This document describes how to create custom blast databases using Docker container.
docker run \
-v /home/raytseli/google-key.json:/etc/google-key.json \
-v /home/raytseli/t.prot:/tmp/t.prot \
ncbi/makeblastdb4cloud \ \
prot \
/tmp/t.prot \
gs://yan-customdb-test/d5 \
aprot5 \
"protein database 5"
docker run
-- invocation of the Docker container
-v /home/raytseli/google-key.json:/etc/google-key.json
-- This parameter maps external to docker file, /home/raytseli/google-key.json, to the file /etc/google-key.json accessible in the docker container.
The file must contain authentication credentials which allow the read/write access to the GCS bucket used to place custom blast databases.
Note that the process running in the docker expects that credentials file will be found at /etc/google-key.json, so the external to docker file
must be mapped to this specific location. If this parameter is not passed to docker, or the credentials in the file are invalid for read/write
access to GCS bucket, the process will fail unless the GCS bucket in question is publicly readable and writable
(see Google documentaion on setting GCS bucket permissions).
-v /home/raytseli/t.prot:/tmp/t.prot
-- This parameter maps external to docker sequence file, /home/raytseli/t.prot, to the file /tmp/t.prot accessible in the docker container.
The file must contain either sequence ids, one per line, or sequences in FASTA format.
-- This parameter is used to retrieve from docker hub the docker image used for creating docker container.
-- This parameter invokes the main driver script within docker container used for custom database creation.
-- sequence type, either prot or nucl.
-- sequence file as specified by the file mapping above.
-- GCS bucket and directory where custom daatabase will be placed.
If only GCS bucket is specified, then the script will create a new directory in this bucket with the current timestamp as the name.
-- name of the custom database.
"protein database 5"
-- optional database title. If title is not provided, it will be the same as the database name.