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Olivier Chafik edited this page Nov 10, 2022 · 2 revisions


Lexical Analysis with ANTLR (tons of tricks !) ANTLR predicates C / C++

C++'s operator new Interpreting More Complex Declarators (MSDN) (that one gives me nightmares and tears the compiler apart !!!) Typedef Declarations (C) (MSDN) Reserved Keywords Cint : A C/C++ Interpreter Calling Conventions C++ Name Mangling Objective-C

A Quick Objective-C 2.0 Tutorial C++ Versus Objective-C De C++ à Objective-C Java

The most complete list of -XX options for Java 6 JVM Other interoperability tools

JNAerator builds on the following libraries (also see CreditsAndLicense) : * JNA (Java/C interop layer) * Rococoa (Java/ObjectiveC interop layer * Anarres (a Java C preprocessor) * ANTLR (parser generator)

And some of its goal and achievements are similar to these opensource projects : * com4j : integration of Java and COM * JavAda (An object oriented Java to Ada binding generator) * JNYikes (A simple and easy JNI wrapper) * GlueGen (Java/JNI glue code generator to call out to ANSI C) * SWIG (connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages)

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