Admittance control law to generate desired motion of an end-effector (twist), given a desired control wrench and external wrench for a robotic arm that is not torque-controlled (i.e. velocity or position controlled).
Such a controller is necessary to use impedance-control-like laws and provide compliant human-robot-interaction when the velocity/position controlled robot arm is equipped with an external force/torque sensor.
The current implementation has been tested on a UR10 velocity-controlled robot equipped with a robotiq FT 300 force torque sensor. The arm is part of the Robbie Yuri robot of the Interactive Robotics Group (IRG), MIT which is an older version of the Care-O-Bot platform series.
The current implementation is being tested on a Mitsubishi position-controlled robot equipped with a Mitsubishi force torque sensor. The robot is part of the MIT-Mitsubishi collaboration.
Disclaimer: Parts of this code was originally forked from ridgeback_ur5_controller which is a repo used to control a Clearpath robotic platform with a UR5 from the LASA laboratory at EPFL. Plenty modifications have been made in order to work with a standalone robotic arm.
Maintainer: Nadia Figueroa (nadiafig AT mit dot edu)
This package is licensed under MIT license.