This repository contains a collection of NASA thesauri, dictionaries, taxonomies, and related documents, as well as a Python script to load concepts from a SKOS file.
What You'll Find Here
- Dictionaries
- Acronyms
- Acronym Dictionary from the NASA Center for AeroSpace Information
- Human Space Flight acronym finder
- Johnson Space Center (JSC) "Acronym Central"
- Kennedy Space Center (KSC) list of acronyms
- Concepts of Mathematics for Students of Physics and Engineering: A Dictionary by Joseph C. Kolecki
- Planetary Data System Data Dictionary
- Acronyms
- Taxonomies
- NASA Taxonomy 2.0
- Thesauri
- NASA Thesaurus
- Python script
- bin/
- requirements.txt
There are any number of ways to set up your python environment to use this code. My preferred one (described below) is using virtualenv.
# clone this repository to your local machine
git clone
# switch to the local repository dir
cd dictionaries
# install virtualenv environment for python3
virtualenv -p <python_3_exe> ./env
# activate your environment
source lib/bin/
# install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
#add aggregate dictionary code to python path
# there are many ways to do this, but for example
# for the bash shell on MacOS/Linux the command is:
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`