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Data extraction scripts for the Nature of EU Rules project.

Full text extractor

Given a list of CELEX identifiers for EU legislation, the script downloads the corresponding documents for the legislation from the EURLEX website. It stores the files in two folders: one for HTML documents and one for PDF documents. Some older documents are only available in PDF format on the website. As a first priority, the script tries to download the HTML version of a document if available (because this format is easier to parse later on). If there is no HTML version available, it extracts the PDF version. If neither the HTML nor PDF versions could be extracted for whatever reason, the script keeps a list of CELEX identifiers which encountered errors when downloading.

Metadata extractor

Given a list of CELEX identifiers for EU legislation, the script downloads the metadata for the corresponding legislative documents downloaded by The metadata is extracted from the EU publications office's CELLAR SPARQL interface. If any information is missing in CELLAR, it alternatively tries to scrape the information from the EURLEX webpage for that legislation. The resulting metadata is stored in an output CSV file. Below is a table describing the metadata we extract for this project:

# metadata description example value other possible values
1 celex CELEX identifier for legislation 32005R0091 32019D0001
2 author Author of the legislation European Commission European Parliament, Council of European Union
3 responsible_boy EU body or agent responsible for legislation DG01/X/00 SUD./X/00
4 form Type of legislation R (regulation) L (directive), D (decision)
5 title Short textual summary of the major details about the legislation Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1631/82 of 21 June 1982 on the supply of common wheat flour to Somalia as food aido Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1679/82 of 29 June 1982 fixing, for the 1982/83 marketing year, the reference prices for pears
6 addressee Agent to which the legislation is addressed France Germany
7 date_adoption Date when legislation was accepted for implementation 1997-03-11 1976-01-23
8 date_in_force Date when legislation became enforcable (can have multiple values) European Commission 1997-03-11
9 date_end_validity Date when legislation expires 2023-02-02 2023-12-14
10 directory_code Identifier for official policy area of legislation (extracted as HTTP link to RDF description of the policy area)
11 eurovoc EUROVOC keyword classification or categorisation of this legislation's topics Union transit, viticulture, wine, beverage industry ,tobacco, administrative cooperation export (EU), chemical fertiliser, France, inter-company agreement
12 subject_matters EURLEX alternative keyword classification scheme of this legislation's topics Competition, Agreements, decisions and concerted practices Commercial policy, Protective measures


  • Python 3.9.12+
  • A tool for checking out a Git repository.
  • Input CSV file with single column (no header) of CELEX identifiers for EU legislation

Usage steps for

  1. Get a copy of the code:

     git clone
  2. Change into the data-extraction/ directory:

     cd data-extraction/
  3. Create new virtual environment e.g:

     python -m venv path/to/virtual/environment/folder/
  4. Activate new virtual environment e.g. for MacOSX users type:

     source path/to/virtual/environment/folder/bin/activate
  5. Install required libraries for the script in this virtual environment:

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Check the command line arguments required to run the script by typing:

     python -h
     OUTPUT >
     usage: [-h] -in INPUT -htp HTMLPATH -pdp PDFPATH -prp    PROBPATH
     EURLEX PDF and HTML legislative documents downloader
     optional arguments:
     -h, --help            show this help message and exit
     required arguments:
     -in INPUT, --input INPUT
                     Path to input CSV file (single column, no header, list of celex identifiers). Find more info about CELEX identifiers here:
     -htp HTMLPATH, --htmlpath HTMLPATH
                     Path to directory where to store the extracted EU legislative documents from EURLEX ( in HTML format. Each downloaded document will be named only with the CELEX identifier e.g.
     -pdp PDFPATH, --pdfpath PDFPATH
                     Path to directory where to store the extracted EU legislative documents from EURLEX ( in PDF format. Each downloaded document will be named only with the CELEX identifier e.g.
     -prp PROBPATH, --probpath PROBPATH
                     Path to a directory. After execution, this script will write a CSV file called 'problematic-celexes.csv' to this directory containing a list of CELEX identifiers for legislation that could
                     not be downloaded for whatever reason
  7. Example usage:

     python --input path/to/celex_nums.csv --htmlpath path/to/htmls/ --pdfpath path/to/pdfs/ --probpath path/to/problems/

Usage steps for

  1. Get a copy of the code:

     git clone
  2. Change into the data-extraction/ directory:

     cd data-extraction/
  3. Create new virtual environment e.g:

     python -m venv path/to/virtual/environment/folder/
  4. Activate new virtual environment e.g. for MacOSX users type:

     source path/to/virtual/environment/folder/bin/activate
  5. Install required libraries for the script in this virtual environment:

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Check the command line arguments required to run the script by typing:

     python -h
     OUTPUT >
     usage: [-h] -in INPUT -out OUTPUT
     EURLEX PDF and HTML legislative documents metadata downloader
     optional arguments:
     -h, --help            show this help message and exit
     required arguments:
     -in INPUT, --input INPUT
                             Path to input CSV file (single column, no header, list of celex identifiers). Find more info about CELEX identifiers here:
     -out OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                             Path to a CSV file to store the metadata in e.g. 'path/to/metadata.csv'.
  7. Example usage:

     python --input path/to/celex_nums.csv --output path/to/metadata.csv

Copyright (2023) Kody Moodley, The Netherlands eScience Center

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.