Releases: nativeos/i386-elf-toolchain
Preview toolchain
These are precompiled packages of GNU Binutils, GNU GCC and other tools for several platforms and processor architectures. They are provided AS IS in the hope that they are useful for people looking for this software without having the time or resources for manually compiling the toolchain.
- Linux i686 (32 bit): (Binutils) (GCC)
- Linux x86_64 (64 bit) (Binutils) (GCC)
- Windows i686 (32 bit): (Binutils) (GCC)
- Windows x86_64 (64 bit): (Binutils) (GCC)
- MacOS X x86_64 (64 bit): (Binutils) (GCC)
- The Windows x86_64 toolchain was ported, compiled and packaged by @Guerra24.
Installation instructions
Get the packages for your processor and architecture: i686 packages are valid for 32 bit computers. x86_64 packages are valid for 64 bit computers. Get the linux toolchain on GNU/Linux, the apple-darwin toolchain on MacOS X and windows toolchain on MS-Windows.
Extract the packages into a known location and add the i386-elf-gcc/bin
and i386-elf-binutils/bin
to your PATH. Please note that it might be required to move the contents of i386-elf-gcc
and i386-elf-binutils
to the same folder under some circunstances. See the issue below.
Test that they are correctly installed by executing i386-elf-gcc --version
and i386-elf-ld --version
on a terminal after adding the folders to the PATH.
Possible Issues
- The windows-i686 and windows-x86_64 version of the toolchain has been compiled against MSYS. DLLs are packed in the distirbutions so that they can be run from Windows CMD as usual on the most flexible way possible, but it is suggested to get MSYS and use it as your shell while compiling programs with this toolchain.
- The apple-darwin-x86_64 has been compiled against an apple-darwin15.2.0 compiler (MacOS X 10.11.2). They have been tested under MacOS X 10.9 as well and they seem to work, but upgrading the operating system or manually building the tools is advised if they don't work properly with pre-10.11.2 versions of MacOS X.
- The toolchain might refuse to work if the packages are extracted to different folders. This has been the case on a GNU GRUB distribution built with this toolchain that refused to build until i386-elf-gcc and i386-elf-as were in the same folder. If you get errors, try to merge the contents of both packages.