Docker/Singularity repo for pytorch and
If you have used this work, you must acknoledge SIH, e.g: "The authors acknowledge the technical assistance provided by the Sydney Informatics Hub, a Core Research Facility of the University of Sydney."
This repo contains the recipe Dockerfile and also an equivalent recipe for Singularity. On the Artemis HPC you must build all Singulairt container/images on a computer which has Singularity installed and you have root access on. Once the image is built then copy the image to Artemis and run.
To get this repo and scripts or to build locally
git clone
sudo docker build . -t pyslowfast
sudo docker build nbutter/pyfastslow
To run a Python script (e.g. that is in your current directory on your host by mounting inside the container in the project directory and then executing with docker:
sudo docker run -v `pwd`:/project nbutter/pyfastslow /bin/bash -c "cd /project && python"
git clone
sudo singularity build --writable pyslowfast.img
sudo singularity build --writable pyslowfast.img docker://nbutter/pyfastslow
To run with singularity in a PBS jobscript:
#PBS -P <yourproject>
#PBS -N myrun
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=1gb:ngpus=1
#PBS -l walltime=00:01:00
#PBS -q defaultQ
module load singularity
#Mount the current directory in the container at /project, change directories and run your script
singularity exec -B `pwd`:/project ../pyslowfast.img /bin/bash -c "cd /project && python"