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How to use as audio input (microphone)

ノア edited this page Mar 7, 2023 · 5 revisions

Izabela can be used as an audio input in any application that can receive audio inputs.

You only need 3 things to make this work:

  • A virtual audio cable installed
  • The virtual audio cable configured as an audio output in Izabela
  • The virtual audio cable configured as an audio input in the target application

Install a virtual audio cable from Izabela

You can skip this step if you already have a virtual audio cable installed.

You can install a virtual audio cable directly from Izabela in the settings.

Izabela uses VB-Audio virtual cable as preferred virtual audio cable.

  • Go to Settings
  • Go to the Audio Outputs tab under Speech
  • Under "Install VB-Audio Virtual Cable", click on the "Install" button to launch the installer


  • Follow the instructions on the installer
  • Once installed, you should see the message "Virtual audio cable found"


Note: A restart is required after installing the virtual audio cable.

Or install a virtual audio cable manually

You can skip this step if you already have a virtual audio cable installed.

If for some reasons you can't install the virtual audio cable from Izabela you can still install the audio cable manually from the official VB-Audio website.

  • Visit the VB-Audio virtual cable page and download the latest version of the virtual audio cable
  • Unzip the downloaded file
  • Run the installer as ADMINISTRATOR (VBCable_Setup_x64.exe for 64-bit systems or VBCable_Setup.exe for 32-bit systems)
  • Follow the instructions on the installer
  • Once installed, go to Settings in Izabela
  • Go to the Audio tab under Speech and you should see the message "Virtual audio cable found" under "Install VB-Audio Virtual Cable"


Note: A restart is required after installing the virtual audio cable.

Select the virtual audio cable

  • Select the virtual audio cable as an audio output in Izabela


  • Then in any application that accepts audio inputs, select the virtual audio cable as an audio input

If all the steps above were followed correctly, you should be able to see audio being sent to the target application after sending a message from Izabela.