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@nberger nberger released this 27 Mar 12:37
· 32 commits to master since this release

This is a major, breaking-changes release

  • Logger protocol and messages multimethod ("printer") were replaced with :transform-fn and :log-fn options
  • No default coloring (coloring can be added through the transform-fn)
  • "Logs as data": Log messages are simple clojure maps now. This makes it easy to transform to different
    final representations: string, colored string, JSON, EDN, etc.

Some rationale behind this release: #30

Example using timbre and clansi for coloring:

  (require '[clansi.core :as ansi])
  (require '[timbre.core :as timbre])
  (require '[ring.logger :refer [wrap-with-logger]])
  (-> handler
      (wrap-with-logger {:log-fn (fn [{:keys [level throwable message]}]
                                   ;; log using timbre instead of
                                   (timbre/log level throwable message))
                         :transform-fn (fn [log-item]
                                         (if (get-in log-item [:message :status])
                                           ;; colorize the status code
                                           (update-in log-item
                                                      [:message :status]
                                                      (fn [status]
                                                        (apply ansi/style
                                                          (str status)
                                                            (< status 300)  [:default]
                                                            (>= status 500) [:bright :red]
                                                            (>= status 400) [:red]
                                                            :else           [:yellow]))))

New features

  • Apart from wrap-with-logger, 3 additional middlewares are provided to make it easier to choose what to log:
    • wrap-log-request-start: logs the arrival of a request, adds :ring.logger/start-ms key to the request map
    • wrap-log-request-params: logs the parameters, using redaction to hide sensitive data
    • wrap-log-response: logs the response time and status, along with other data to identify the request. Uses
      :ring.logger/start-ms from the request map or calls (System/currentTimeMillis) by itself.