Code


A crate to parse and emit PIX BR Code.

Important Changes

  • Version 1.2 has a small break for a BrCode field. PR fixes model::BrCode field initiation_method naming.


brcode = "1.4.2"

Build from source

  1. Install rustup.
  2. make build-macos for macos and ios files or make build-linux for linux and android files.
  3. Files will be located at target/release/libbrcode.*, target/<target-platform>/release/
  4. Copy them to the root of your project.
  5. For JVM it is important to run export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. at the root of the project

Copy files from Github Release

Shellscript to get files from release:


curl -s \
| grep "browser_download_url.*so" \
| cut -d : -f 2,3 \
| tr -d \" \
| wget -qi -


curl -s \
| grep "browser_download_url.*dylib" \
| cut -d : -f 2,3 \
| tr -d \" \
| wget -qi -


Parse String

use brcode::{from_str, Data};

fn main() {
    let code = "00020104141234567890123426580014BR.GOV.BCB.PIX0136123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-42665544000027300012BR.COM.OUTRO011001234567895204000053039865406123.455802BR5917NOME DO RECEBEDOR6008BRASILIA61087007490062190515RP12345678-201980390012BR.COM.OUTRO01190123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ6304AD38";

    assert_eq!(from_str(code), expected());

fn expected() -> Vec<(usize, Data)> {
        (0, Data::Single("01".to_string())), 
        (4, Data::Single("12345678901234".to_string())), 
        (26, Data::Vector(vec![
            (0, Data::Single("BR.GOV.BCB.PIX".to_string())), 
            (1, Data::Single("123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-426655440000".to_string()))])), 
        (27, Data::Vector(vec![
            (0, Data::Single("BR.COM.OUTRO".to_string())), 
            (1, Data::Single("0123456789".to_string()))])), 
        (52, Data::Single("0000".to_string())), 
        (53, Data::Single("986".to_string())), 
        (54, Data::Single("123.45".to_string())), 
        (58, Data::Single("BR".to_string())), 
        (59, Data::Single("NOME DO RECEBEDOR".to_string())), 
        (60, Data::Single("BRASILIA".to_string())), 
        (61, Data::Single("70074900".to_string())), 
        (62, Data::Vector(vec![
            (5, Data::Single("RP12345678-2019".to_string()))])), 
        (80, Data::Vector(vec![(
            0, Data::Single("BR.COM.OUTRO".to_string())), 
            (1, Data::Single("0123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ".to_string()))])), 
        (63, Data::Single("AD38".to_string()))]


use brcode::{str_to_brcode, BrCode, Template, Info, MerchantInfo, Label};

fn main() {
    let code = "00020104141234567890123426580014BR.GOV.BCB.PIX0136123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-42665544000027300012BR.COM.OUTRO011001234567895204000053039865406123.455802BR5917NOME DO RECEBEDOR6008BRASILIA61087007490062190515RP12345678-201980390012BR.COM.OUTRO01190123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ6304AD38";

    assert_eq!(from_str(code), expected());

fn expected() -> BrCode {
    BrCode {
        payload_version: 1,
        initiation_method: None,
        merchant_category_code: 0000u32,
        merchant_name: "NOME DO RECEBEDOR".to_string(),
        merchant_city: "BRASILIA".to_string(),
        merchant_information: vec![
            MerchantInfo {
                id: 26,
                info: vec![
                    Info {
                        id: 0,
                        info: "BR.GOV.BCB.PIX".to_string(),
                    Info {
                        id: 1,
                        info: "123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-426655440000".to_string(),
            MerchantInfo {
                id: 27,
                info: vec![
                    Info {
                        id: 0,
                        info: "BR.COM.OUTRO".to_string(),
                    Info {
                        id: 1,
                        info: "0123456789".to_string(),
        currency: "986".to_string(),
        postal_code: Some("70074900".to_string()),
        amount: Some(123.45),
        country_code: "BR".to_string(),
        field_template: vec![Label {
            reference_label: "RP12345678-2019".to_string(),
        crc1610: "AD38".to_string(),
        templates: Some(vec![Template {
            id: 80usize,
            info: vec![
                Info {
                    id: 0usize,
                    info: "BR.COM.OUTRO".to_string(),
                Info {
                    id: 1usize,
                    info: "0123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ".to_string(),

brcode::to_string from Vec<(usize, Data)>:

use brcode::{
    self, BrCode, 

fn main() {
    let actual = brcode::to_string(brcode_vec());
    let code = "00020104141234567890123426580014BR.GOV.BCB.PIX0136123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-42665544000027300012BR.COM.OUTRO011001234567895204000053039865406123.455802BR5917NOME DO RECEBEDOR6008BRASILIA61087007490062190515RP12345678-201980390012BR.COM.OUTRO01190123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ6304AD38";

    assert_eq!(actual, code);

fn brcode_vec() -> Vec<(usize, Data)> {
        (0, Data::Single("01".to_string())),
        (4, Data::Single("12345678901234".to_string())),
                (0, Data::Single("BR.GOV.BCB.PIX".to_string())),
                (0, Data::Single("BR.COM.OUTRO".to_string())),
                (1, Data::Single("0123456789".to_string())),
        (52, Data::Single("0000".to_string())),
        (53, Data::Single("986".to_string())),
        (54, Data::Single("123.45".to_string())),
        (58, Data::Single("BR".to_string())),
        (59, Data::Single("NOME DO RECEBEDOR".to_string())),
        (60, Data::Single("BRASILIA".to_string())),
        (61, Data::Single("70074900".to_string())),
            Data::Vector(vec![(5, Data::Single("RP12345678-2019".to_string()))]),
                (0, Data::Single("BR.COM.OUTRO".to_string())),
                (1, Data::Single("0123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ".to_string())),
        (63, Data::Single("AD38".to_string())),

brcode::brcode_to_string for struct BrCode:

use brcode::{
    self, BrCode, 

fn main() {
    let actual = brcode::brcode_to_string(brcode_value());
    let code = "00020104141234567890123426580014BR.GOV.BCB.PIX0136123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-42665544000027300012BR.COM.OUTRO011001234567895204000053039865406123.455802BR5917NOME DO RECEBEDOR6008BRASILIA61087007490062190515RP12345678-201980390012BR.COM.OUTRO01190123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ6304AD38";

    assert_eq!(actual, code);

fn brcode_value() -> BrCode {
    BrCode {
        payload_version: 1,
        initiation_method: None,
        merchant_account_information: Some(String::from("12345678901234")),
        merchant_category_code: 0000u32,
        merchant_name: "NOME DO RECEBEDOR".to_string(),
        merchant_city: "BRASILIA".to_string(),
        merchant_information: vec![
            MerchantInfo {
                id: 26,
                info: vec![
                    Info {
                        id: 0,
                        info: "BR.GOV.BCB.PIX".to_string(),
                    Info {
                        id: 1,
                        info: "123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-426655440000".to_string(),
            MerchantInfo {
                id: 27,
                info: vec![
                    Info {
                        id: 0,
                        info: "BR.COM.OUTRO".to_string(),
                    Info {
                        id: 1,
                        info: "0123456789".to_string(),
        currency: "986".to_string(),
        postal_code: Some("70074900".to_string()),
        amount: Some(123.45),
        country_code: "BR".to_string(),
        field_template: vec![Label {
            reference_label: "RP12345678-2019".to_string(),
        crc1610: "AD38".to_string(),
        templates: Some(vec![Template {
            id: 80usize,
            info: vec![
                Info {
                    id: 0usize,
                    info: "BR.COM.OUTRO".to_string(),
                Info {
                    id: 1usize,
                    info: "0123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ".to_string(),

BrCode functions context related

  • pub fn is_pix(&self) -> bool determines if BrCode is a PIX transaction.
  • pub fn get_transaction_id(&self) -> Option<String> gets transaction_id value (field 5 of item 65).
  • pub fn get_alias(&self) -> Option<Vec<String>> gets all possible values for PIX aliases. Usually only field 1 of item 26 is valid. Checks if the alias if of type "BR.GOV.BCB.PIX".
  • pub fn get_message(&self) -> Option<Vec<String>> gets all possible massages for PIX aliases. Usually only field 2 of item 26 is valid. Checks if the alias if of type "BR.GOV.BCB.PIX".

BrCode functions QrCode generation related:

  • to_svg_string(&self, ecc: QrCodeEcc, size: usize) -> String generates a SVG xml in a String.

  • to_svg_standard_string(&self) -> String generates a SVG xml in a String with QrCodeEcc::Low and size = 1024.

  • to_vec_u8(&self, ecc: QrCodeEcc, size: usize) -> Vec<u8> generates a PNG formatted in Vec<u8>.

  • to_svg_file(&self, file_path: &str, ecc: QrCodeEcc, size: usize) creates a QR Code in format .svg located at file path file_path.

  • to_standard_svg_file(&self, file_path: &str) creates a QR Code in format .svg located at file path file_path with QrCodeEcc::Low and size = 1024.

  • to_png_file(&self, file_path: &str, ecc: QrCodeEcc, size: usize) creates a QR Code in format .png located at file path file_path.

  • file_path examples are tests/data/file_output.png and tests/data/file_output.svg from the project root. If directory doesn't exist an error will be thrown.

  • QrCodeEcc is the error correction level in a QR Code symbol and size is the image size.

    • QrCodeEcc::Low The QR Code can tolerate about 7% erroneous codewords.
    • QrCodeEcc::Medium The QR Code can tolerate about 15% erroneous codewords.
    • QrCodeEcc::Quartile The QR Code can tolerate about 25% erroneous codewords.
    • QrCodeEcc::High The QR Code can tolerate about 30% erroneous codewords.


from_str in benches/

time:   [15.734 us 15.758 us 15.782 us]

str_to_brcode in benches/to_brcode

time:   [24.886 us 24.931 us 24.977 us]

edn_from_brcode in benches/to_brcode

time:   [52.670 us 52.795 us 52.929 us]

json_from_brcode in benches/to_brcode

time:    [28.229 us 28.284 us 28.339 us]

both-ways using BrCode

time:   [33.238 us 33.555 us 33.924 us]                          

both-ways using Vec<(usize, Data)>

time:   [22.867 us 22.958 us 23.107 us]

crc16_ccitt in benches/crc16:

time:   [3.0738 us 3.0825 us 3.0938 us]


Clojure FFI


BR Code as Edn call function FFI edn_from_brcode or use clojar [clj-brcode "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]. Example:

(ns example.core
  (:require [clj-brcode.core :refer :all]))

(def code "00020104141234567890123426580014BR.GOV.BCB.PIX0136123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-42665544000027300012BR.COM.OUTRO011001234567895204000053039865406123.455802BR5917NOME DO RECEBEDOR6008BRASILIA61087007490062190515RP12345678-201980390012BR.COM.OUTRO01190123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ6304AD38")

(brcode->edn code)

; {:payload-version 1, :initiation-method nil, :merchant-information [{:id 26, :info [{:id 0, :info "BR.GOV.BCB.PIX"}, {:id 1, :info "123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-426655440000"}]}, {:id 27, :info [{:id 0, :info "BR.COM.OUTRO"}, {:id 1, :info "0123456789"}]}], :merchant-category-code 0, :merchant-name "NOME DO RECEBEDOR", :merchant-city "BRASILIA", :postal-code "70074900", :currency "986", :amount 123.45, :country-code "BR", :field-template [{:reference-label "RP12345678-2019"}], :crc1610 "AD38", :templates [{:id 80, :info [{:id 0, :info "BR.COM.OUTRO"}, {:id 1, :info "0123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ"}]}]}


"00020104141234567890123426580014BR.GOV.BCB.PIX0136123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-42665544000027300012BR.COM.OUTRO011001234567895204000053039865406123.455802BR5917NOME DO RECEBEDOR6008BRASILIA61087007490062190515RP12345678-201980390012BR.COM.OUTRO01190123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ6304AD38"

Expected Edn:

{:payload-version 1,:initiation-method nil, :merchant-information [
  {:id 26, :info [{ :id 0, :info "BR.GOV.BCB.PIX",}, {:id 1, :info "123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-426655440000",}]},
  {:id 27, :info [{ :id 0, :info "BR.COM.OUTRO",}, {:id 1, :info "0123456789",}]}
 ],:merchant-category-code 0, :merchant-name "NOME DO RECEBEDOR", :merchant-city "BRASILIA", 
 :postal-code "70074900", :currency "986", :amount 123.45, :country-code "BR", 
 :field-template [{ :reference-label "RP12345678-2019", }], :crc1610 "AD38", :templates [
   { :id 80, :info [{ :id 0, :info "BR.COM.OUTRO", },{ :id 1, :info "0123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ", }], }]

Edn as BR Code call function FFI edn_to_brcode or use clojar [clj-brcode "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]. Example:

(ns example.core
  (:require [clj-brcode.core :refer :all]))

(def edn {:payload-version 1, :initiation-method nil, :merchant-information [{:id 26, :info [{:id 0, :info "BR.GOV.BCB.PIX"}, {:id 1, :info "123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-426655440000"}]}, {:id 27, :info [{:id 0, :info "BR.COM.OUTRO"}, {:id 1, :info "0123456789"}]}], :merchant-category-code 0, :merchant-name "NOME DO RECEBEDOR", :merchant-city "BRASILIA", :postal-code "70074900", :currency "986", :amount 123.45, :country-code "BR", :field-template [{:reference-label "RP12345678-2019"}], :crc1610 "AD38", :templates [{:id 80, :info [{:id 0, :info "BR.COM.OUTRO"}, {:id 1, :info "0123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ"}]}]})

(brcode->edn edn)

; "00020104141234567890123426580014BR.GOV.BCB.PIX0136123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-42665544000027300012BR.COM.OUTRO011001234567895204000053039865406123.455802BR5917NOME DO RECEBEDOR6008BRASILIA61087007490062190515RP12345678-201980390012BR.COM.OUTRO01190123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ6304AD38"

Other available functions:

  • json->brcode
  • brcode->json
  • crc16-ccitt

Clojure Benchmark with Criterium


Evaluation count : 4644 in 6 samples of 774 calls.
             Execution time mean : 131.416626 µs
    Execution time std-deviation : 2.218919 µs
   Execution time lower quantile : 130.073353 µs ( 2.5%)
   Execution time upper quantile : 135.212868 µs (97.5%)
                   Overhead used : 8.079635 ns


Evaluation count : 3816 in 6 samples of 636 calls.
             Execution time mean : 157.407924 µs
    Execution time std-deviation : 3.556917 µs
   Execution time lower quantile : 154.338082 µs ( 2.5%)
   Execution time upper quantile : 162.800564 µs (97.5%)
                   Overhead used : 8.102766 ns

(-> brcode brcode->edn edn->brcode)

Evaluation count : 1920 in 6 samples of 320 calls.
             Execution time mean : 344.903181 µs
    Execution time std-deviation : 26.518055 µs
   Execution time lower quantile : 328.923528 µs ( 2.5%)
   Execution time upper quantile : 390.059255 µs (97.5%)
                   Overhead used : 8.071450 ns

Node FFI


Dart FFI



import 'package:dartbrcode/dartbrcode.dart';

final json = '{"payload_version":1,"initiation_method":null,"merchant_account_information":"12345678901234","merchant_information":[{"id":26,"info":[{"id":0,"info":"BR.GOV.BCB.PIX"},{"id":1,"info":"123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-426655440000"}]},{"id":27,"info":[{"id":0,"info":"BR.COM.OUTRO"},{"id":1,"info":"0123456789"}]}],"merchant_category_code":0,"merchant_name":"NOME DO RECEBEDOR","merchant_city":"BRASILIA","postal_code":"70074900","currency":"986","amount":123.45,"country_code":"BR","field_template":[{"reference_label":"RP12345678-2019"}],"crc1610":"AD38","templates":[{"id":80,"info":[{"id":0,"info":"BR.COM.OUTRO"},{"id":1,"info":"0123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ"}]}]}';

void main() {
  // '00020104141234567890123426580014BR.GOV.BCB.PIX0136123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-42665544000027300012BR.COM.OUTRO011001234567895204000053039865406123.455802BR5917NOME DO RECEBEDOR6008BRASILIA61087007490062190515RP12345678-201980390012BR.COM.OUTRO01190123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ6304AD38'


import 'package:dartbrcode/dartbrcode.dart';

final brcode = '00020104141234567890123426580014BR.GOV.BCB.PIX0136123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-42665544000027300012BR.COM.OUTRO011001234567895204000053039865406123.455802BR5917NOME DO RECEBEDOR6008BRASILIA61087007490062190515RP12345678-201980390012BR.COM.OUTRO01190123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ6304AD38';

void main() {
  // '{"payload_version":1,"initiation_method":null,"merchant_account_information":"12345678901234","merchant_information":[{"id":26,"info":[{"id":0,"info":"BR.GOV.BCB.PIX"},{"id":1,"info":"123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-426655440000"}]},{"id":27,"info":[{"id":0,"info":"BR.COM.OUTRO"},{"id":1,"info":"0123456789"}]}],"merchant_category_code":0,"merchant_name":"NOME DO RECEBEDOR","merchant_city":"BRASILIA","postal_code":"70074900","currency":"986","amount":123.45,"country_code":"BR","field_template":[{"reference_label":"RP12345678-2019"}],"crc1610":"AD38","templates":[{"id":80,"info":[{"id":0,"info":"BR.COM.OUTRO"},{"id":1,"info":"0123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ"}]}]}'

Other available functions:

  • crc16Ccitt


  • with dart_benchmark jsonToBrcode
For 100 runs: peak: 371 us,	bottom: 048 us,	avg: ~083 us


For 100 runs: peak: 327 us,	bottom: 069 us,	avg: ~101 us
  • with benchmark_harness jsonToBrcode
For 10 runs: 207.51774227018055 us.


For 10 runs: 378.68780764861793 us.


  • Parse BR Code String to Vec<(usize, Data)> (more flexible solution);
  • Parse BR Code to BrCode struct;
  • Emit BR Code from Vec<(usize, Data)>;
  • Emit BR Code from BrCode struct;
  • FFI